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An astrological chart is a map of planets located in the Heavens at any specific time. Various charts have various purpose to serve, that is why there are several types of charts according to their relevance --

(1) Birth Chart (Natal Chart) - Or Lagna Patrikaa. This chart is made with the Rising Sign at the time of the birth of the native. This is for the purpose of individual's progression.
(2) Raashi Chart (Moon Chart) - Or Chandra Kundalee. This chart is made making the Moon sign as Ascendent.
(3) Prashn Chart - This chart is made at the time the native has asked to question.
(4) Horary Chart -
(5) Varg Chart - They are called Ansh Chart also. Their purpose is to go deeper into the time to predict something.
(6) Gochar Chart - Or Transit Chart
(7) Chalit or Bhaav Chaalit Chart -
(8) Sudarshan Chart - Sudarshan Chakra (combo of Raashi and Lagna and Soorya) helps in general assessments of individuals and is derivative of Lagna and Janma Patrikaa known as Kundalee.
(9) Padm Chakra -  Padm Chakra is Tantra based and it's study helps along with mundane aspects for specific place and purpose. The term Padm Chakra is not general like Tantra and Naadee Jyotish is applied and used.
(10) Koorm Chakra - Koorm Chakra takes into account the Nakshtra and reflects on Bhaav and their Adhipati (Lords). otherwise refereed by some Chalit or Bhaaav Chaalit charts. It does not speak of Signs. It is used for individual as well as mundane purpose. When used for specific purpose of an individual it helps to know and ascertain contradictions.

Vinshottaree Dashaa Starts from Moon, Lagna, Sun

Standard reference for Vinshottaree Dashaa is the Moon (the mind) but it also can be started from other references as well, which are Lagna and Sun. Moon, Lagna and Sun are the three most important references in Moola Dashaa - the most important planetary period ruling or at least influencing our life - and Mool Dashaa starts from the strongest of these three references. Although the strongest of Moon, Lagna and Sun is the most important starting point, calculations from both other references can be made as well and give additional information. This applies to Vinshottaree as well: it is reasonable to start it from Lagna and Sun as well.

Kaal Chakra Dashaa can be started from Lagna as well. When starting Vinshottaree Dashaa from Lagna or Sun, counting of Bhaav must be done from the respective reference point, 'Lagna' when starting from Lagna and 'Sun' when starting from the Sun.

Standard Vinshottaree Dashaa - started from Moon - is to be analyzed and interpreted firstly "from Moon" because this is the reference point in natal chart.

This is the secret:
(1) When you start Vinshottaree (or Mool or Kaal Chakra Dashaa) with reference to natal Moon, "counting from Moon in Raashi" is more important.
(2) When you start Vinshottaree (or Mool or Kaal Chakra Dashaa) with reference to natal Lagna, "counting from Lagna in Raashi" is more important.
(3) When you start Vinshottaree (or Mool Dashaa) with reference to natal Sun, "counting from the Sun in Raashi" is more important.

The nine above given steps of interpretation are valid as well, making of entry charts is always essential.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 10/31/2012