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1-Brahm Puraan

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1-Rohiee and Chandramaa

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1-Rohinee and Chandramaa

The 27 daughters of Daksh, who were married to Som are known as the constellations - Nakshatra (stars). Out of these 27 daughters, Chandramaa had special affinity with Rohinee. After observing the special affinity to Rohinee, other daughters complained to Daksh abut his indifference to them. At this Daksh called Chandra and warned him and said that he should not discriminate among his wives. But who hears? Chandramaa continued to love Rohinee more than his other wives.

Chandramaa still continued his affinity with Rohinee. Again the daughters complained to Daksh. Daksh became very angry with his son-in-law and this time he cursed him to be bodiless. Although Chandramaa repented, but curse could not be taken back. The curse was transformed that he will gain full body in fifteen days and again become bodiless in fifteen days. Chandra had to be satisfied with this. These two days when he has got full body is called Poornimaa (or Pounami, Poornmaasee, or Poonam) and on the day when he has no body is called Amaavasyaa (or Amaavas). CHandramaa's "Vriddhi Kshayam" (Growing and reducing) is explained so in this Itihaas (history).

With all these things, still Chandramaa retained some more affinity with Rohini. It was ignored later. In many temples we can see the idol of Chandramaa with Rohinee only. In Astrology also Chandramaa gets exalted in the Edavaa Raashi (Vrishabh Raashi) at Rohinee star. Lord Krishn is born in Rohinee star on Ashtamee Tithi. Hence we celebrate Ashtamee Rohinee.

Although Chandramaa got married to 27 daughters of Daksh, and sage Kashyap was also married to Daksh's 13 daughters, but still the off springs of Kashyap were many more than Chandramaa, and thus different species have been attributed to be originated by Kashyap in our mythology. This Kashyap is the same Kashyap, who is the son of Brahmaa's son Mareechi.



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Created by Sushma Gupta on 3/15/05
Updated on 04/23/13