Das Kriti | Raamaayan

Dasharath's Plan-9

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6 - Dashrath's Plan (9)
Bharat Meets Ram and Requests to Come Back to Ayodhya

Bharat was not comfortable with the advice of the executive assembly,
"Ram is only the right candidate, he is the eldest son of king in family".
"I will request Ram to return home and take this kingly responsibility,
I want to start tomorrow to meet Ram, others can come as availability".
The assembly liked Bharat and his fine plan to meet Ram and Laxman, 
Several people joined Bharat; it became a major arrangement, O man!
Vashisha, Sumantra, Three mothers, Shatrughan, friends and family,
Security, forces, tents, food, horses, chariots were arranged by the ally.
In the front were Vashishtha and Bharat, the troupe started organized,
Shatrughan in the end with the mothers, the forces around as advised.
Every body was with hope, wishing to meet Ram, Sita and Laxman,
The group was preceding fast, the love for Ram is the motive, O man!
First day had halt at the bank of river Tamasa; a comfortable camp
Third day they reached Srengverpur, close to river Ganga with ramp.
The friend of Ram Nishadraj came to meet this an unexpected team,
In the beginning he was suspicious of Bharat, but he saw a love beam.
Now Nishad told about his meeting with Ram, with love, adoration,
Bharat was feeling bad in heart that Ram, Sita suffer in the situation.
Nishad became their guide; they all went to the Bhardwaj institution,
Bhardwaj provided comforts with his mystic power at the institution.
The group met with Risi Valmiki and Bharat explained his difficulty,
"Bharat! You are an example of duty and love, a very fine personality".
On the Sixth day the group was much close to the Ram's splendid huts,
Laxman learned from messengers about Bharat, thought they are nuts.
"O Ram! Why Bharat, Shatrughan are hear with army, troupes, weapon,
Are they coming to fight with you, what is in their mind, is it a reason?"
"O Laxman! Bharat is a very nice person; he has come with a request,
He will pursue our home return, he wants me to be the king at best".
"I believe you, you have huge heart; knowledge and you are the master,
Very appearance of Bharat will tell us, that he is a real love or disaster".
Dear Bharat came with folded palms and he bowed down to Ram's feet,
Ram got up to hold Bharat, gave a hug; this was an unparalleled meet.
Both brothers were greeting, Bharat's face was covered with tears,
Shatrughan offered respect to Ram, than Sita, Laxman as superiors.
Laxman offered respect to Bharat, Bharat tried to touch Sita's feet,
Ram embraced Nishad; this meeting of hearts was especially neat.
"How are you Bharat, What makes you visit us in this thick forest?"
"Ram! Mothers and Guru Vashishtha are also coming in the East".
Ram asked Shatrughan to stay there and proceeded to see mothers,
Ram offered respect to the mothers, Vashishtha, Sumantra, others.
People were happy to meet Ram, Laxman; were coming to the huts,
Nishad was helping to the group in woods, walking through shortcuts.
Laxman became busy to setup the tents in near by area near the river,
He was thinking 'The mess created by queen Kakeyee is not yet over'.
Sita offered respect to the mothers, Vashishtha, Sumantra and seniors,
The mothers gave hug to Sita, it was emotional; cried the men warriors.
"How is dear father, Bharat you left him worrying and in city all alone",
"Ram! Dear father passed away in your separation grief; all have gone".
"You came to the jungle with Sita, Laxman; mothers lament in grief,
I cannot sleep in nights, I am base of evil, please understand in brief".
"Oh father! You passed away, who will call me in sweet voice, Ram?
I thought that I will see you on my return; how could we hold calm?"
It was painful for Ram, Laxman and Sita to loose the loving father,
Ram was blaming himself but he did not know what would be rather.
Laxman and Shatrughan made arrangements for the stay of the guest,
Ram offered prayers for his father and requested every body to rest.
After three days Guru Vashishtha called a meeting; Bharat to speak,
"Ram! I am the basis of all troubles, please come home, as I do seek".
"The trouble started from my mother, she repents and she is very sorry,
Please forgive, come back home and have the kingdom; we all worry".   
"You are the eldest brother, virtuous, capable and loved by the people,
This kingdom belongs to you and Sita, we will serve you; it is simple".
I have brought all preparation for the coronation, please accept crown.
You be kind, you are my master; on the earth your name is first noun."


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Created by Sushma Gupta on March 9, 2003
Modified on 08/06/10