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1-Duryodha and Sahadev

There is an interesting anecdote associated with the particular New Moon, which took place before the MBH war - that Duryodhan went to Sahadev for astrological advice as to what he has to do to win the forthcoming war. Being true to his Vidyaa, Sahadev advised Duryodhan to perform some particular rites on the next New Moon day.

It is said that when Krish heard this He got upset and He performed the Amaavasyaa Shraaddh for His ancestors one day before the Amaavasyaa day to thwart Duryodhan's plan. Now both Soorya Dev Sun and Chandra Dev were surprised to see this, and they came to Krishn and asked him as to why He was performing the Amaavasyaa Shraaddh one day before Amaavasyaa. Krishn smilingly told them that when both of them are together (just they were there at that time) then it is indeed the Amaavasyaa.

This may be in the form of an anecdote but there could be intricate astronomical truth also in the background. It will be nice to hear if any other heard this anecdote or any other such allied anecdote on the Amaavasyaa day before the MBH war?



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Created by Sushma Gupta On 05/27/04
Modified on 01/22/12