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Strength (Bal)-1

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Planets (Graha)-Strength (Bal)-1

Avasthaa (condition) indicate more the quality of a planet. (see Planet-Avasthaa)
Bal (Strength) indicates more the quantity (the strength) of a planet.

A Planet's strength is measured in 6 ways, and that is why it is called Shad Bal - Shad means six and Bal means strength, so Shad Bal means six types of strength.

Note : What is the minimum and what is maximum numbers for both the above as mine has minimum 83 and 159 maximum
What is the simplified purpose / significance of each of the the above - simplified versions?

Shad Bal (six-fold strengths of planets)

Shad Bal means the six-fold source of planetary strength. There are six kinds of potency in the Paaraasharee System. They are:
(1) Sthaan Bal: positional strength of planets
    (1a) Uchch Bal
    (1b) Saptavargaja Bal
    (1c) Ojayyagma Bal
    (1d) Kendra Bal
    (1e) Drekkaan Bal
[Placement in an enemy’s sign, neutral sign, friend’s sign, own sign and in the sign of exaltation – this is the sequence of increasing strengths.] Similar to Veewa Bal if given a rating out of 20, it can be tabulated as -
Sl.   Sign In         Strength
1     Exaltation        20
2    Own sign          18
3    Friend’s sign     16
4    Neutral sign     14
5    Enemy sign       12
6    Debilitation      10
It is well known that strength of a planet is half that of exaltation in debilitation . Thus if 20 is the strength in exaltation then 10 would be the strength in debilitation, and the rest in between.]

(2) Dig Bal: directional strength of planets
(3) Kaal Bal: temporal strength of planets
    (3a) Divaa-raatri Bal
    (3b) Paksh Bal
    (3c) Tribhag Bal
    (3d) Abda Bal
    (3e) Maas Bal
    (3f) Var Bal
    (3g) Horaa Bal
    (3h) Ayan Bal
    (3i) Yuddh Bal
(4) Cheshtaa Bal: motional strength of planets
(5) Naisargik Bal: natural strength of planets
(6) Drik Bal: strength of planets by aspects (Drishti Bal)

Take the total Shad Bal sum for each planet, this is most important information and ignore the single strengths bars for each single Bal.

The following planets are powerful when they reach
Mercury: 9 Roop
Jupiter: 6.5 Roop
Moon, Venus: 5.5 Roop
Saturn, The Sun, Moon: 5 Roop
Shad Bal are measured in Shashtiyaansh or units of 60. 60 Shashtiyaansh make 1 Roop.

This is the most important information Shad Bal provides for you.

Vinshopak Bal and Ansh Bal are differentiating Shad Bal (which includes strengths of planets in Sapt Varg Scheme which includes main chart, Horaa, Drekkaan, Saptaansh, Navaansh, Dwaadashaansh and Trinshaansh).

Various Bal (strength) of 7 Planets

Bal Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Natonnat Bal 19.42 40.58 40.58 60.00 19.42 19.42 40.58
Tribhag Bal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00
Abda Bal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00
Maas Bal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00
Var Bal 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Horaa Bal 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Paksha Bal 12.45 95.09 12.45 12.45 47.55 47.55 12.45
Ayan Bal 3.87 1.77 2.46 59.90 53.84 3.69 21.85
Naisargik Bal 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.70 34.28 42.85 8.57
Oonch Bal 25.18 54.94 50.02 32.37 57.53 13.98 40.06
kendra Bal 30.00 60.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 60.00 60.00
Drekkan Bal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00
Oj Yugmarasyaansh Bal 15.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 30.00 30.00
Sapt Vargaj Bal 86.25 75.00 101.25 55.50 123.75 67.50 52.50
Dig Bal 6.14 30.86 5.85 51.53 19.98 26.07 27.44
Yuddh Bal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00
Cheshtaa Bal 0.00 0.00 2.22 16.39 55.89 38.72 43.61
Drik Bal 12.80 4.25 14.70 12.13 -26.69 21.13 12.80
Total Bal 331.11 428.92 306.67 430.97 475.55 385.91 394.86
Strength in Roop (Total/60) 5.52 7.15 5.11 7.18 7.93 6.43 6.58
Perc Strength (Roop Bal/5) 1.10 1.19 1.02 1.03 1.22 1.17 1.32

