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About Indonesian MBH Names

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RAMAYANA (The Story of Rama)

Kingdom of Ayodyaa:
Dasarat (king of Ayodyaa, rival of Raahwan)
Kasalya (Raguwati, Kausalya, 1st wife of Dasarata, mother of Rama and Laksmana)
Kekayi (Kaikeyee, 2nd wife of Dasharath, mother of Bharat)
Raam (incarnation of Wisnu, first son of Dasarata & Kasalya)
Sita (Sinta, daughter of Rawana, Rama's wife, abducted by Rawana)
Barata (son of Dasarata & Kekayi)
Laksmana (Lesmana, celibate younger brother of Rama)

Kingdom of Alengka:
Rawana (Dasamuka, king of demons, ruler of Alengka)
Kumbakarna (giant brother of Rawana)
Wibisana (refined brother of Rawana
Marica (servant of Rawana, Sarpekenaka' s husband, takes shape of golden deer)
Indrajit (ostensibly the son of Rawana, general of Alengka army)
Sarpakenaka (sister of Rawana, falls in love with Laksmana)
Prahasta (Prime Minister of Alengka)
Trijata (daughter of Wibisana, hand-maiden to Sita in Rawana's court

Monkey Kingdom:
Hanoman (Senggana, son of Sang Hyang Bayu, white monkey, can fly)
Sugriwa (king of monkeys)
Subali (brother of Sugriwa, took throne from brother, killed by Rama)
Jetayu (garuda bird)

MAHABHARATA (The Rivalry Between Two Sets of Cousins)

Abiyasa (grandfather of the cousins: Pendhawa and Kurawa)

PENDHAWA and allies:
Pandu (ostensibly the father of the Pendhawa, actually all sired by gods)
Kunti (mother of the first three Pendhawa)
Madrim (mother of youngest two Pendhawa, sister of Salya)
Yudistira (Puntadéwa, Darmakusuma, king of Amarta, oldest Pendhawa, son of Batara Darma)
Bima (Wrekudara, Brataséna, 2nd Pendhawa, son of Sang Hyang Bayu)
Arjuna (Janaka, Parta, Pamadé, Mintaraga, Ciptoning, 3rd Pendhawa, son of Batara Endra)
Nakula | Sadewa (two youngest Pendhawa; twins, sons of the two Aswis and Madrim)
Drupadi (wife of Yudistira, sister of Srikandhi)
Arimbi (wife of Bima)
Sumbadra (Rara Ireng, humble wife of Arjuna, sister of Kresna)
Srikandhi (warrior wife of Arjuna, sister of Drupadi)
Pancawala (son of Yudistira and Drupadi)
Abimanyu (Angkawijaya, son of Arjuna and Sumbadra)
Irawan (son of Arjuna and Déwi Ulupi)
Parikesit (first Javanese king, son of Abimanyu and Utari)
Gathutkaca (son of Bima and giantess Arimbi, can fly)
Antaséna (Antareja, son of Bima and Nagagini)
Kresna (Narayana, king of Dwarawati, incarnation of Wisnu, son of Basudewa)
Samba (son of Kresna)
Sitisundari (daughter of Kresna, wife of Abimanyu)
Setyaki (cousin of Kresna)
Matswapati (king of Wirata)

Seta | Utara | (sons of Matswapati, all killed by Bisma in Bratayuda) Wratsangka |

Utari (daughter of Matswapati, wife of Abimanyu)

Semar (Hyang Ismaya, clown servant to Arjuna or other Pendhawa family)
Gareng (Nala Garèng, oldest son of Semar)
Petruk (2nd son of Semar)
Bagong (3rd son of Semar)
Cangik (skinny female clown-servant)
Limbuk (plump female clown-servant, Cangik's daughter)

KURAWA and allies:
Drestarata (father of the Kurawa)
Gendari (sister of Sangkuni, mother of the 100 Kurawa)
Duryudana (Suyudana, Kurupati, king of Astina, oldest Kurawa)
Dursasana (2nd son of Drestarata)
Kartamarma (3rd son of Drestarata)
Citraksa (4th son of Drestarata)
Citraksi (5th son of Drestarata)
Durmagati (a younger son of Drestarata)
Dursilowati (only daughter of Drestarata, marries Jayadrata)
Banowati (wife of Duryudana, daughter of Salya, in love with Arjuna)
Lesmana Mandrakumara (only son of Duryudana and Banowati, awkward and ugly)
Sengkuni (Sangkuni, Sakuni, Prime Minister of Astina)
Durna (teacher of Pendhawa and Kurawa, sides with Kurawa)
Bambang Aswatama (son of Durna)
Baladéwa (Kakrasana, king of Mandura, older brother of Kresna)
Karna (son of Kunti and Batara Surya, but sides with Kurawa)
Salya (Narasoma, king of Mandraka, brother of Madrim, father of Banowati)
Burisrawa (giant son of Salya)
Bisma (celibate elder statesman of Astina, killed by Srikandhi in Bratayuda)

KAHYANGAN (Realm of the Gods):
Sang Hyang Tunggal (supreme god, father of Batara Guru)
Batara Guru (Manikmaya, Siva)
Batara Narada (Kanékaputra, Guru's older cousin and advisor)
Batara Darma (a patient and noble god, father of Yudistira)
Batara Endra (son of Batara Guru, god of rains, king of the gods)
Batara Surya (son of Semar, god of the sun, father of Karna)
Batara Brama (son of Batara Guru, god of fire)
Betari Durga (goddess of death and violence)
Sang Hyang Bayu (god of wind)
Sang Hyang Wisnu (Vishnu, son of Batara Guru, incarnates as human kings)
Sang Hyang Kamajaya (son of Semar, god of love)
Kala (son of Batara Guru, demon god, central figure in Ruwatan lakon)

Forest ogres (Buta):
Cakil (fanged ogre)
Térong (eggplant-nosed ogre)
Buta Bégal (sidekicks of Cakil, usually enter after his death)
Punakawan of foreign kingdoms:
Togog (Semar's younger brother)
Saraita (Bilung, younger brother of Togog)

The structure of a play--what to expect when

pathet nem: jejer sepisan (first scene, wayang arrayed)
gapuran and kedatonan (by the gate and inner palace)
adegan paseban jawi (outer audience scene)
adegan kereta and kapalan (departure, on horses)
perang ampyak (road-clearing scene, with marching army)
jejer sabrangan (foreign scene, "overseas")
perang gagal (inconclusive battle)
pathet sanga:
gara-gara (turmoil in nature--clowns entertain)
adegan wana (forest scene)
perang kembang (flower battle--Cakil)
pathet manyura:
perang sampak manyura (first battle in pathet manyura)
perang amuk-amukan (final great battle, with Bima or
close relative going amuk)
tancep kayon (planting the "tree of life" puppet, to end)

More on shadow puppet

More on Wayang -

Important Paper on Malayasian Ramayana

Information on Malayasian culture and Mahabharata -

Research Articles

Arjuna Temple Arjuna_Temple_ in_Dieng_was_threatened_ with_collapsing.html



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Created by Sushma Gupta On 5/27/04
Modified on 04/14/12