Mahaabhaarat | Kathaa | 3-Youth

Kathaa - 3-Youth

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Page 25-MBH Serial


Intervening of Gaandhaaree and Vidur Leaves Country

The following is not Mahaabhaarat but has been shown in MBH Serial.

When Draupadee could not get any answers of her questions, in frustration she got ready to curse Dhritraashtra's family. As Draupadee was ready to give Shaap to Dhritraashtra and his family, Gaandhaaree intervened and stopped Draupadee. She said to Duryodhan - "You have asked Dushaasan to pull your Bhaabhee's (brother's wife) cloth, now ask Dushaasan to pull your mother's cloth also. It is very shameful for this country that where Shakti (the Power in the form of woman) is worshipped, in the same country her clothes are being pulled off her body. In which family even a maid was untouched by a man, in the same family, its daughter-in-law's clothes are pulled off in the royal court today?" She abused her son like anything, and consoled Draupadee in several ways.

Then she said to Dhritraashtra - "Why don't you say something? If you cannot see, at lease you can hear, you can think." After a few moments Dhritraashtra said to Draupadee - "Let my ancestors and world not forgive me." Then he asked Draupadee to ask for Var. Draupadee had no alternative, so she she asked him to free her husbands and to give back their weapons. Dhritraashtra asked her to ask for third Var, but Draupadee refused to ask saying that "asking third Var shows greed, and I am not greedy." Pleased with her, Dhritraashtra gave her the third Var also that Paandav's kingdom should be returned to them so that they could go home safely, and so it was returned and Paandav were allowed to go back to their capital.

Kuntee was extremely sad to hear all this, she also consoled Draupadee in several ways. Vidur Jee decided to leave the country so he came to see Gaandhaaree.

When Vidur came to see Gaandhaaree, she asked him as how it all happened like this, as Bheeshm was tied to the royal chair, then how did he tolerate its insult like this? Vidur said - "Everybody has to bear the results of his deeds, but if it is possible, please save the Kuru family. It is going on the path of destruction." Gaandhaaree said - "Let us weep on the destruction of Bharat family."

Vidur said - "To weep only cannot be the solution of any problem, find some solution. Duryodhan insulted me too and my elder brother didn't say a word. Now I go." Gaandhaaree asked - "Where will you go, Vidur?" Vidur said - "I am going in search of knowledge. I have many questions in my mind, I need their answers right now, such as "what is the definition of Maryaadaa?"; "wife is a thing or a person?"; "if to put Draupadee on stake is Dharm, then what is A-Dharm?" I want to know answers of such questions, and Vidur went away.

Drone also said to Bheeshm - "It seems that all this is the result of our past life's Karm (actions)." Bheeshm said - "This is a black spot on the faces of all of us for which we will have to pay by our blood. If this debt is paid off in this life only, it is good."


Home | Mahaabhaarat | Kathaa | 3-Youth


Created by Sushma Gupta On 03/09/02
Modified on 11/14/10