QUES:  If these are numbers for the total Bal --
Su - 159
Mo - 121
Ma - 136
Me - 111
Ju - 114
Va - 120
Sa - 083

Then just by looking at the above only, can I know how to see the strength ie what percentage constitutes the following :

1. Very Weak
2. Weak
3. Neutral
4. Strong
5. Very strong
ANS:  In bar summary JHora gives strengths in percentage, so you have to read the data like this:
Sun -        159% strength
Moon -      121% strength
Mars -      136% strength
Mercury - 111% strength
Jupiter -   114% strength
Venus -      120% strength
Saturn -      83% strength

You see, your Sun - 2nd Lord/Lagna - is extremely strong, Saturn is extremely weak.
Mars, Moon and Venus are very strong as well.
A value between 100% - 110% indicates average strength, a value less than 100% makes a planet weak, a value less than 90% extremely weak. This effects the natural and functional (lordship, charakara) significations of a planet. The stronger the Shad Bal value, the stronger the strength of the planet and therefore the stronger the influence a planet can exercise with his Drishti on other planets.

1. Very Weak: less than 90%
2. Weak: less than 100%
3. Neutral - average strength: 100% - 110%
4. Strong: more than 110%
5. Very strong: more than 120%

As Saturn is a malefic, it is not very bad that he is weak, but this could affect your longevity (susceptibility for diseases) and of course it damages its 8th Lordship (longevity problem gets increased - but Saturn as 'problem carrier' due to his extreme weakness will not harm very much you). You see, a weak planet is not always bad - if he is a malefic this can be good!

As Saturn is fully aspecting Capricorn, your 7th Lagna gets damaged as well, but same way, due to his weakness the damage is not too big.

By the way, 1 Roop = 60 Viroop.

The following planets are powerful when they reach
Mercury: 9 Roop (= 540 Viroop)
Jupiter: 6.5 Roop (= 390 Viroop)
Moon, Venus: 5.5 Roop (= 330 Viroop)
Saturn, The Sun, Moon: 5 Roop (= 300 Viroop)

Go to 'Strength', 'Other Strength', in the first table at the top you'll see exact Shad Bal values.

As regards of three types of Bal :
1. Shad Bal-This indicates the strength of planet. If a natural malefic is not the Lord of Angular and Trine houses,  it gives difficulties in its Dashaa periods.
2. Vinshopak Bal (20 point strength) is the measure of the planets' auspiciousness on the scale of 20. If a planet has more than 12.5 Vinshopak Bal, it provide growth in its Dashaa
3. Ashtak Varg Bal is a measure of auspicious influence of all the planets on a house. If a planet is placed in a house with more than 4 and more than 28 auspicious points in its own Ashtak Varg and Sarvaashtak Varg respectively, the auspicious nature of such planet will increase and such planets generally do not harm.

Rashmi Bal
Every planet has his own Rashmi Bal also --
Planet           Rashmi
1 Sun             4
2 Moon          6
3 Mars          1
4 Mercury    3
5 Jupiter      3
6 Venus         3
7 Saturn       3
8 Samudaaya Rashmi = Total Rashmi = 23

How to Measure the Bal of Planets
As regards Bal of planets, the methodology in classics is clearly laid down:
1. Main birth chart is used as Raashi chart. 16 Varg charts are also considered Bhaav chart. It implies that main birth chart acts both as Raashi chart as well as Bhaav chart. A compartmental system is adopted which means that Bhaav is contained in one whole sign.
2. 16 Varg charts are divided in four groups
3. Shad Bal of planets is calculated with the help of Raashi chart and Shad Varg (D-1, D-2, D-3, D-9, D-12, and D-30) only. In any case the planetary strength is, thus far, calculated with the help of Shad Varg only.
3. Vinshopak Bal is calculated for each planets for each group of Varg separately. Its methodology is given in BPHS. This Bal plays an important role in prediction.
4. Ashtak Varg Bal is applied on planets in Raashi chart only. Now many software are available in which Ashtak Varg of each Varg is given separately.

