Raam Charit Maanas | 4-Kishkindhaa Kaand
4-Kishkindhaa Kaand | |
3-Sugreev's Coronation and Seetaa's Search |
Taaraa, Baali's wife wept bitterly on her husband's death. Raam took away His Maayaa and gave her the Gyaan (spiritual knowledge), that this body is made up of Panch Bhoot - Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Sky. And the same body is lying before you. It is without soul. Soul is immortal so why do you weep for it." Taaraa understood it well. She asked for His Bhakti and went away. Sugreev performed Baali's last rites with the permission of Shree Raam. Shree Raam asked Lakshman to coronate Sugreev as the King of Kishkindhaa, and Baali's son Angad as the Crown Prince. Then he called Sugreev and taught politics saying that "I wouldn't be able to enter city for 14 years therefore Lakshman would perform the ceremony of his coronation. Summer has passed and rainy season is coming. You rule with Angad and keep my work in your mind." Sugreev came back to the city and Raam stayed on Pravarshan Parvat. There Devtaa had already prepared a beautiful cave for Raam, in the anticipation that Shree Raam would come here and stay for some time, so He stayed there in that cave. After the summer, rainy season came and then came the Sharad Ritu. Shree Raam said to Lakshman - "We haven't got any information about Seetaa's whereabouts yet. Only if I could know Her whereabouts, I would have brought Her in one moment. Sugreev also forgot me after getting kingdom, monkeys and wife. I can kill him from the same arrow from which I killed Baali." Lakshman knew He was angry so he took his arrow and bow and headed to see Sugreev. When Raam saw him ready to go like this, He smiled and said - "Just scare him and bring him here." X X X X X X When more than enough time had passed and Sugreev didn't do anything about Seetaa, Hanumaan Jee reminded Sugreev about it. Sugreev got very sorry about it and said to Hanumaan that he should send groups of monkeys here and there to look for Seetaa Jee. Hanumaan Jee called for many monkeys. The same time Lakshman Jee arrived in the city. Seeing him angry monkeys ran away here and there. Lakshman Jee said - "I have come to burn the whole city." Many monkeys went to Sugreev and told about the coming of angry Lakshman. Sugreev also got scared, so he asked Taaraa and Hanumaan to talk to Lakshman. So Taaraa and Hanumaan came to welcome him and bowed before him. Lakshman blessed him. They brought him in the city and pacified Lakshman Jee and offered him seat. Then came Sugreev to welcome him and Lakshman embraced him dearly. Sugreev asked for his forgiveness and came to Raam with Lakshman, Hanumaan Jee and Angad, and said - "Hey Prabhu, It is not my mistake. It is the effect of your Maayaa." Raam smiled and said - "Now tell me how to find Seetaa?" Then Sugreev told his monkeys to find out Seetaa. All monkeys were very happy to do anything for Raam. He gave all monkeys one month time to do this job. He called Neel, Angad, Hanumaan and Jaambvant and asked them to go to south and find out about Seetaa. All were very happy to hear this. Raam called Hanumaan and gave him His ring and told him to console Seetaa saying that "I will come soon and bring her back." Now all started looking for Seetaa on hills, around forests etc. Wandering around they fell thirsty so Hanumaan Jee climbed on a hill and looked around for water. On one side he saw some birds flying. They all went there and saw beautiful gardens, pond and lotus flowers in the pond. There they found a woman who was doing Tap. They all bowed to her and told their story. She told them to eat fruits and drink water. They all took bath, ate fruits and drank water came back to her. She said - "Now I go to Raghunaath, and you close your eyes and I send you towards Seetaa." Everybody closed his eyes and they found themselves on the sea shore. She went back to Shree Raam. There she got His Bhakti and went to Badaree Van. All Monkeys thought that now the prescribed time (one month) has passed and we are not able to find Seetaa. How we can go back to Raam without finding Seetaa. Angad was also very sad at this. When Jaambvant saw Angad so sad he tried to console him telling different types of stories. While they were talking among themselves there was Sampaati hearing all this sitting in his cave. He peeped outside and saw many monkeys. He got very happy to see them and thanked Bhagavaan to give him food. All monkeys got worried seeing Sampaati coming to them. They thought that now he would eat them. Angad thought for a moment and said - "Jataayu was blessed who sacrificed his life for Raam and went to Bhagavaan's Dhaam." Hearing this Sampaati came much closer to them and asked them as how they knew Jataayu. They told his story. Sampaati got very sad to hear about his brother's death. He went to the sea and offered him his last respect. Then he told his story to them - "We were two brothers. Once in our young age we flew up to the Sun. Jataayu came back when he felt Sun's heat, but I was proud, so I forwarded a little more and burned my feathers. There was a Muni named Chandramaa. He gave me Gyaan and asked me not to be proud of this physical body. He further told me that Bhagavaan would come here on Earth in human form in Tretaa Yug. Raakshas will kidnap His wife and Prabhu will send His people to look for her. So you wait for them. When you will meet them then you will get relief. Muni's words got true today. Now you listen to me. There is a mountain named Trikoot in the sea on which Lankaa is inhabited. There lives Raavan. In there is an Ashok Vaatikaa where Seetaa lives. I have a very good sight, I can see Her, but you cannot see Her. I am old now so I cannot help you more than this. But whosoever will cross this hundred-Yojan sea, he will be successful in doing Shree Raam's job." After saying this Sampaati went away. Now all monkeys thought who is that who can cross this sea. Angad said - "I can go from here but I doubt about my coming back." Jaambvaan asked Hanumaan - "Why are you silent? You are very mighty. You are like Wind being Wind god's son. You are intelligent. What is the job which you cannot do? You have come here only to do Raam's service." Hearing this Hanumaan expanded his body like a mountain and said - "I can cross this sea just in playing, dig out the Trikoot Parvat and kill Raavan. Hey Jaambvant, now tell me what should I do?" Jaambvant said - "For now you just go to Raavan's city Lankaa and bring Seeta's news to Raam. Then Raam will take His army and win Raavan."
Iti Shree Raam Charit Maanas
Created by Sushma Gupta on May 27, 2002
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