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Read also about Jyotirling  at  Hindu Puraan, Introduction-2

There are 12 Jyotirling temples of Shiv. These 12 Temples of Jyotirling are the 12 special shrines dedicated to Shiv since ancient times. ‘Dwaadash’ means 12 and ‘Jyotirlinga’ is a pillar of light. To us normal mortals, the Ling appear as the normal stone Ling in any temple of Shiv. But it is believed that at the 12 Jyotirling a person who has attained a higher level of spirituality can see the Ling as columns of fire piercing through the earth.

Many believe that the Jyotirling is the primal manifestation of the Supreme God. The Shiv Puraan recounts how Shiv appeared as a Jyotirling to settle a dispute between Vishnu and Brahma. Brahma and Vishnu had a fight to ascertain who was more powerful. The fight grew so intense that the existence of the world was threatened. The Devtaa requested Shiv to intervene. Shiv assumed the form of a lingam from which emanated a huge column of bright light that went on infinitely in both directions. Shiv then asked Brahma and Vishnu to find the end of the column. Whosoever found it first would be declared more powerful. Brahma went upwards and Vishnu went downwards. They traveled for a thousand years but neither reached the end. Brahma then saw a Ketakee flower (it is of white color fragrant flower) falling down in the light. He asked the flower if it had seen the end of the column. The flower replied that it had been placed o n the top of the column as an offering of worship.

Brahmaa decided to take this flower and stake the claim that he had found the end of the column. Both Vishnu and Brahmaa returned to the lingam. Vishnu admitted that he did not find the end of the column. Brahmaa, on the other hand, claimed that he had found the end of the column. He showed the Ketakee flower as proof, but this did not convince Shiv. Shiv told Brahmaa and Vishnu that light travels forever and hence it is not possible for anyone to find the end.

The day Shiv appeared in the form of the Jyotirling was the 14th night of the waning Moon of the month of Phaalgun. Hence, this day is celebrated as Mahaa Shiv Raatri to acknowledge the greatness of Shiv. Shiv Ling's fall into three categories. The first are the An-aadi or Swaayambhoo, or self-generated Ling. They are believed to be the most sacred and are said to have fallen from Heaven. Next are the Seetaavar, or fixed Ling. These are crafted and then, after an initiation ceremony done according to Pauraanik rites, installed at a sacred location. It is believed that once a Ling is installed, it should never be moved as that would result in a calamity. The third category of Ling are the Jangam, or movable Ling. These are the miniature Ling, which are made of stone, clay, metal, or other material. They can be taken anywhere for the purpose of worship.

There are traditionally twelve Jyotirling shrines in India.
(1) Somnath in Saurashtra - the westernmost Jyotirling - associated with the worship of Shiv by Chandramaa. Name of the Jyotirling - Someshwar
(2) Mallikarjuna in Shree Shailam - Shree Shailam near Kurnool houses Mallikaarjun - Aadi Shankaraachaarya wrote his Shivanand Laharee here. Name of the Jyotirling - Mallikaarjuneshwar.
(3) Mahakaaleshwar in Ujjain - Name of the Jyotirling - Mahaakaaleshwar
(4) Omkareswar in Shivpuree / Mamaleshwar in MP - Name of the Jyotirling - Omkaareshwar
(5) Vaidyanath in Paralee in Bihaar - Name of the Jyotirling - Vaidyanaath
(6) Bheemshankar in Daakinee in Mahaaraashtra - in Sahyaadri Hills of Mahaaraashtra (through Poonaa) - associated with the legend of Tripuraasur Vadh. Name of the Jyotirling - Bheemshankar.
(7) Raameshwar in Setubandhan / Rameshwaram - Name of the Jyotirling - Raamnaath Swaamee
(8) Naageshwar in Darukavanam in Gujaraat - Name of the Jyotirling - Naageshwar
(9) Vishweshwar in Vaaraanasee, in UP - Vishwanaath Temple, the most visited Jyotirling. Name of the Jyotirling - Vishweshwar.
(10) Tryambakeswar in Nasik in Mahaaraashtra - Name of the Jyotirling - Tryambakeshwar.
(11) Kedaareshwar in Kedaarnaath - Name of the Jyotirling - Kedaareshwar
(12) Ghrishneswar in Dev-sarovar - in the vicinity of Ellora - which has several rock-cut monuments during 1st millennium. Name of the Jyotirling - Ghrishneshwar

Shlok About the Names of Jyotirling
Following are three Shlok about the names and locations of Jyotirling --

Saurashtrey Somanaatham Cha Shree Shailey Mallikaarjunam |
Ujjayinyaam Mahaakaalam Omkaare Mamaleshwaram ||
Parlyaam Vaidyanaatham cha Daakinyaam Bheemashankaram |
Setubandhey Tu Raamesham Naagesham Daarukaavane ||
Vaaraanasyaam Tu Vishwesharam Tryambakam Gautamee tatey |
Himaalaye tu Kedaaram Ghushmesham cha Shivalaye ||
Etaani Jyotirlingaani Saanya Praatah Pathennarah |
Sapt Janm Kritam Paapam Smaranem Vinashyati ||

Saurashtrey Somanaatham Cha Shree Shailey Mallikaarjunam |
Ujjayinyaam Mahaakaalamonkaare Parameshwaram ||
Kedaaram Himvatprashthe Daakinyaam Bheemashankaram |
Vaaraanasyaam cha Vishweshwaram Tryambakam Gautamee tatey ||
Vaidyanaatham Chitaa bhoomau Naagesham Daarukaavane |
Setubandhey cha Raamesham Dyushmesham cha Shivalaye ||
Dwaadashaitaani Naamaani Praat rootthaaya yah Pathet |
Sarvayaaya Vinirmuktah Sarv Siddhi Phal Labhet ||

Saurashtre Somanaatham cha, Shree Shaile Mallikaarjun.
Ujjanyinyaam Mahaakaalam, Omkare Malamaleshwara.
Himaalaye to Kedaaram, Daakinyaam Bheemashankar.
Vaaraanasyaam cha Vishweshwaram, Tryambakam Gautamee tatey
Paralyam Vaidyanaatham cha, Naagesham Darukaavane.
Setubandhe Raamesham, Grishnesham cha Shivaalaya".
From Shiv Puraan

One should perform Shiv Raatri Kaal Poojaa to get rid of all sorts of afflictions - poverty, miseries, calamities, adversities, grief, debt and diseases.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on March 15, 2003 and Updated on May 07, 2013