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2-Introduction to Houses-2

The whole whole celestial sphere is divided into 12 Raashi (Signs). When they are written on a paper they are called Houses. Thus each Raashi is assigned a House, 30 degrees wide. There are several systems to draw the diagram of this - North Indian Chart, South Indian Chart, and Western Chart etc. The uppermost diamond is House No 1. Then if you go towards left (anticlockwise), the second space - Trikon (triangle), and thus the numbers go on till they reach 12. The whole astrology is filled in these 12 Houses. That is why it is very necessary to know about these Houses.

House, Bhaav, Sign and Planets
Astrological information is known by Planets. There are three things whenever we talk about any Planet -
A particular planet is posited in which House? - House numbers are fixed.
A particular planet is posited in which Sign? - Any planet can occupy any Sign, since all planets revolve around the Sun, and it can occupy
    any House as any Sign can occupy any House.
All Houses have fixed Bhaav or Kaarak so the prediction is made by connecting these three factors - planet, Sign and House

That is why when we draw the birth chart,
first we write the number of Houses - as they are fixed
then we write the Ascendant - the rising Sign at the time of the birth of the Native,
then we write other Signs appearing in order
and in the last we fill the planets in each Sign as they are at the time of birth.

Bhaav or Kaarak
Every House belongs to some aspect of the Native's life.
Every House has its Lord.
When we talk in terms of Kaarak or Bhaav (House), Saturn is Bhaavesh (Lord of the 8th House) for the 8th House as Aayu Kaarak.
In terms of Signs, for example, Kumbh as 8th House from Cancer Lagna becomes Bhaavesh as well as the Sign Lord. Since it is Mool Trikon sign for Saturn, he will not be Maarakesh in his Dashaa but in the Dashaa of 2nd and 7th Lords - he can give Mrityu-tulya problems.

--Signs refer to natural zodiac (fixed) - Raashi - Aries, Taurus etc...
--whereas Bhaav (Houses) commence from Lagna and ends with Dwaadash Bhaav - First Bhaav, Second Bhaav etc. Their (Houses') Kaarak are also fixed.

The 12 Houses signify like this, some things are imaginary to explain other things in the chart, suppose Cancer is Ascendant -

First House / Tanu Bhaav  : Moon is the Lord of Lagna (because Cancer Rashi in Lagna is Moon's main Rashi) and Depositor of Venus and Saturn.
Upagraha significance : Mrityu.
Saturn is in Maran Kaarak Sthaan in Tanu Bhaav/First House.

Second House / Dhan Bhaav : Sun is the Lord of 2nd house (Leo is main Raashi/MT of Sun) and Depositor of Mars
Upagraha significance : (Vyatipaat, Arth Prahar, Yam Ghantak)

Third House / Sahaj Bhaav : Mercury is the Lord of 3rd house (Virgo is main Raashi/MT of Mercury) and Depositor of Pluto.
Upagraha significance : Nil

Fourth House / Bandhu Bhaav  : Venus is the Lord of 4th house (Libra is main Raashi/MT of Venus) and Depositor of Raahu and Uranus.
Upagraha Significance : Gulikaa

Fifth House / Putra Bhaav : Mars is the Lord of 5th House (This Raashi is the second house of Mars) of and Depositor of Neptune.
Upagraha significance : Dhoom, Kaal

Sixth House / Ari Bhaav : Jupiter is the Lord of 6th house (Sagittarius is main Raashi/ MT of Jupiter) and Ketu is also Co-Lord of 6th house (Sagittarius is main Rashi/MT of Ketu) and no planets in it.
Upagraha significance : Nil

Seventh House / Yuvatee Bhaav : Saturn is the Lord of 7th house (because of his full aspect on it) and Depositor of Moon.
Upagraha significance : Nil

Eight House / Randhra Bhaav : Saturn is the Lord of 8th house (Aquarius is main Raashi/MT of Saturn).
Upagraha significance : Parivesh

Ninth House / Dharm Bhaav  : Jupiter is the Lord of 9th house (This Raashi is second house of Jupiter). This rashi has no depositor.
Upagraha significance : Nil

