Dictionary Of Hindu Religion | Genealogies


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This section lists various genealogies mentioned in various scriptures, especially in Puraan, as they are its main part, still each Puraan gives some different description. First it should be understood well that all Vansh, be it Soorya Vansh or Chandra Vansh, were started from Manu. Manu had 10 sons and those 10 sons had their own Vansh; still only two Vansh are main because other Vansh have extinguished at one point or the other.

One dash after the name shows that the next name is the son of the previous one;
While two dashes show that the next name is not the son of the previous one, but is born in the same family after a few generations


(1) Ikshwaaku Vansh (Bhavishya Puraan) - Soorya Vansh in Sat Yug
Ikshwaaku Vansh and Soorya Vansh are the same, because Ikshwaaku was Vaivaswat Manu's son and Vaivaswat Manu was Soorya's (Vivaswaan) son. Its well-known kings are Maandhaataa, Trishanku, Harishchandra, Sagar, Dileep, Bhageerath, Ambareesh, Kalmaashpaad, Sudaas, Saudaas, Khatwaang, Deerghbaahu, and Sudarshan.

(2) Raghu Vansh (Bhavishya Puraan) - Soorya Vansh is called Raghu Vansh in Tretaa Yug.
Raghu Vansh is also Soorya Vansh, but it was called Raghu Vansh in Tretaa Yug. It starts from Sudarshan's (last king of Ikshwaaku Vansh) grandson Raghu.

(3) Ikshwaaku Vansh (Bhaagvat Puraan) - Vikukshi Vansh
Rituparn who was Raajaa Nal's employer is listed here.
Maru who is doing Tapasyaa in Kalaap Graam and who will start Soorya Vansh in next Sat Yug, is listed here.

Raam and Krishn - According to  Bhaagvat Puraan, 9/1-2, from Raam to Brihadwal, who was killed Abhimanyu, there are 25 kings or generations - this means that between Raam and Brihadwal only 25 kings ruled. With the same, sine Raam ruled up to the end of Tretaa Yug and Krishn left Prithvi in the end of Dwaaapr Yug, so there were only 25 Soorya Vanshee kings in Dwaapar Yug.  see 3-Ikshwaaku-Vikukshi Vansh. Thus the names of Soorya Vanshee kings between Raam and Krishn do not match with Padm Puraan, 1-Srishti/9a.

(4) Ikshwaaku Vansh (Bhaagvat Puraan) - Nimi Vansh

(5) Soorya Vansh (Padm Puraan) -
This list gives the Ikshwaaku Vansh as given in MBH also below the list from Padm Puraan, both do not match at all.
Rituparn who was Raajaa Nal's employer is listed here.

Raam and Krishn - According to Padm Puraan, 1-Srishti/9a from Raam to Brihadwal who was killed by Abhimanyu, there are 15 kings or generations - this means that between Raam and Brihadwal only 15 kings ruled. With the same, sine Raam ruled up to the end of Tretaa Yug and Krishn left Prithvi in the end of Dwaaapr Yug, so there were only 15 Soorya Vanshee kings in Dwaapar Yug.  see also  5-Soorya-Padm  Thus the names of Soorya Vanshee kings given in Padm Puraan between Raam and Krishn do not match with Bhaagvat Puraan, 9/1-2,  see also    3-Ikshwaaku-Vikukshi Vansh

(6) Ikshwaaku Vansh (MBH)      see      Soorya Vansh (Padm Puraan)


(11) Chandra Vansh (Bhavishya Puraan) in 2-Tretaa Yug (2nd Leg of Tretaa Yug) -
Chandramaa - Budh - Pururavaa - Aayu - Nahush - Yayaati - Yadu -- Krath - Kuntibhoj -- Samvaran (Married to Soorya's daughter Tapatee) = here ends Tretaa Yug - 2nd Leg.

(12) Chandra Vansh (Bhavishya Puraan) in 3-Dwaapar Yug (3rd Leg of Dwaapar Yug)  -
Samvaran -- no known kings for long time, up to 52 generations - Tans - Dushyant - Bharat -- Shakrahotra - Hastee (Who habited Hastinaapur) -- after 13 generations of Kuru -- after 28 generations of another king Kuru (probably he came again) -- Dileep - Prateep - Shaantanu - Vichitraveerya - Dhritraashtra and Paandu - Duryodhan - Yudhishthir = here ends Dwaapar Yug

Pareekshit (the First king of Kali Yug) - Janamejaya = after Yudhishthir 26 kings' name are listed here.

(14) Chandra Vansh (Bhaagvat Puraan) - 1 -
Atri - Chandramaa - Budh - Pururavaa - (1) Aayu - Khaatravriddh (Vansh given), Nahush - Yayaati - Yadu (Vansh given), Puru -- Dushyant - Bharat - Bharadwaaj -- Hastee (inhabited Hastinaapur) -  Dwimeedh (Vansh given), Purumeedh (Vansh given), and Ajmeedh,  contd. on Next Page......

(15) Chandra Vansh (Bhaagvat Puraan) - 2 -
Contd from Last Page....  Ajameedh (Vansh given) -- Bharmyaashwa - Had 5 sons (Paanchaal) - Mudgal - Ahalyaa (Shataanad -- Sharadwaan - Kripaa and Kripee. and Divaodaas -- Prishat - Drupad.
Ajameedh's second son was Riksh - Sanvaran - Kuru - Jahnu and Sudhanvaa -- Uparichar Vasu - Brihadrath (King of Chedi Desh) -- Jahnu.

(16) Chandra Vansh - Puru Vansh (MBH) -
Daksh - Aditi - Soorya - Manu - Ilaa - Pururavaa -- Nahush - Yayaati - Puru -- Sanyaati -- Jayatsen -- Mahaabhaum -- Akrodhan -- Tanshu - Ileen - Dushyant - Bharat - Bhumanyu -- Hastee -- Samvaran - Kuru -- Anaswaan - Pareekshit - Bheemsen - Prateep - Shaantanu - Vichitraveerya - Dhritraashtra (101 sons - all died) and Paandu (5 sons - Arjun) - Arjun - Abhimanyu - Pareekshit - Janamejaya - Shataaneek - Ashwamedhdatt.

(21) Manu Vansh (Bhaagvat Puraan) -
This list is from the First Manvantar - Swaayambhuv Manvantar

It is interesting to note that
(1) Soorya Vansh of Kosal (Ayodhyaa) ends with Sumitra in Kali Yug. (Bhaagvat Puraan, 9/12/16)

(2) Chandra Vansh of Hastinaapur ends with Kshem in Kali Yug. (Bhaagvat Puraan, 9/22/44)

(3) Magadh Dynasty (from Jaraasandh) flourished up to Gupt Dynasty (80 BC)

Bhavishya Puraan gives the list of future kings of Kali Yug, some of the genealogies are given here --

(51) History of India in Kali Yug -

(52) Chauhaan Vansh
Prithveeraaj Chauhaan

(61) Dushyant and Bharat's Genealogy (MBH)
Dushyant and Bharat's genealogy according to Mahaabhaarat

(100) Miscellanea -
This section gives some interesting variations among some incidents described in our religious books.



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Created by Sushma Gupta on 3/15/06
Updated on 06/29/12