5-Panchamee Vrat-5th Day Vrat
Agni Puraan, 20
Shraavan Krishn Panchamee - Naag Panchamee
For Naag Panchamee
Shraavan, Bhaadrapad, Aashwin and Kaartik Shukla Panchamee (5th Day), for four
months, one should worship Vaasuki, Takshak, Kaaliya, Manibhadra, Airaavat,
Dhritraashtra, Karkotak and Dhananjaya named Naag. All these Naag bestow
fearlessness, long life, Vidyaa (knowledge), fame, and Lakshmee.
Bhaadrapad Shukla Panchamee - Rishi Panchamee
It is observed on Bhaadrapad Shukla Panchamee.
Padm Puraan, 5/10
lists this Vrat and according to it , this Vrat gives Mukti to Pitar and nullifies
the results of bad Karm in previous life, and sin of touchig menstruating women.
Anybody can do it. According to one Keralite, Rishi Panchamee Poojaa is performed
to appease Kaarttikeya Bhagavaan (Lord Subrahmanya). He is the Lord of the Jyotish
Shaastra. One of the earliest treatises Jyotish is now known as Skand Hora. Women
worship him to get rid of the bad effects during their menstrual cycle period. On
this day women ask for forgiveness for any sin committed during their monthly periods.
In Hindu religion, menstruation is taken as a symbol of impurity and women are not
allowed to take part in religious observances and practices during their periods.
Rishi Panchamee is the occasion to wash of one's impurity.