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2-Miscellaneous Facts

Facts About February
(1) This is the only month in the year which contains the least days - 28 days, all other months contain either 30 or 31 days.
(2) This is the only month whose days are changed. Every fourth year, in a Leap year it contains 29 days. Leap year can be known the year divided by 4, for example 2007 is not a Leap year as it is not divisible by 4, while 2008 is, because it can be divided by 4.
(3) Normally February has 28 days and cannot have any one day occurring 5 days in any case. But if it is a leap year, there is a possibility of one day occurring 5 times. Let us see if any February had Sunday 5 times. Actually it happens only in 28 years. The month of February of 2004 had 5 Sundays. The next time 5 Sundays will occur only in February in 2032, then in 2060 and so on. Previously it occurred in 1976, 1948 and so on.

2008 Calendar is Identical to
1997, 1986, 1975, 1969, 1958, 1947, 1941, 1930, 1919, 1913, 1902 calendars.
With this pattern it should be identical with which years in 21st century?



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Created by Sushma Gupta on January 15, 2002
Modified on 06/12/13