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Natal Charts

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Natal Charts (Birth Chart, Jaatak Chart, Janma Kundalee)

Natal Chart is normally drawn at the time of the birth of the Native, keeping the Rising Sign as Ascendant, for example if a Native is born, which Sign was running. That Sign is put in the 1st House, and after that the other Signs are filled in other Houses in consecutive order. And after that the planets are checked for their Signs and are written under their respective Signs. Sometimes some Signs may be without any Planet in it, and sometime there may be 2, 3, or even 4 Planets are in a Sign. This is the main, primary, and basic Chart for further charts, for further calculations and for many other uses by astrologers.

A Natal Chart is known as "Birth Chart", or "Jaatak Chart", or "Janma Kundalee" also.

Natal Chart Vs. Gochar Chart:
1. A Natal Chart of an individual is to know about the permanent features of various aspects of life.
2. These features are distributed by Dashaa Bhukti and transit results. Both results are based on Natal Moon signs - the Dashaa Bhukti on the Birth Star and the transit results on Moon sign.
3. The present trend of life of an individual is tracked by the Natal Chart and is projected by Dasa Bhukti results, but, through the window of transit results, which modify final pattern of trend of life enjoyed by the native from time to time (fixing gradation of ‘impact’ of events/results), 'the taste of pudding could change!'.
4. Hence, Transit results is the final focus point on which prediction is to be based, of course, with the background of basic horoscopes and Dashaa Bhukti.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 11/13/2012