Puraan | 17-Garud Puraan

1-Brahm Puraan2-Padm Puraan3-Vishnu Puraan4-Shiv Puraan5-Bhaagvat Puraan,
6-Naarad Puraan7-Maarkandeya Puraan8-Agni Puraan9-Bhavishya Puraan,
10-Brahm Vaivart Puraan11-Ling Puraan,   12-Vaaraah Puraan13-Skand Puraan,
14-Vaaman Puraan,   15-Koorm Puraan16-Matsya Puraan17-Garud Puraan18-Brahmaand Puraan


17-Garud Puraan

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Although prayer may be said in any way but the best prayer to Vishnu is reciting His 1,000 names (Vishnu Sahstra Naam). The whole Vishnu Sahastra Naam is given here. A few names have been repeated but otherwise they are close to 1,000 names. Who recite it everyday, their all wishes are fulfilled. Braahman can live with Vishnu, Kshatriya can win battles, Vaishya can get wealthy and Shoodra are never unhappy.



Home | Puraan | 17-Garud


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Created by Sushma Gupta on 3/15/05
Updated on 04/23/13