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Asia-FT - 6 Books

As we have planned to cover all folktale books before 1900. This list includes some books of before 1900. Send your inquiries to


(36) Cossack Fairy Tales and Folktales  (27 tales)
By R Nisbet Bain.  1894.   27 Tales
Fairy tales and folktales from Ukraine


1.  Oh, the Tzar of Forest

2.  The Story of the Wind

3.  The Voices at the Window

4.  Story of Little Tsar, the False Sister and the Faithful Beasta

5.  The Vampire and St. Michel

6.  The Story of Tremsin, the Bird Zhar and Nastasia, the Lovely Maid of the Sea

7.  The Serpent Wife

8.  The Story of Unlucky Daniel

9.  The Sparrow and the Bush

10.  The Old Dog

11.  The Fox and the Cat

12.  The Straw Ox

13.  The Golden Slipper


14.  The Iron Wolf
15.  The Three Brothers
16.  The Tzar and the Angel
17.  The Story of Ivan and the Daughter of the Sun
18.  The Cat The Cock and the Fox
19.  The Serpent-Tzarevich and His Two Wives
20.  Origin of Mole
21.  Two Princes
22.  The Ungrateful Children and the Old Father Who Went to School Again
23.  Ivan the Fool and St Peter's Fife
24.  The Magic Egg
25.  The Story of the 41st Brother
26.  The Story of the Unlucky Days
27.  The Wondrous Story of Ivan Golik and Serpents


(16) Folklore and Legends: Oriental (13 tales)
By Charles John Tibbits.  London: WW Gibbins.  1889.


1.  Cobbler Astrologer

2.  The Legend of the Terrestrial Paradise of Sheddad

3.  The Tomb of Noosheerwan

4.  Amin and Ghul

5.  The Relations of Ssidi Kur

5-1.  The Adventure of the Rich Youth

5-2.  The Adventures of the Beggar's Son

5-3.  The Adventures of Massang

5-4.  The Magician With Swaine's Head

5-5.  The History of Sunshine and His Brother

5-6.  A Wonderfuk Man Who Overcame the Chan

5-7.  The Bird-Man

5-8.  The Painter and the Woodcarver

5-9.  The Stealing of the Heart

5-10.  The Man and His Wife

5-11.  Of the Maiden SuwerundrI



6.  Two Cats
7.  The Legend of Dhurramnath
8.  The Travelers Adventure
9.  The Seven Stages of Roostem
10.  The Man Who Never Laughed
11.  The Fox and the Wolf
12.  The Shepherd and the Jogie
13.  The Perifidious Vizier


(17) The Oriental Story Book (7 tales)
by Wilhelm Hauff.  1885. 

1.  The Caravan - Introduction
2.  The History of Caliph Stork
3.  The History of the Spectre Ship
4.  Story of the Hewn-off Hand
5.  Fatima's Deliverance
6.  Little Muck
7.  The Story of the False Prince




Chinese Myths and Legends (38 tales)
By Joanne O'Brien. Translated by Kwak Man Ho. 

1.  Rice From Heaven
2.  Nu Wa Repairs the Sky
3.  The Water Ghost and the Fisherman
4.  The Spotted Deer and the Tiger
5.  Kuan Yin's Prophecy
6.  The Barber and The Immortal
7.  The Merchant's Revenge
8.  Chang Ku Lao's Test
9.  Pan Ku's Creation
10.  The Emperor's Commands
11.  The Donkey's Powers
12.  The Sun and Moon Lake
13.  Wang Erh and the Golden Hairpin
14.  The Wild Cat's Mistake
15.  Liang Yu Ching's Punishment
16.  The Rat's Wedding
17.  The Child of the Mulberry Tree
18.  Kuan Yin
19.  Yo Lung Mountain


20.  Dragon Gate Mountain
21.  The Silver Pot and the Boiling Sea
22.  The Child No One Wanted
23.  The First Cat
24.  Five Men Mountains
25.  The Story of the Cockscomb
26.  Why the Sea is Salty
27.  The Dumb Flute Player
28.  The Pagoda Tree
29. Why the Earthworm Has no Eyes
30.  The Loud Mouthed Woman
31.  Ma Chen and Immortal Brush Pen
32.  The Mad Monk
33.  The Min River
34.  Ting Ling Goddess
35.  The Little Fox and The Pomegranate King
36.  Pai Hua Lake
37.  The Islands of the Immortals
38.  Into the Lion's Mouth


(6) Folk Tales From the Russian (9 tales)
by Veera Xenophontovna Kalamatiano de Blumenthal. 1903. 9 tales.

