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Blue color belongs to Saturn
Green color belongs to Mercury
Yellow color belongs to Jupiter

White color belongs to Saraswatee
Red color belongs to Lakshmee

For Being Famous Astrologer
To become a famous astrologer the Vaak Bhaav is important and if you want to be rich through professions then Dashaa should be connected with Dhan Yogas. Any way if u want to be successful as astrologer, see your 2nd Bhaav, Vaak Bhaav is afflicted and Kaarak also. And Lord in exchange and in 12th House, so cure it by Guru Mantras and Saraswatee Mantras, and take Mantra from some competent one. Do your daily routines more in a Daivangna way ( i hope u understand it). Or refer to Prashn Maarg for Raashi Poojaa and Nava Graha Poojas daily and off course grace from one's Guru is important. Any way Jupiter -Mercury period is coming up and transit will be better in coming days, so try now confidently. even Prashn says Guru Tattwa is affected.

Maangalik people do not get married before the age of 28 years. And they should marry only to other Maangalik people.

Normally the effect of chanting any Mantra would depend on how sincerely you have done it. If it has been sincere then the effect will be felt within a couple of weeks. The effect stops as and when you stop chanting the Mantra.

When Raahu and Venus are together, there may not be a child.

When Moon and Saturn are together, it is called Lunar Eclipse.

Any Planet gives the result of that House in which he is sitting in after Bhaav Spasht, not of that House in which he is sitting in Natal Chart.

KP System doesn't have anything like Yog
Gems, that kind of exchange among 4 types of Sambandh (relationship), should be used only for Parivartan which gives 100% results
(1) only Parivartan should be used for gemstones. Yuti is for Dashaa.
(2) Yes, if Guru is AK or he is badly placed in D-2 Somanaath, then yellow sapphire is forbidden, instead Mantra should be used.
(3) Blue Sapphire is very risky as its Baadhakesh and in 6th, gives evil eye - lot of jealousy.
(4) Yellow Sapphire is especially here for health issues as for Taurus Lagna when Lagnesh is in 6th House, person neglects health. This is not a big issue if Soorya is Yuti due to proper attitude after getting advice. Also for Shukra we should see Soorya - Soorya is in 6th Bhaav also so its hard to remove MKS but because Kaarak of Bhaav (Shani) is Yuti Soorya its not bad either - medium.
The most important is:
--Master the Kaarak of Graha, Raashi, Bhaav and Nakshatra.
--Most interpretations are based on analysis of Graha in Raashi or in Ansh, and you see that each Varg contains 12 Raashi (Aries, Taurus etc). If you master the most important Kaarak(s) of these you'll progress easily. Significances are the fundamental - the Kendra(s) of astrology learning. Learning further rules are the Trikon, resulting in final success (and astrological wish fulfillment, 11th Bhaav).
--You have to master problems and obstacles on this way, problems of understanding, so you are coping Dusthaan problems; but your energy given in Upachaya Houses (especially your Ketu in 10th/Lagna) is strong, your wishes, desires and activities leading to happiness are auspicious.
--Look at the end of the daily transit list - I have included a new version of the most important Kaarak(s) of Graha, Raashi, Bhaav and Nakshatra. Note that the signs in Ansha of Raashi (Varg) are the same as in main chart. Mastering sign significations is the key to Varg understanding indeed - but note as well that each Graha placement in Varg is related to the significance of a particular Varg.
Aspects -
--all 7th house aspects (oppositions) are full aspects.
--75% aspects are those to the 4th and 8th Raashi counted from a Graha, except for Mars for which these are full aspects.
--50% aspects are those to the 5th and 9th Raashi (Trikonas) counted from a Graha, except for Jupiter for which these are full aspects.
--25% aspects are those to the 3rd and 10th Raashi counted from a Graha, except for Saturn for which these are full aspects.
--Never heard of 75%, 50% or 25% Raashi Drishtis, they are not mentioned in most important classics, therefore we can take all Raashi Drishti as full aspects.
--BPHS and others do not define special Graha Drishti for Raahu and Ketu, therefore the general rules apply for them - or they do not throw any aspect due to their shadowy nature.
--I do not work with Raahu/Ketu aspects - but of course with the aspects of the Raashi where they are placed in. Raashi Drishti are always valid, for Upagraha as well.

For a first glance, look at the end of the 'daily planetary transit' list, there you'll find a short overview of their effects. All Western Astrologers use them, the most Vaidik Astrologers refuse them. Western Astrologers are right in using them (unfortunately they use the wrong zodiac, tropical zodiac and giving poor arguments for that) - I highly recommend them. They are proved in their effects, especially when in close Yuti or when in close aspect during their transits, indicating great personal transformations. Who refuse them, never did a look at charts proving their effects.

