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By Vinay Jha

D-20 chart needs very accurate birth time, otherwise one will get very wrong results because in D-20 errors in birth time is accentuated 20 times. Another problem with higher divisional charts like D20 is that Drik Siddhaant (modern physical astronomy) gives accurate positions of physical planets but divisional charts become almost meaningless. Use of SS (Soorya Siddhaant) in following manner gives consistently satisfactory results. Both Drik Siddhaant and SS in JHora (7.52 and higher versions, currently 7.61), and Kundalee software of Vinay Jha since 2003 AD, give satisfactory results.

Vinshottaree Dashaa of a divisional chart should be made according to the lunar asterism (Nakshatra) of that divisional. The SS mentions Varshesh (Lord of the year) calculations on the basis of solar year but does not mention Tithi Pravesh. it is risky to test higher divisional charts like D-20 on the basis of unreliable data. One minute of inaccuracy in birth time results in many days (about 5) of error in Vinshottaree timing for D-1, and for D-20 this error increases by 20 times.

D-20 chart is mainly used for Upaasanaa (worship, meditation, Tapasyaa, devotion, etc.). Its Vinshopak Bal is smaller than that of D-1. Hence, D-20 chart will work only when its current Vinshottaree planets are stronger than the relevant current Vinshottaree planets of D-1.

This principle works in all divisional charts, for instance, if one wants to know whether he/she will get through an exam or not, and faces the problem of D-1 results differing from the results of D-24. eg, if D-1's Vinshottaree planets say that you will get through while D-24's Vinshottaree planets are bad; then, compare the main strength of both results. Main strength is deduced on the basis of a planet's exaltation and debility and residence in friendly or inimical houses and aspects on relevant houses and planets. When main strength is nearly equal, Shad Bal should be used.

The houses in D-20 will be interpreted in standard manner. For instance, 4th House in D-20 will show the place of Upaasanaa, while the 5th house will show the study related to Upaasanaa, and 8th house will show the accidents or illnesses hindering the Upaasanaa, and so on. Like Vinshottaree Dashaa, other Dashaa are also specifically made for D-20. Thus, very detailed results can be obtained for D-20.

Another aspect of D-20 is its list of 20 deities, which are all female. For propitiating a malefic planet in D-20, you may use standard techniques of propitiation of planets, and alternatively you can propitiate the presiding Goddess of that planet. But the exact method of Poojaa of these Vaidik Tantra deities is not elaborated in BPHS. Mostly these female Deities are appreciated for Taantrik purposes including Upaasanaa form of worship (limited to Brahmcharya).

D20 is a part of Shodash Varg group. There are four groups of Varg : Shad Varg, Sapt Varg, Dash Varg and Shodash Varg, which are used for specific purposes. BPHS or other ancient texts do not mention which group should be used for which purpose, but traditionally Pandit use Shad Varg for match-fixing (marriage), Sapt Varg for the same purpose when prospects of offspring also need to be foretold, Dash Varg is for career etc, and Shodash Varg is for all spheres of life.

When divisional charts are made with Drik Siddhaant and are compared with the divisional charts made with Soorya Siddhaant, we find that Drik Siddhaant chart does not give satisfactory charts consistently while SS gives accurate charts which conform with real life events, that is why "divisional charts become almost meaningless made with Drik Siddhaant.

BPHS says that D-20 is used for "Upaasanaayaa vigyaanam saadhyam vinshati bhaagake", ie, the 20th divisional accomplishes the science of Upaasanaa". The list of 20 deities shows only female deities, most of which are peculiar to Tantricism. This is not Vaam Maargee Upaasanaa form of worship using Panch Makaaree and Anti-Brahmacharya, because BPHS includes "Samyat-indriya" (Brahmcharya) as one of the essential qualities of a Jyotishee. Hence, BPHS cannot support Vaam Maargee Taantricism. The Taantrik deities of D-20 must be related to Vaidik Tantra whose exact methods are now obscure, although some texts elaborate these methods in detail for specific goddesses,  for instance, one friend of my Guruji has published the ancient text on Pratyangiraa (a deity of D-20).



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 07/01/2012