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Case 5 Neeraj Gupta
Time 8
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1900 Leo Asc (Lord Sun)

I think it is a little difficult chart. Asc lord (Sun), exalted+Vargottama in 9th. But is some little weak being 0033. Yog Kaarak Mars is in 12H, fallen, though Neecha Bhanga by Jupiter, still I would consider troubled.

For marriage and relationship - this chart is difficult. 7L Sat itself is there in Asc, Rx, and very weak being 0012. It is very bad indeed. Saturn is always directionally weak in Lagna, it is like fallen.

Asc lord and 7L both are in the star of Ketu, which is in 8th of troubles, obstruction, separation etc. Ketu is playing a subtle but powerful play here, beyond our eyes.

To my mind, if with this chart, you have only 'Some' problems in relationship, I will say you are a very lucky person. This chart suggests some bigger problem in relationship, actually.

Did you have any health problem in Saturn or Ketu periods? or any accident, obstruction etc?

Saturn Mahaa-dashaa seems to make you suffer about health and relationship issues. Previous Jupiter Mahaa-dashaa was a lot better, surely.

I think there are more basic problem and basic unhappiness in your relationship than only separation. Yog Kaarak Mars is not able to help much for this. Both Ketu and Saturn are doing a lot of problems. Especially Saturn is very weak, like a dead old man...

Did you try red coral and/or yellow sapphire? I think, yellow sapphire might be the most appropriate stone for you since it rules a Trikon, and disposits the Ketu in 8th. Did you try them?

And did you try Ganesh Mantra to appease Ketu and Naaraayan Mantra for Saturn? Ketu and Saturn are the causes here as you already know I guess.

You are expecting Venus periods to be good. Look at your past and see what periods were good. I think Jupiter periods are pretty good in this regard. What periods were good, they will be good in the future too. And the same thing is true about bad periods also. Let me know. How were Mars and Sat periods? Were not Ketu periods bad about your relationship problems?

There seems to be some problem in family life too, since Mars is not comfortable.

I have started keeping fasts of UL (Sri Mahalaxmi in my case) for past 2 months, so prior worshipping Sri Mahalaxmi, there is a custom in Hindu tradition to worship Sri Ganesh, So I just do that on Friday. No Ganesh Mantra except that. I just say Om Shree Ganeshaaya Namah 2-3 times before worshipping Shree Lakshmee. Yes I read Vishnu Sahastranaam sometimes (when I get time). Presently for Saturn, I recite his Beej Mantra ("Om Sham Shanaishcharaaya Namah", as many times as possible) and Rudram Chamakam once in the morning.

Ketu is in 8th house, so it was obvious that you were spiritually better in Ketu periods. Since Ketu and 8th house both spirituality. But 8th house is also about separation, destruction, loneliness, even cheating, immoral etc. So when Ketu is in 8th and star disposits 7L, I think you should start Ganesh Mantra on urgent basis, everyday 108 times at least. Ganesh is a very auspicious deity and his Mantra can never harm.

You are doing Rudram - propitiating Saturn, and Saturn Beej Mantra - strengthening Saturn.
Also, you are doing Hanumaan Mantra, propitiating Mars, and red coral, strengthening Mars.
Rudram is very good but in general I do not prefer long Mantras since they give more chances to make pronunciation errors etc. For propitiating Saturn, you can do 8 syllable Naaraayana Mantra.

If I was you, I would stop Saturn Beej Mantra since he is a malefic for your Asc. being 7L he might give some good about relationship but at last this should not be good in real. I would leave both Hanumaan Mantra and Shani Beej Mantra unless I am REALLY 100% SURE about their effects. Like for me, Saturn Beej Mantra is exceptionally good about some matters but exceptionally bad same time for other facts. So, do not overlook to see the bad sides if any are there. And I would use Naaraayan Mantra for Saturn instead of Rudram and give prime importance on Ganesh Mantra and see what happens.

Well I think, "Om Sham Shanisharya Namah" is the Saamaanya Mantra of Saturn, and the Beej one is,
"Om praam preem praum saha shanaishraya namah"? Well their effect is of same nature.

Another important thing is not to say Mantra countless times but say at least 108 times, or 108 X n times if you want to do more. But actually in Mars period, there is not much reason to probe in relationship since Mars is your Yog Kaarak. Rather it would improve unless Mars was fallen in 12th House. And actually why did not Hanumaan Mantra save you from money trouble in Mars period you mentioned? Mars should be strengthened since he is benefic, not really propitiated by Hanumaan Mantra, I guess.

I have started Ganesh Mantra and Naaraayan Mantra.

Prayers to Lord Hanumaan should never do harm and always protect, unless you do something wrong. Since Mars is a benefic for your Ascendant, propitiating Mars is not really very important now. Rather taking care of Ketu and Saturn is important, since you know Ketu periods gave you problems.

Rudram is very good but long, that is why it is very easy to make mistake there.

Now I am doing the following --
(1) Ganesh Mantra
(2) Narayana Mantra
(1) Fasting on my UL Day (Friday) for Lakshmee Jee
(2) Reciting Mahaa Mrityunjaya
(3) Reciting Rudram Chamakam (reciting only that para that is mentioned in Pg 170 of VRA)
(4) Reciting Hanumaan Chaleesaa, Hanumaan Ashtak and Hanumaan Stavan (but now confused, whether to continue or not)
(5) Going to temple every Tuesdays (now confused, whether to continue or not)
(6) Reading Vishnu Shastraanam, whenever I get time.

