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(1) Price.  (2) Value.

Another name of Krishn given to Him when He was bound by rope by His mother Yashodaa. Read its full story here - Bhaagvat Puraan, 10/p4

Daamodar Maas
Adhik Maas. Additional month of Hindoo lunar calendar to adjust with solar calendar. 

(1) Donation.  (2) Giving without taking anything in exchange of it.

Daanav   see also   Narakaasur
A class of Asur, Daitya, or Raakshas or demons. Descendents of Kasshyap and Danu. Since these descendents were wicked, the term denotes for demon. They are 61, of which 18 are principal.

Burning, such as Lankaa Dahan - burning of Lankaa.

Daitya   see also    Daitya and Asur
Descendents of Kashyap and Diti. They were wicked and hence the term Daitya means Raakshas (demon).

(1) Creator or Vidhaataa.  (2) Divine.

Daivee Gaayatree
According to Padm Puraan, p 924, "Daivyekam" - according to this Pingal Sootra, 1-letter or a Chhand of 1-Pad of 8-letters is Daivee Gaayatree Mantra. According to 1-letter, Pranav Mantra (Aum) is considered as Daivee Gaayatree Mantra; and according to the second meaning any 8-letter Mantra may be called Daivee Gaayatree Mantra. Both Daivee Gaayatree Mantra are called "Ekaaksharaa" and "Ek-Padaa" Gaayatree respectively. The 24-letter famous Gaayatree is called "Tri-Padaa Gaayatree" because of consisting of 3-Pad (3 Charan or 3 lines) of 8 letters each.

(1) South direction.  (2) Right side.


There are two practices to realize God - Dakshinaachaar and Vaamaachaar. In Dakshinaahaar practices, the Upaasak lives in a Saattwik ways, eats Saattwik food, worships in day time, sitting in Yaugik Aasan etc etc. Vaamaachaar practices are those which take odd paths to realize God. Under these practices, the Upaasak does all kinds of odd things, such as living alone, eating fish or meat daily, sitting in Shamashaan (cremation ground), sitting on a dead body, offering sacrifices by killing animals etc etc.

This is one of the three sacred Fires which is placed in the South by a householder. According to Devee Bhaagvat, he is one of the three sons of Agni Dev and Swaahaa (Devee's one form) - Gaarhapatya Agni (the fire worshipped in the home), Dakshinaagni (the fire placed in the South) and Aahvaaneeya Agni (the sacred fire lit for a specific spiritual purpose, means Yagya). It is the same Agni in which Maharshi Bhrigu offered the Aahuti and produced thousands of Ribhu Devtaa to fight with Shiv's people. It is the same Agni from which Twashtaa produced Krityaa to take revenge of his son Vishwaroop from Indra.



D pronounced as in Devtaa. (1) Control on Indriyaan.  (2) power or might.

Repressing, such as Kaaliya Daman - repressing Kaaliya Naag.

A tiny drum of the shape of hourglass. Shiv carries Damaroo in one of his hands.

Vivek - power to discriminate the real and unreal, coupled with dispassion

(1) Punishment.  (2) Scepter or rod.  (3) Measurement of time - 24 minutes. Called as Ghatikaa or Ghadee also.

Aperture.  Rift.  Crack.  Split.

Darbhaa Grass
Darbhaa is another name of Kush grass.

(1) Pain. (2) Anguish.


Das Mahaa-vidyaa

(1) 10-horse sacrifice.   (2) In Vaaraanasee, there is a famous Ghaat (place of taking bath) named Dashaashwamedh.

Adopted, such as Dattak Putra means adopted son.

Day   see   Vaar

Kindness. Mercy.



(1) Poor. (2) Badly off. (3) Benign. (4) Forlorn. (5) Indigent. (6) Wicked. (7) Needy. (8) Heavy. (9) Piteous. (10) Pitiable. (11) Lowly. (12) Indignant. (13) Humble. (14) Cowardly. (15) Unhappy.

Deep or Deepak

(1) Region.  (2) Country.

Derivatively the term means radiant. It is used for God, a deity, one of god's Divine power. Mahaadev is used for Shiv. Indradev is used for Indra, the god of rain. In the sense of angel or a Divine being there can be 33 Dev. Dev is an Indo-European word with equivalents of Divine in English, deus in Latin, and Devas in Lithuanian. Dev also means Devtaa. The English word deity is derived from Devtaa.

Another name of Naarad Jee.

Devtaa like qualities.

Devee    see also    Durgaa

Devee Mahaatmya
The greatness of Devee - a poem in Maarkandeya Puraan which describes triumph of Durgaa over Raakshas. It is also called Durgaa Saptshatee and is recited by the worshippers of Durgaa.


Devtaa in Ved

Devtaa Nagaree
(1) Chandramaa lives in Vibhaavaree Puree, located to the north of Meru Parvat.
(2) Yam Raaj lives in Sanyamanee Puree located to the south of Meru Parvat.
(3) Indra lives in Devadhaanee Puree located to the east of Meru Parvat. His Amaraavatee Nagaree in Swarg is also famous. 
(4) Varun lives in Nimlochanee Puree located to the west of Meru Parvat.
(5) Brahmaa lives in Brahm Lok.
(6) Shiv lives on Kailaash Parvat.
(7) Vishnu lives in Ksheer Saagar.
(8) Kuber lives on Kailaash Parvat.

(1) Dwelling place. (2) World (Lok). For example Vishnu Lok and Visnu Dhaam are same in meaning - means where Vishnu lives. There are three Dhaam in India. (1) A-Dwait Dhaam (Jagannaath Puree - here all types of differences get disappeared), (2) Moksh Dhaam (Kaashee - whoever dies here attains Moksh) and (3) Aanand Dhaam (Vrindaa Van - this is the place where one feels joy).

