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Br-3-Brahmaa and Devtaa

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Brihadaaranyak Upanishad

Brahmaa, Devtaa etc.

For a time, the Angels, the humans, and the Asur - the three offspring of Prajaapati, lived with him as his students. After they completed their studies, Prajaapati called the Angels and said to them the syllable "Da" and asked them - "Did you understand?"
The Angels answered - "Yes, Sir. We did. You told us "Daamyaat" - exercise self control."
Brahmaa jee said - "You have understood right."

Then Brahmaa Jee said to humans - "Da" and asked them - "Did you understand?"
"Yes, Sir. You said "Datta" - be charitable."
Brahmaa Jee said - "You understood right."

Then Brahmaa Jee called Asur and said "Da" and asked them - "Did you understand?"
The Asur answered - "Yes, Sir. You said "Dayadhwam" - be kind to everybody."
Brahmaa Jee said - "You understood right."

And all went to their places.



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Created by Sushma Gupta on 3/15/05
Updated on 04/13/13