And I have stopped the following;
(1) Beeja Mantra of Saturn (given on pg 170 of VRA).

I don't know much about propitiation. I thought If I am reciting Beej Mantra of Saturn, or say donating black seeds and black cloth on Saturday it's propitiating. And also confused that the recitation of Hanumaan chaaleesaa will strengthen mars or propitiate it.

Propitiation means cooling down a malefic planets harm. Like you pray to Hanumaan for Mars, Naaraayan for Shani etc. But if you do something wrong with Hanumaan, Mars will be displeased. Kindly note here that Mars is your Yog Kaarak so propitiating Mars is really not needed for you. Sometimes even Yog Kaarak needs propitiation, that topic is out of context here, and does not apply to your case.

What you have to understand that Mars is Yog Kaarak and good for you, you really need not to pray to Hanumaan as for now urgently, rather doing anything wrong in the prayer so that it backfired you. Now Mars gave you bad for any of two reasons -

1. Any mistake in hanumana worship.
2. Mars is disposited by fallen 7L star.

Now #2 is surely working but I am not sure about #1.

About reason #2, Mars though giving you bad time, but it is for Saturn's indulgence, and Mars is innocent. It is like someone (Saturn) is telling you (Mars) something bad about me and so you misbehave with me. Now if I fight you (Mars) back then it will work only little or none because you are a good guy but motivated by another bad guy (Sat) who is behind all these.

Same thing happens to my own life because my Moon is in 7th in Sat star and thus Sat controls Moons motivation and Moon gives me all bad results in its periods. But when I address Moon it does no improvement, but when I address Sat, Moon immediately stops giving bad.

I keep seeing cases like this and your case is the latest case of how important star disposition is.

So in Mars Pratyantar-dashaa, it was 85% end of the relationship, because Saturn star disposits Mars. AND THE FINAL PROOF IS THAT, In Saturn own Pratyantar-dashaa, it was 100% end from her side since she called you and told you to stop sending cards.

Now you see what Sat is doing here. See my older posts I made Sat a point there, and clearly told that since Sat is fallen (directionally) and 7L, it must do bad. And now you see I was correct.

Note as per your question, a Beej Mantra of planet STRENGTHENS IT. Now you are doing Beej Mantra of Shani. Sanjay jee has suggested Rudram+Shani Beeja Mantra as for Saadhe Saatee. When Sanjay Jee suggested then you can surely depend on it without any confusion, that is for sure. But Saadhe Saatee is not more serious than your natal chart, the harm Saturn is doing.

What VRA meant - Vedic Remedies in Astrology - by Sanjaya Rath. When you are confused, ask Visti Jee or Sanjay Jee if it is good for you to recite Shani Beej Mantra. Tell them about the harm Shani did (As you see from your Pratyantar-dashaas) and then take their suggestion as per if you should take or leave Shani Beej Mantra.

Donation is good to propitiate but from my life I see it backfiring me always. So, it is always good to do what you really are sure about. When you do a lot of Mantras same time you can not differentiate the effects easily. So start one, be sure of it's effect and closely watch your days. Then start another after you know of the previous mantras/remedies effect.

Reciting Hanumaan Chaaleesaa or Hanumaan Mantra is for if Mars is malefic to you. But Mars is your Yog Kaarak, then what is the need to propitiate it. You should rather focus on Saturn and Ketu. And take Gurus expert opinion on Beej Mantras, and do accordingly.

And I would also suggest Naaraayan Mantra as I already did. Also I suggest fast on Saturdays. It is important for you to propitiate Saturn generally.

Also, I do not suggest a lot of remedies and Mantras same time. Sanjay Jee's books are brilliant (I have 'Naaraayan Dasha' it's wonderful) but if you are confused then first please ask any Guru and take their expert opinion about it, and take their help to understand what the chapter of the book meant.

So for now first stress on Saturn by fasting and Narayana Mantra and on Ketu by Ganesh Mantra and take Gurus expert opinion on Beej Mantra. Visti Jee suggested Naaraayan Mantra for general propitiation of Saturn. You can ask Visti Jee or Sanjay jee, and follow their advise on Beej Mantra.

I marked your words and have stopped Beej Mantra of Saturn. I had already started Naaraayan Mantra and Ganesh Mantra, as you have guided me in your previous mail.

I did not suggest to stop Saturn Beej as final. First time I said that Beej Mantras strengthen the planets, so do not do it unless you are really sure about it being good for you. I did not know that it was mentioned in VRA that time. Then you said me that it was picked up from VRA. But you also said that you did not understand what actually it meant, and asked if I can help you to understand. But as I do not have VRA, I could not help you to understand and so I suggested that ask Gurus to be confirm BECAUSE you are confused / unable to understand what it really meant. (The VRA section)

But I really did not mean to stop it as a final suggestion, remember when I heard from you that it was in VRA then I said that if I knew that you picked up it from VRA, I would not doubt about it, because we all know the excellence of depth of Sanjay Jee. But then you told me about your confusion so I suggested that be sure from Gurus.

So see, it would be wrong to say that I suggested to stop the Beeja Mantra. My final suggestion is to add Naaraayan Mantra and Ganesh Mantra while leaving the rest remedies on your personal choice.
Later I saw that Zoran has suggested that you could go with Beej Mantra.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 06/18/2012