What are the advantages of feeding crows and dogs?
According to Laal Kitaab - an Astrological variation of the North, specifically
suggests feeding the crows for growth, prospects and comfortable job, it also
suggest feeding the dogs especially to have good relations with the children
and even to beget a child there is an "Upaaya" or Parihaaram where
the dog comes into it. Thirdly, feeding the cows with greens is also suggested
for good family relations. One of the most important problem of today is good
relationship with children. With out knowing these beliefs I was feeding dogs
and continue to do so.
Can alms be given from the preparations
for the ancestors?
According to Paraashar Smriti, if a beggar arrives at the door when a
Braahman household is offering sacrifices for the solace of his deceased
ancestors, the Braahman must divide the cereals in two parts and should
reserve one to make offerings and donate the other as alms to the beggar.
Do we follow it? If at all any beggar arrives, normally money is given and
sent. I have read Mandan Mishra had closed gates and performing Shraadh when
Shankaraachaarya arrived and he trespassed and entered.
Was Yam the first to die?
The Ved describe Yam as the first man who died, blazing the path of mortality
down which all men have since followed. He thereupon became the guardian ruler
of the resting-place of the dead. His two dogs guard the entrance to his kingdom,
and the crow and the pigeon act as his messengers. Yam also entered Buddhist
mythology, in Tibet, China, and Japan, where he occupies a similar but minor
role as guardian of the abode of the dead.
Why one should not sleep with head in North?
The reason for not keeping the head while sleeping to the North is that from the
magnetic field theory. Because the Guardian of the South is Yam Raaj, the Lord
of Death, that is why one should not put one's legs to the south. Only a Dead
Body is placed facing the South direction (Guardian of the South - Yam) and Apaar
Karm are done for it.