

Home | Inspirational Stories


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Stories are a good means of learning. Here are some such stories for adults.

Inspirational Stories-1

1. Wooden Bowl 2. The Loving Husband
3. Giving Pays 4. True Love
5. Our Family is an Illusion 6. Do not Judge Quickly
7. Who is a Greater Saint 8. Great Saints
9. Enough 10. Change Your Thinking
11. Two Wolves 12. The Evil and the Good
13. Lotus Tots 14. Real Meaning of Peace
15. Square Watermelon 16. An Old men
17. Knowledge Management 18. Power of Love
19. Lakshmee or Saraswatee? 20. Use of Senses
21. Education or Educare? 22. Life is a Laugh
23. Art of Giving 24. Change Your Attitude
25. Buddha's Lesson on Wasting 26. God Never Quits You
27. Satan's Meeting 28. Blind Girl
29. Devine Design 30. Give, Give, Give

Inspirational Stories-2

31. How Can You Help Others 32. Gold and Silver
33. 99 Club 34. Holy Shadow
35. Refining Silver 36. Soofee
37. Guru 38. Saint
39. Peaceful 40. Unrecognized
41. Bad Tongue 42. Set Your Priorities
43. Intelligent Boy 44. Ability of Management



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Created by Sushma Gupta on May 27, 2001
Modified on 10/02/13