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See also     Gun Vibhaag and Karm Vibhaag

Indriyaan means senses. There are ten Indriyaan and above them is Man (mind) which controls them.

There are five Gyaan Indriyaan which help us in attaining knowledge, and there are five Karm Indriyaan which help us in doing our Karm (actions).

Five Gyaan Indriyaan are: (1) Eyes by which we see, (2) Ears by which we hear, (3) Skin by which we touch, (4) Nose by which we smell, and (5) Tongue by which we taste. These five Gyaan Indriyaan have their pleasures also: Eyes want to see good beautiful things; Ears want to hear sweet talks, or music; Skin wants to touch soft things; Nose wants to smell sweet smells, fragrances etc; and Tongue wants to taste good food and to talk. When a person becomes a slave of even one Indriya, he goes astray, because he cannot control himself to stop enjoying that pleasure.

That is why our Hindu Dharm first teaches to control these Indriyaan so that one can ignore the worldly pleasures, because your mind can go only to two sides - either to the world or to God. It means if you want to love God, you must leave to love this world.

Five Karm Indriyaan are: (1) Hands by which we do our Karm (actions), (2) Feet by which we walk, (3) Anus by which we excrete, (4) Mouth by which we eat and drink, (5) Reproduction organ by which procreation is performed.

And all these Indriyaan are controlled through Man (mind).

According to Bhaagvat 2/2 These Indriyaan have their Devtaa also. Their names are - Dishaa (directions), Vaayu (air), Soorya (Sun), Varun, Ashwinee Kumaar, Agni, Indra, Vishnu, Mitra, and Prajaapati.
Senses. Indriyaan in Hindi language is plural. Its singular word is Indriya. There are 10 Indriyaan - five Karm Indriyaan (organs of action) by which we do our Karm and five Gyaan Indriyaan (enses) by which we gather knowledge. Five Karm Indriyaan are hands, feet, excretion system, reproductive organ, and  --.  Five Gyaan Indriyaan are eyes (which see), ears (which hear), nose (which smells), tongue (which tastes), and skin (which feels). Since mind is their controller and is always with them while they are at work, it is also included in them. Thus there are 11 Indriyaan. There are 11 Devtaa, one for each Indriya.

Gun Vibhaag and Karm Vibhaag

Now all these ten Indriyaan, their five pleasures, three Gun (Sat, Raj, and Tam), Maayaa's five Mahaabhoot (fire, air, earth, water and sky), Man (mind), Buddhi (intelligence), Ahankaar all jointly are called "Gun Vibhaag" and their actions are called "Karm Vibhaag". Vibhaag means division or sections.
When somebody knows Aatmaa (soul), which is separate from "Gun Vibhaag" and "Karm Vibhaag", he is said to know about Tattwa (element).


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Created by Sushma Gupta on 3/15/06
Updated on 06/15/12