Tenth House / Karm Bhaav  : Mars is the Lord of 10th house (Aries is main Raashi/MT of Mars) and Depositor of Ketu.
Upagraha significance : Nil

Eleventh House / Laabh Bhaav /  : Venus is the Lord of 11th house (Taurus is second house of Venus / MT of Moon) and Depositor of Jupiter.
Upagraha significance : Indra Chapa, Upaketu

Twelfth House / Vyaya Bhaav /  : Mercury is the Lord of 12th house (Gemini is the 2nd house of Mercury / MT of Raahu) and Depositor of Sun and Mercury.
Upagraha significance : Nil
Sun is in Maran Kaarak Sthaan in Vyaya Bhaav /Twelfth House.

Deciding the Length of Houses?
There are 2 main ways of evaluating the Houses, especially for this point.

(1) There is the Equal House System where whether one is born at the 1st degree of Gemini or the 29th degree of Gemini, one considers the Gemini as occupying the entire 30 degrees of Gemini.

(2) There is another system, called the Bhaav Chart, which is made, 15 degrees equally around the exact moment of one's Rising Sign (Ascendant). So, if your Rising sign is the 29 degree of Gemini which means in your Bhaav Chart, 1st house ranges from the 29 degree Gemini, down to the 14th degree of Gemini, one way, but then up to the 14th degree of Cancer. That means that all the signs in your houses slide into other houses too.

Types of Houses
All Houses are counted from Lagna House. Houses are of many types and are thus classified in several ways --

Anisht Bhaav for benefic Houses = 3H, 6H, 8H, and 12 Houses
Dusthaan = 6H, 8H, 12H
Isht Bhaav for Malefics = 3H, 6H and 11H
Longevity = 8H and 8H Lord

Aapoklim or Cadent Houses - 3H, 6H, 9H, 12H
Kendra Houses = 1H, 4H, 7H, 10H
Kon Houses (Angular) =
Lagna House (1st House) = 1H
Maarak Houses - 2H, 7H
Panaphar Houses - 2H, 5H, 8H, 11H
Trikon Houses = 1H, 5H, 9H
Upachaya Houses = 3H, 6H, 10H, 11H

Raashi are classified as Aatmaa (self), Upekshak (overlooking or ignoring), Paushak (nourisher) and Baadhak (slayer). They give results according to their names. From these Houses, one should predict the auspicious and inauspicious results applicable to the two birth Raashi (of male and female). According to the Shaastra, Houses 3, 7, and 11 are called Poshak Houses and the 4, 8, and 12 Houses are called Baadhak Houses

Aatm Raashi  -  1, 5, 9 Houses
Upekshak Raashi  -  2, 6, 10 Houses
Poshak Raashi  -  3, 7, 11 Houses
Baadhak Raashi  -  4, 8, 12 Houses

Bhaav 2nd /4th /7th /10th from the Bhaav under discussion. In addition to the above following conditions has to be fulfilled for a cleaner and 100 percent result producing Bhaav,
1. No Paap Drishti (aspect) for the above positions
2. No Paap Sambandh for the above positions
Then the Bhaav under question prosper.
If not, it is "Bhaav haani Bhavat bhaavam".

That is "assuming" any Bhaav as like Lagna and finding out its strength. We normally say 6/8/12 are bad houses. When we say that, we are looking from just the Lagna only. But according to Bhavat Bhaavam principle, we should look (we can) from each Bhaav or Bhaavaadhipati or Kaarak in order to assess the total strength of the Bhaav under discussion. For example, to assess the strength of Putra Bhaav : we would look at 5th Bhaav, its Lord, Putra Kaarak Jupiter. The complete strength of Putra Bhaav could be measured by considering, benefic and malefic influences over Bhaav or Bhaavaadhipati or Kaarak positions.

So there is a lot of additions and subtractions involved here to arrive at the final result. Let us look at this. For Shubh Graha For the natural benefic Graha,
3/6/8/12 Bhaav are Anisht Bhaav.
Remaining Bhaav are Isht Bhaav.
11th Bhaav is also good for them.
This means Benefic planets (natural benefic) get upset when they are in 3rd/6th/8th/12th Bhaav. This spoils the Bhaav.