1.  The Tsarevna Frog
2.  Seven Simeons
3.  The Language of the Birds
4.  Ivanoushka the Simpleton
5.  Woe Bogotir
6.  Baba Yaga
7.  Dimian the Peasant
8.  The Golden Mountain
9.  Father Frost


(5) Russian Folk-tales (73 tales)
by Alexander Nikolayevich Afanasyev. 1889. / Translated by Leonard Arthur Magnus. NY: EP Dutton. 1916.   (73 tales)

1.  The Dun Cow
2.  A Tale of the Dead-1
3.  A Tale of the Dead-2
4.  A Tale of the Dead-3
5.  The Bear, the Dog and the Cat
6.  Egory the Brave and the Gipsy
7.  Danilo the Unfortunate
8.  The Sorry Drunkard
9.  The Wolf and the Tailor
10.  The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Crystal Apple
11.  The Foundling Prince
12.  The Sun and How It was made by Divine Will
13.  The Language of the Birds
14.  Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek
15. The Miraculous Hen
16.  Mark the Ruch
17.  By Command of the Prince Daniel
18.  The Thoughtless Word
19.  The Tsaritsa Harpist
20.  The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Bird of Light and the Grey Wolf
21.  The Priest With the Envious Eyes
22.  The Soldier and Death
23.  The Midnight Dance
24.  Vasilisa the Fair
25.  The Animals in the Pit

Part 2
26.  The Poor Widow
27.  Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor the Knight
28.  The Smith and the Devil
29.  The Princess Who would not Smile
30.  The Tsarevich and Dyadka
31.  Prince Ivstafi
32.  Vasilisa Popovna
33.  The Dream
34.  The Soldier and the Tsar in the Forest
35.  The Tale of Alexander of the Macedon
36.  The Brother of Christ


37.  Alyosha Popovich
38.  God's Blessing Compasses All Things
39.  Shemyak the Judge
40.  A Story of St Nicholas
41.  The Potter
42.  The Witch and the Sister of the Sun
43.  Marya Moryevna
44.  The Realm of Stone
45.  The Story of Tsar Angey and How He Suffered For Pride
46.  The Feast of the Dead
47.  The Quarrelsome Wife
48.  Elijah the Prophet and St Nicholas
49.  The Princess is to be Kissed at a Charge
50.  The Wood Sprite
51.  The Realms of Copper, Silver and Gold

Part 3
52.  Chufil Filushka
53.  Donotknow
54.  The Sea-Tsar and Vasilisa the Wise
55.  The Animals Winter Quarters
56.  The Story of Ilyamuromets and the Nightingale Robber
57.  Nikita the Tanner
58.  The Singing Tree and the Speaking Bird
59.  At the Behest of the Pike
60.  The Journey to Jerusalem
61.  Vazuza and Volga
62.  The Enchanted Tsarevich
63.  The Snake Princess
64.  Beer and Bread
65.  Sorrow
66.  Ivashko and the Wise Woman
67.  Never-wash
68.  Christ and the Geese
69.  Christ and Folk-songs
70.  The Devil in the Dough-pan
71.  The Sun The Moon and Crow Crowson
72.  The Legless Knight and the Blind Knight
73.  A Cure For Story-telling


(26)  Russian Garland  (17 tales)
By Robert Steele.  1916.  17 Tales


1.  Story of Lyubim Tzarewich and the Winged Wolf
2.  Story of the Most Wonderful and Noble Self-playing Harp
3.  Seven Brothers Simeon
4.  Story of Ivan the Peasant's Son
5.  Story of the Golden Mountain
6.  Iliya of Murom and Nightingale the Robber
7.  The Renowned Hero Bovo Korolevich and the Princess Drushnevna
8.  The Mild Man and His Cantankerous Wife 


9.  Story of the Duck With Golden Eggs
10.  Story of Bulat the Brave Companion
11.  Story of the Prince Malandrach and the Princess Sailikalla
12.  Story of a Shoemaker and His Servant Prituitshkin
13.  Emelyan the Fool
14.  The Judgment of Shemyaka
15.  Story of Prince Peter With Golden Keys and the Princess Magilene 
16.  Sila Tsarevich and Ivashka With the White Smock
17.  Story of the Knight Yaroslav lasarevich and the Princess Anastasia







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Created by Sushma Gupta on January 27, 2019
Modified on 08/08/23