Dhaaran (Geetaa, 18/33)   see also    Dhyaan
(1) Holding. (2) Retention. (3) Maintaining. (4) It is a process of Yog in which one concentrates or fixes one's mind on something. To involve mind, Praan and Indriyaan in singing Bhagavaan's glory, meditation, and Nish-Kaam Karm to attain Bhagavaan is called Dhaaran.

Dhaaranaa   see also   Ashtaang Yog
(1) To bear something. (2) To have a concept of something.

Who feeds and nourishes.

Dhaatu   see also   Names of Metals
Metal, such as gold, silver etc.

The sixth note of North Indian music. There are seven notes in North Indian music - Shadaj, Rishabh, Gandhaar, Madhyam, Pancham, Dhaivat, and Nishaad.

(1) Money.  (2) Wealth.   There are several types of Dhan, for example Yasho Dhan, Putra Dhan, Stree Dhan, etc.

(1) Bow.  (2) One of the 12 Signs through which Soorya passes in one year - Saggittarius.

Dhanur Maas
Paush Maas' another name.

(1) Bow.  (2) Length measurement.

Dhanvantari is one of the 14 Ratn (gems) coming out of the Ksheer Saagar Manthan when Dev and Asur churned the sea to get Ambrosia (Amrit). He was appointed as Devtaa's Vaidya (doctor) since he knew all kinds of medicines. He is the father of Indian Aayurveda.


Dharm, Arth, Kaam Moksh       see        Purushaarth

Dharm Shaastra

Dharm Sootra    see   Sootra

Thorn Apple.   Its seeds and leaves are poisonous. Its flowers and leaves are offered Shiv.

Puchchhal Taaraa.  Comet.

A thick paste of sweet smelling materials formed in soft sticks. These sticks are used to burn while worshipping Bhagavaan. A similar kind of material is smeared on a wooden stick and dried and is burned for its fragrance. It is called Agar Battee (incense stick) also. This can be inserted into a hole to keep it straight, but the Dhoop has to be fixed on a flat place like a plate. Agar Battee takes less time to ignite, in comparison to Dhoop Battee.

(1) Consistency.  (2) Steadiness.  (3) Firmness.  (4) Firmness of mind.  (5) Satisfaction.  (6) Patience.

(1) One with firm empire.  (2) Name of the blind king of Hastinaapur in the Bharat Vansh, father of Duryodhan and Dushaasan etc 100 sons.

Dhruv Taaraa


Dhyaan    see also    Ashtaang Yog,   Dhaaran
This is also a stage of Yog, the next to Dhaaran. To meditate. to abstract one's mind from surrounding objects. First is Dhaaran then comes Dhyaan.

Diamond        see also      Nava Ratn

It is a compound word Dik + Ambar. Dik means Dishaa (direction) and Ambar means Aakaash (sky). So Digambar means "whose clothes are of sky", means "naked."

Dishaa.  Direction.

Dikpaal or Digpaal

Directions. There are 10 directions - 4 are main - Poorv (East), Dakshin (South) Pashchim (West), and Uttar (North); and 4 are in between them - Agni or Aagneya (south-east), Nairritya (south-west), Vaayavya (north-west), and Eeshaan (north-east); and 2 more - one above in sky and one below on earth.

Distance Measurement

Divine Weapons

Divine.  Supernatural.

Divya Drishti
Divine gaze, or celestial gaze which is achieved by practice of the process Hath Yog called Traatak. The Yogee, without winking, gazes at some minute object until tears start flowing from his eyes. Practice in Traatak secures Divya Drisht.

Donation    see     Daan

Doorvaa   see    Kush Grass

(1) Legate. (2) Messenger. (3) Envoy. (4) Angel of God. (5) Emissary. (6) Courier. (7) Ambassador. 


(1) Name of an Aachaarya who taught weaponery to Kaurav and Paandav.  (2) In MBH 1/10, this word is used for a vessel in which Bharadwaaj Muni kept his semen which fell after seeing Ghritaachee Apsaraa and Dronaachaarya was born from it. A wooden vessel.  (3) Measurement of weight in ancient India.


Durgaa      see also      Durgaa's Names
The most popular name of Paarvatee, the consort of Shiv. Durgaa is Shiv's power. Popularly known as Devee.

Durgaa Saptshatee
A poem in Maarkandeya Puraan which describes triumph of Durgaa over Raakshas. It is also called Durgaa Saptshatee and is recited by the worshippers of Durgaa.

(1) Difficult to conquer.  (2) The eldest son of Dhritraashtra.

12th day of one Paksh of the month.

Dwaapar Yug    see     Yug
The third of the four divisions of time - Sat Yug, Tretaa Yug, Dwaapar Yug, and Kali Yug.

Dwait Vaad
In this belief of line, one believes in two forms of Eeshwar - Aatmaa and Paramatmaa.


Who has been reborn. In Hindoo Dharm a Sanskaar is performed to make the baby reborn as Hindu. Until this Sanskaar is performed the child is not Hindu. And this Sanskaar is performed for Braahman, Kshatriya and Vaishya children.

(1) Who are born twice. There are four Varn - Braahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shoodra. The first three Varn are called Dwij - because their first birth is from their mother and their second birth is by Upanayan Sanskaar - by sacred thread consecration.. Because of these two reasons these three Varn people get the status of Dwij.
(2) Whose all Sanskaar, from birth to death are performed according to Ved, are called Dwij.

Dyoot or Dyoot Kreedaa


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Created by Sushma Gupta on 3/15/06
Updated on 02/11/14