Shishu Sansaar | English
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4-Wonderful Language English |
4-Wonderful Language English If English words ever made any sense then "lackadaisically" would mean "with a shortage of flowers".. Think From Where to Begin Improvement?
Longest English Word: What is the longest word in
English language without proper nouns or names etc
Which is the longest English word? - On Humor Side
The longest word typed using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
Longest word typed with
only left hand.
Longest word typed with only right hand
A Book Without Letter "e" : Words without a Vowel:
No word in the English Language Rhymes With
There is only one word ending in "mt", what is that?
There are only four words in the English Language ending in 'dous':
There are only two words in the English Language that have all five vowels in order:
There is only one word in
English Language that has all five vowels in reverse order Strange Sentence --
This is a sentence where the nth word is n letters long eg: 1st word is 1-letter long, 2nd word is 2-letters long, 3rd word is 3-letters long, 8th word is 8-letters long and so on... and the last word which is the 20th one contains 20 letters. What These Words Have in Common
No, it is not that they all have at least 2 double letters. One day a boy said to his
teacher - "Wright has not written "rite", I say."
Created by Sushma Gupta on January 15, 2002
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