Horaa -
No, Horaa only has the meanings and significations of the 2nd house, all Raashi and therefore Bhaav have two Horaa, a Solar Horaa and a Lunar one. Stick to Paraashar's Horaa Chart. All other Horaa Charts are modern inventions, and in fact D-4 and D-16 Varg are the Varg detail more money matters, wealth and prosperity (not the special Horaa charts). D-2 is highly related to main chart and it only consists only of two Raashi or Bhaav - Cancer and Leo, planets in Cancer are in Moon's Horaa and planets in Leo are in Sun's Horaa.

Timings to do Auspicious and Inauspicious Works -

Whichever Graha is powerful, if any work is done on its day, that is completed; while whichever Graha is weak, if any work is done on its day, it does not get completed even after making lots of efforts. Generally, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are auspicious; while Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday are auspicious in cruel works.

2. Take Moon as Lagna and count houses from Moon - in the same way you did with positions from Lagna. Moon is the mind which unconsciously and consciously creates and manifest events in your life - therefore the importance of Vinshottaree Dashaa.

3. Take your Dashaa list from JHora (you can copy/paste it simply) and try to gain an overview of them. I take Mool Dashaa, Saturn Mahaa Dashaa as example:
*Mool Dashaa (Dashaa showing the root of events - past Karm):
*Maha Dashaa:
*Saturn: 1976-07-13 (7:55:00) - 1988-07-13 (9:42:02)
*Kaarak : longevity, death, fear, downfall, disgrace, sickness, unhappiness and misery, poverty, humiliation,
sins, labor, filth, censure, misfortune, impurity of mind, observance of certain formalities after death in the family, stability, taking shelter from menials, buffalo, drowsiness, debts, articles of iron, service, slavery, confinement, getting arrested, agricultural implements

Natural Malefic Functional Malefic Lord of Dusthaan 8th (MT)/Lagna and Functional Malefic due to Khal Avasthaa (very inimical sign)
Functional Benefic Lord of Kendra 7th, in Lagna
Functional Benefic due to Mudit Avasthaa (Yuti with natural benefic Venus) Yuti Venus and Mrityu, Raashi Drishti (always full Drishti!) from Scorpio/5th, Aquarius/8th and Taurus/11th/ Jupiter, full Graha Dristhi from Moon in 7th (let us leave minor Drishti aside at this stage)

Vriddh (mature, 50-70 yrs, Sun state, very mature, less active than in former states, very experienced and able to let his light shine) Mudita (Yuti Benefic) (self-confident, satisfied, happy, healthy, pleased), Khala (very inimical Raashi) (evil, malicious, wicked, corrupt, sick) Mixed Avasthaas - both will manifest in Saturn's Dashaa (note: do not think that there will be medium effects - effects of Saturn's Dashaa will be very good and very bad! Extreme Avasthaa lead to extreme effects.)

--83% Shad-bal (very weak)
--9.6 Vimshopak Bal (very weak)
--Lagna (placement counted from Lagna):  - All Themes - Self, Core Personality, Character, Power of Self/Personality - Body, Health, Physical --Constitution, Strength, Vitality - beginnings (eg of own life)
--Natural Significator: The Sun

Related Varg:
--D-1 (main chart), D-12 and D-60 (former life(s)
--Lord of Lagna shows center of interest actively lived and activities related to these matters
--8th Bhaav (first Lordship): - transformations to be done, big changes in life - big problems and obstacles to cope, inner weaknesses, permanent sorrows, fears - spirituality, hidden and secret knowledge, Taantrik and deep sexuality - accidents, diseases, extreme experiences - inheritances, heritages, testaments, money from other people generally - sustenance of partnerships, money of partner - longevity (if Saturn in 8th)
--Natural Significator: Saturn (problems, longevity),
--Pluto (transformations)
--Related Varg: D-30, D-27, D-9, D-10
--Lord of 8th Bhava shows activities related to these Kaarak
--7th Bhaav (second lordship): activities to fulfill one's desires and wishes - relating oneself to environment, outer world, surroundings - marriage, spouse, partners of all kings (also business partners) - passions, sexuality - journeys to foreign lands
--Natural Significator: Venus (relationships, marriage), Jupiter (husband)
--Related Varg: D-7
Lord of 7th Bhava shows activities related to these Kaarakas Placement counted from Moon:
...first Lordship, counted from Moon:
...Second Lordship, counted from Moon:  ...and so on with the next Mahaa-Dashaas and Antar-Dashaas.
Venus: 1988-07-13 (9:42:02) - 2005-07-13 (18:20:15)
Raahu: 2005-07-13 (18:20:15) - 2019-07-14 (8:18:25)
Moon: 2019-07-14 (8:18:25) - 2025-07-13 (21:18:18)
Most important Dashaa are: Mool, Naaraayan, Vinshottaree, Kaal Chakra, Conditional and Kaal.

--Try to decide which Conditional Dashaa is applicable for you!
--Obtain now a very first understanding of your Dashaa periods and their possible effects. Would be recommendable to start with all your current Dashaa (MD and AD).
--Next step will be learning about Dashaa Rules, integrating Transits and counting from Arudhaa Lagna, Horaa and Ghatee Lagna, Bhaav Arudhaa as well.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 01/30/2013