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Most of us do not know why festivals are celebrated. However everyone enjoys the festivals and the extravagant celebrations. It would be interesting to find out their background from a scientific, logical, historical and Pauraanik points of view.

As Osho says, our life itself should be like a festival. Enjoying religiosity, achieving physical wellbeing and mental peace and tranquility are their objectives. So, instead of attaching too much of importance to the external aspects, it is better to concentrate on the meaningful activities expected in each festival. For example, Krishnaashtamee and Geetaa Jayantee can be celebrated chanting the Geetaa, Raam Navamee by reciting the Raamaayan or doing its Paaraayan, Dushaharaa by chanting the Devee Bhaagvat etc.

Those who first introduced these practices knew the correct reasoning behind the celebrations. The next generations performed them correctly even if they had not understood the background. Nowadays, some of these are being conducted without understanding and in an incorrect way. With this background, modern generation who need explanation for every thing may reject the whole thing. It is therefore necessary to understand correctly and then explain them to our juniors. Let us consider some of the practices as examples.

Chaandogya Upanishad (1.10) says,
Gavyam sumadhuram kinchiddoshaghnam krimi kushtanuth
Kandoom cha shamayeth pittham samyagdoshodare hitham
(go moothra is a little sweet, it is anti infectant, it cures leprosy).

Hom or Havan
Khushvaaha S L, a teacher in Bhopal conducted Hom when the poisonous gas, methyl isocyanate was spreading rapidly there. In about 20 minutes, the gas vanished from the vicinity of his house. (See The Hindu, April 7, 1985). An American professor (psychiatrist) Barry Tathner has conducted research on Agnihotra, which is a small Hom done everyday. He says Agnihotra is known all over the world. The research conducted on Rudra Swaahaakaar Yagya conducted at Naagpur has been reported in detail in Bauddhik Sampadaa, November 1999. This has been followed up at the conference on cows at Ramachandrapur Mutt during 2007 April. The use of brass, copper vessels, turmeric (arisina, Haldee), Neem sticks etc, have also been subjected to tests. Beeta Ameloid, a protein causing the incurable Alzheimer disease could be controlled by the use of turmeric - Arisina (Haldi) - see The Hindu, April 20, 2005.

Ugaadi and Neem
Neem leaves and sticks are being used from times immemorial in our Yugaadi festival and we take a little Neem with jaggery on that day. There are about 1 crore Neem trees in the country and it is possible to earn about 1000 crores from these. At present, we are using only a part of these and earning only about 100 crores. (See The Indian Express, June 6, 2007)

We offer the best and special dishes to God first and partake them as Prasaad. Thus, we get the best to eat and since we fast till the Poojaa is over, it helps in improvement of health too. The procedure followed in each festival has scientific background. For example, during Raam Navamee which falls during summer, we offer Kosumbaree which cools the body. Lime juice with sugar, butter milk etc., are also distributed. Deepaavalee which falls after the harvest season is enjoyed with daughters, sons in law and grand children. Mahaa Shiv Raatri is considered as Shiva's marriage day to Girijaa or his birthday. The day is ideal for spiritual advancement and so, the day and night is spent praying, worshipping. Rudra destroys sorrow and difficulties. He is called Aashutosh, one who is pleased easily and grants any thing prayed for. Shiv means auspicious. The ash on his body indicates Vairaagya. No one can destroy ash ! He lives in the burial ground. The serpent on his neck represents time. Since he controls time he is called as Mahaa Kaal. His vehicle Nandee symbolizes Dharm. Shakti (energy) is his wife. To indicate that he takes care of even those who are rejected by every one else, he shelters Bhoot Gan. He is Nataraaj. Births and deaths, all changes taking place with time are controlled by movements, he is engaged in Taandava Nritya. His third eye indicates movement upwards. The three lines of Vibhooti represent Tri-Gun, Tri-Lok. If Tap-Traya are overcome, realization of the self is possible. The combination of Shiv and Shakti is indicated with the Ardh-Nareeshwar concept. Likewise, the Shiv-Shakti within us should merge and we should realize the Aatmaa. This is the purpose behind the Shiv Raatri celebration.

We have to understand that if we do not wake up and take care about protecting our ancient cultural practices, we may have to obtain permission from some multi-national companies even to perform our festivals!



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Created by Sushma Gupta on 3/15/05
Updated on 09/29/13