For Inauspicious Graha
For the natural Malefic Graha, 3H, 6H, and 11H are very Benefic positions, rest are bad positions. (I am not sure why the learned writer has left 8th Bhaav here. Normally Malefic Graha behave well in bad houses too and 8th House is one of the best bad houses.)

Importance of 1/5/9 Bhaav
Among all the Bhaav, Lagna, 5th Bhaav and 9th Bhaav are the most important. Here, if we have Shubh Graha present, we get good result but malefic Grah presence we get bad result. Yo Yo Bhava swaamee drishte. If a Bhaav is aspected by its lord, then the Bhaav prosper. This could be by an aspect or by placement. This is true even if the Bhaav Lord is a natural malefic planet. If other Paap Graha other than its lord does it, then it is bad for the Bhaav. As long as it is its own lord, there is no problem irrespective of a natural malefic planet or natural benefic planet. For example Saturn aspecting Makar from Kark is good for Makar. But Mars or Sun present in Kark and aspecting Makar is not good for that Bhaav (Makar whichever Bhaav it signifies in the given chart).

Importance of 6/8/12 Bhaav
The Lord of the above Bhaav even if they are Shubh Graha (natural benefic) they can still cause harm to the Bhaav where they are present or aspecting. For example, 8th Lord Venus present in 11th house of elder brother/sister and result is they don't function OR 8th Lord present in 3rd house of siblings and the result is the person does not have younger siblings or there is a lot of difference age between the self and the younger siblings - such cases are observed, again result is depended on overall strength of the said Bhaav. Here please look at Bhaav or Bhaav Lord or Kaarak too). Reverse is also true! That is if a particular Bhaavaadhipati goes to one of these Anisht Bhaav, it get hammered too.

Importance of 2/12/7 Bhaav
Take any Bhaav and if it has Shubh Graha in its 2nd / 12th and 7th Bhaav, then the Bhaav under question has full strength.

Importance of 4/8/12 Bhaav
If Paap Graha are located in 4th or 8th or 12th Bhaav from the Bhaav under discussion, say for example marriage we look at 7th Bhaav. So 4th from 7th / 8th from 7th and 12th from 7th. Look at all those Bhaav and if we have Paap Graha there, then the marriage Bhaav suffer. Also look at the 5th and 9th from 7th house. Paap Graha at these positions would make the Bhaav suffer too. If a Bhaav Lord and its Kaarak Graha has no strength and Bhaav Lord or the Kaarak Graha are placed in 6th /8th or 12th Bhaav, then there is no benefic result from the particular Bhaav. Drishti from Lagna Lord / Placement in Kendra position. If a Bhaav is aspected by Lagna Lord, or the Bhaav Lord is placed in a Kendra position, then consider the Bhaav has gained strength.

Bhaav is strong , still no result ..How and why? We would normally think if a Bhaav Lord or Kaarak Lord under discussion is in exalted position, then Bhaav prosper. but imagine this position is Anisht Bhaav (6th or 8th or 12th), then what happens? Bhaav gained strength, but Bhaav fails to give result. Anubhav part is not happening. It is not fulfilling the result you would expect. So Uchch Sthiti of the planet is not helpful when Anisht Bhavam is encountered. Let us consider the reverse, Bhaav Lord is in Neecha or Kaarak Lord is in Neech, but there is result. How and why? This can happen when their position is Isht Bhaav like 11th house. here 100 percent result of the Bhaav would be obtained.

Importance of 1/4/7/10 Bhaav
Take any Bhaav, if it has Shubh Graha in its Kendra positions, then the Bhaav prosper. Like previously said, we could apply Bhavat Bhavam principle here. It is not only applicable to Lagna, but any other 11 Bhaav. Assume they are Lagna and start measuring their strength. Bhaav or Bhaav Lord / Kaarak. The above three are the catch words here. They are the key. If they have strength, then the said Bhaav has strength. For example the case of marriage. Bhaav is 7th under consideration. So we look at 7th house, its lord and Kaarak Venus. Then apply all the above techniques to find out its strength.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 09/04/2012