How to Assess the Strength of a Planet in a Birth Chart? :
For Benefic Analysis: check the following
(1) If he is natural Benefic;
(2) If his Lordship is Benefic - (count of house of occupation);
(3) If he is in own sign:
(4) If that planet is in exaltation;
(5) Is that planet debilitated and or retrograded;
(6) Does he occupy his functional friend’s sign;
(7) Does he occupy the Lordship of benefic sign;
(8) Is he parked in natural Benefic Sign;
(9) Is that planet in functional friend’s star;
(10) Is that planet in its own star;
(11) Is he in Lordship of Benefic star;
(12) Is that planet in the Sign of functional friend of Ascendant star;
(13) Is he in association with the Lordship of Benefic or natural Benefic;
(14) Is he natural Malefic in 3rd Bhaav, or 6th Bhaav, or 10th Bhaav or 11th Bhaav
(15) Though natural Benefic not in 12th Bhaav;
(16) If he is Vargottam in Raashi and Navaansh chart;
(17) If he is in exaltation in Navaansh chart;
(18) If he is in his own sign in Navaansh chart;
(19) if he is in functional friend's Sign in Navaansh chart
(20) Joint assessment of similar list of above with the co-parked planets in the same house.

These will lead you to find how friendly and effectively lead to infer the beneficial results in assessing the Dashaa or Bhukti, or Antar-dashaa, or Sookshm Dashaa or Praan Dashaa or Adhi Param Sookshm Dashaa in a Period
--AV Pathi

Application of the Shad Bal
The importance of and the part played by the Shad Bal in the science of horoscopy are manifold. The application of any one particular system depends on the strength and weakness of certain planets and Bhaav. For instance in deciding the Dashaa and Antar-Dashaa (periods and sub-periods) the first period is attributed to the most powerful of the Lagna the Sun and the Moon. Whether the Sun is more powerful or the Lagna is more powerful can be determined only when their respective strengths are known. In portraying the future results indicated by the different Bhaav their strengths are of considerable importance.

Suppose we consider the period of the Sun and Bhukti of the Moon. In order to predict the various results, care should be taken to see which planet more powerful or has greater strength. If the Sun is more powerful than the Moon, then the results likely to happen would be predominantly those indicated by the Sun. If the Moon is more powerful, then during his sub-period the Moon's influence will be felt in preference to that of the Sun even though the latter may be the major Lord. Thus when the Shad Bal are ascertained correctly future prognostications can be ventured with sufficient confidence. The Shad Bal in other words give an account of the assets and liabilities of each house and planet in the horoscope.
Shad Bal are measured in Shashtiyaansh or units of 60. 60 Shashtiyaansh make a Roop.

QUES:  Referring to Shad Bal in JHora : How does one look at Shad Bal when one goes to "show other Shad Bal break-up" the following is available and understand the percentages appearing for the following :

1. Sthaan Bal (Place Strength)
2. Kaal Bal (Temporal Strength)
Note : What is the minimum and what is the maximum numbers for both the above, as mine has min 36 till 217
3. Dig Bal
4. Cheshtaa Bal (Motional Strength)
5. Drig Bal (Aspect Strength)
Note : What is the minimum and what is the maximum numbers for both the above as mine has min -15.4 and max of 18.9
6. Naisargik Bal (Natural Strength)
Note : What is the minimum and what is the maximum numbers for both the above as mine has min 1.1 till 60
7. Shad Bal
Note : What is the minimum and what is the maximum numbers for both the above as mine has min 249 and max 476
8. Shad Bal (Roop)
Note : What is the minimum and what is the maximum numbers for both the above as mine has min 4.2 till 7.9 max
Shad Bal are measured in Shashtiyaansh or units of 60. 60 Shashtiyaansh make 1 Roop.
9. Shad Bal (% of strength)



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 03/26/2013