Raam Charit Maanas | 7-Uttar Kaand
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16-Gyaan and Bhakti |
Garud Jee felt very obliged and said - "Kindly tell me one thing more, saints, Muni, Ved, Puraan say that there is nothing more valuable than Gyaan. Muni told you the same Gyaan, but you didn't respect it over Bhakti. What is the difference between Gyaan and Bhakti? Please explain that to me clearly." Kaagbhushundi Jee said - "Hey Garud Jee, There is no difference between Gyaan and Bhakti. Both destroy sorrows of this world. But Muni tell some differences, listen to them carefully. Hey Hari Vaahan, Gyaan, Vairaagya (detachment), Yog, and Vigyaan (elemental knowledge), they are all masculine. Masculine power is very great while woman (Maayaa), by nature, is very weak and by birth, is fool. Only those men can leave woman who are detached from the world and stable minded; not the lusty men who are under the control of worldly pleasures. Sometimes even those Gyaanee Muni get attracted to the beautiful face of woman. In fact Vishnu Bhagvaan's Maayaa appears in woman's form. I am not favoring any side, but as Ved, Puraan and saints say that one woman is not attracted to another woman. Now you listen to the other part, that both Maayaa and Bhakti are feminine. All of us know that. Bhakti is dear to Raghuveer, while Maayaa only dances on His tune. Because Raghunaath Jee favors Bhakti, that is why Maayaa is always scared of Raam's Bhakt. She cannot harm His Bhakt. Following this idea Gyaanee Muni (learned saints) ask for Raam's Bhakti only. Nobody knows Raghunaath's this secret. There is one another difference between Gyaan and Bhakti. Jeev (soul) is the part of Eeshwar therefore He is immortal, conscious, sinless, and a source of joy by nature. But, being under the control of Maayaa He Himself is bound. Thus a knot is created between unconscious and conscious. Although this knot is meaningless, but it is difficult to untie. Since then Jeev has become worldly (and wanders in birth and death cycles in this world). Now neither this knot is untied, nor the Jeev becomes joyful. Although Ved and Puraan have suggested many ways to untie this knot, but it doesn't get untied, rather it gets more complex. Jeev is in so much darkness that He cannot see the knot, that is why He cannot open it. Only Eeshwar can open it through Gyaan. But then Maayaa presents many obstacles at the time of untying that. She sends Riddhi, Siddhi to attract people. If the Gyaanee comes out of that trap then Devtaa come to present problems through senses. When they see pleasures coming in, they open their windows and let those pleasure come in through the senses, because Devtaa do not like Gyaan and mind is naturally attracted to pleasures. Then how to attain Gyaan? Gyaan is difficult to explain, understand and execute. And if by any chance one attains Gyaan, then it is difficult to retain it. Gyaan Maarg (path) is like a sword with two blades and it doesn't take much time to be distracted from this path. As water cannot stay without land, in the same way the joy of Moksh cannot be separated from the joy of Bhakti. Thinking thus Hari Bhakt discards Mukti. "I am the servant and Bhagavaan is my master", without this feeling one cannot cross this world sea. This was the theory of Gyaan, now you listen to the glory of Bhakti. Raam's Bhakti is like Chintaa Mani (a gem which fulfills wishes). Its light spreads all over without any support. First, there is natural light of Mani; second, since Mani (gem is a kind of wealth) is there, poverty doesn't come near; third, since Mani is self-lighted, there is no place for greed. Although everybody knows about this Mani still one cannot get it without the grace of Raam."
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Created by Sushma Gupta on May 27, 2002
Modified on 06/09/11