Dwaarakaa Puree
It is one of the seven holy
cities - Ayodhyaa (UP), Mathuraa (UP), Haridwaar (Uttaraakhand), Kaashee or Vaaraanasee or
Banaaras (UP), Kaanchee (Tamilnaadu), Avantee or Ujjain (MP), Dwaarakaa (Gujaraat)
and It is one of the four Dhaam. It is a city surrounded by sea. The others are
Badaree Naath Jee in UP, Raameshwaram (in Tamilnadu), and Jagannaath Puree (in Udeesaa).
Krishn got it built by Vishwakarmaa when He wanted to save Mathuraa people from
Jaraasandh, that is why it was built inaccessible to him in the midst of the sea. It
was sunk at His order in the sea as He left this world.
Some Facts About Dwaarakaa According to Bhaagvat
is a controversial place. Whatever Bhaagvat Puraan gives its description
at scattered places in different contexts is given here. Some general
facts are that
took His all people there from Mathuraa with the fear of Jaraasandh
--Krishn had already eight wives.
--Later He added His 16,100 wives after He had killed Bhaumaasur.
--He had 10 sons each from His each wife. (161,080 children excluding
Krishn and His 16,108 queens)
--Its length and breadth was 48 Kos (108 miles)
[Bhaagvat Puraan, 10/u18]
--It had 900,000 silver palaces.
--Krishn owned more than 16,000 palaces. They were all built by Vishwakarmaa.
[Naturally one each for all His wives]
--He donated 13,084 cows daily.
[Where these
cows were kept, and who would take them daily? If one Braahman will take
even one cow daily, how he will manage those cows even after a few days?
The number of Aachaarya may justify this number.]
--A strange man comes in the court and says to Krishn - "Some
20,000 kings have not accepted Jaraasnadh's leadership, now they are
requesting you to help them. They say that you have defeated him 17
times, only one time you allowed him to win."
[Krishn defeated Jarasandh 17 times,
Bhaagvat, 10/u1, each time he came with 23 Akshauhinee army. How come that he
had so much army that he could come with 23 Akshauhinee army each time for 17 times?
And in MBH war there were only 18 Akshauhinee people in both armies?]
[Bhaagvat Puraan, 10/u35]
--There were 38 million (3 Crore and 80 Lakh) Aachaarya (teachers) to teach Yadu princes, and
--Ugrasen had 1,000 Trillion (10 Neel) soldiers in his army.
[Where did all these people
live on that small piece of land?]