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Mantra or Gems?

Mantra and Poojaa is superior in effect to Gems and is free too. Mantra and Poojaa involves active use of the Chetanaa, while Gems are passive. This is why I say that Mantra and Poojaa have superior effect.
It has been said that Planets in Kendra from Lagna respond quickly to gem stones, while planets in Kendra from Moon respond quickly to Mantras or sacred spells. I have Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Raahu, Ketu - all in Kendra to Lagna.
Both Mantra and gems are important but are prescribed for different kind of Dosh in the chart. Gems are part of Tantra and are usually given to increase the fortune of the native, whilst Mantra is normally given to help the native with the curses/Bandhan and other major Dosh involving Aatm Kaarak or Lagnesh etc.
It's easy to agree since Mantra is more difficult to perform than simply wearing a ring, and therefore a Mantra would only be prescribed in more serious cases. Alternatives to Gems are useful when a gem cannot be utilized due to conflicts (example: don't wear Emerald and Pearl together, etc.) or due to us not wanting to enhance one planet because of it's negative effect on another. I find Mantras effectively used here. Some other items associated with planets can also improve the influence of the planet. For example, a weak Venus can be strengthened non-destructively to other planets by keeping fresh flowers in the house, etc.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 08/11/2011