Das Kriti | Devee Bhaagvat
In Devee Bhaagvat, there are several stories to enlighten human life for divinity. In this Puraan Devee is the mother goddess. It is common in Indian culture and religion to worship God as mother, because the mother is always kind to her children by helping, supporting, forgiving for their deficiencies or mistakes, and being affectionate to them. She always tries to fulfill all desires of her children and protects them in all circumstances and every where. The dimension of space, time and energy are of no consequence for Her. Devee Bhaagvat is about worshiping mother goddess as Devee, Mahaamaayaa, Kaalee, Durgaa or Chaamundaa. It has been presented here in Hindi language in poetry form.
Created and Maintained by Sushma
Created on 04/27/2006 and Modified on