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18-Power of Love

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18-Power of Love

A mighty King was returning home after being victorious in a gruesome battle. He had captured the crown prince of the neighboring kingdom and had killed the King. The King was crossing a jungle. He needed to take rest in the night. So the army halted there for the evening. Nearby was a hermitage. The king decided to pay his respects to the sage there. He sent his Minister and some soldiers to that hermitage to seek an audience. They told the disciples there, "Our Mahaaraaj wants to meet the sage." The disciples said, "Guru Jee has retired for the day, you can see him now tomorrow."

The next morning the King came to the hermitage dressed in his royal finery, accompanied by his ministers and attendants. The sage was sitting under a tree and was scattering Baajaraa seeds (millet grains) all around. Hundreds of birds of different kinds were eating those grains and the sound of their twittering filled the air. The King walked up to the sage, but the sage did not look up.

The King said, "Pranaam, Guru Jee." No answer.
He spoke louder, "Pranaam, Guru Jee." Still, no answer.
"Guru Jee, I said Pranaam." he said in an angry voice.
The sage looked up and said, "Stop shouting, you are scaring the birds."

That made the King even more furious, he shouted, "Do you know who I am?"
The sage said calmly, "Yes, I do. You are the one who kills for the love of power. You are the one who knows not that this power is temporary. One day another King shall kill you in the same way as you kill others. Only the love of power shall bring about your downfall.".

The King filled with rage. He said, "Your impertinence is intolerable. I shall behead you just now." And he drew out his sword and raised it to strike the sage.

In an instant, hundreds of birds flew up and attacked the King. They poked their beaks into his face, his eyes and his arms and all over. The King moved his arms up and around to ward off the birds. But the birds wouldn't leave him. The sage said to birds, "Leave him, Leave him. Come to me my dears." All the birds at once became quiet and sat meekly at the feet of the sage.

The sage said, "All I ever gave these birds is love. Oh King, Realize the power of love. The love of power has blinded you and brought you to the level of a killer. These birds would have killed you, if I had not stopped them. They stopped only because they love me. I rule over them like a King rules his public, but the only power I ever exercise over them is the power of love, not the love of power, and that is the greatest power on this Earth."

Love is the most important thing in the life. It's not what you gather, but what you scatter through love that tells what kind of life you have lived!



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Created by Sushma Gupta on May 27, 2001
Modified on 10/01/13