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12-Shiv Moorti

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12-Shiv Moorti

Shaivite iconography recognizes many different traditional forms of Shiv. The Shiv Ling is the primary form for worship and is found everywhere, in almost all temples of Shiv. The Shiv Ling is referred to as the aniconic form because it depicts the supreme Formless Form (A-Roop Roop). In addition, 25 other common iconic forms (Moorti) are described as prominent in Shaiv Siddhaant, although many more are recognized. In general,

Anthropomorphic representations are called Maheshwar Moorti, whereas the Shiv Ling, the aniconic form, is called Sadaashiv Moorti. The Maheshwar Moorti are sub-divided by two sets of classifications. The first classification divides the Moorti into fierce (Ugra) or benevolent (Anugraha) images. The second classification divides the Moorti  into Bhog, Yog and Veer. The Bhog forms are represented with Shakti, whereas in the Yog and Veer forms Shakti is not specifically depicted, but is implicit. Note that all the Bhog and most of the Yog forms are also Anugraha forms.

25 Maheshwar Moorti Name

Moorti Name
Bhikshaatan Moorti - Anugraha Yog
Nataraaj Moorti - Anugraha Yog
Aja Ekapad Moorti - Anugraha Yog
Dakshinaamoorti Anugraha Yog
Lingodhbhav Moorti Anugraha Yog
Kaam Dahan Moorti (Kamari) Ugra Yog
Tripuraantak (Tripuraaree) Ugra Veer
Mahaakaaleshvwar (Kalari) Ugra Veer
Jalandharaari Ugra Veer
Gajasamharamurti Ugra Veer
Veerabhadra (Karaal) Ugra Veer
Kankaal-Bhairav Ugra Veer
Kalyanasundar Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Vrishabhaaroodh Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Chandrashekhar Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Umaa-Maheshwar Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Shankar-Naaraayan Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Ardh-Naareeshwar Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Kiraat Moorti Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Chandesh Anugraha Moorti Anugraha Bhog
Chakraprad Swaroop Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Som Skand Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Gajamukhaanugraha Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Neelakanth-Maheshwar Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Sukhaasan Moorti Moorti - Anugraha Bhog
Panchaanan Shiv Moorti – the five faces and the five Shakti;

In addition to the above 25 Moorti, there is yet another important but rare anthropomorphic form – the five-faced (Panchaanan) Shiv – which is considered not a Maheshwar Moorti, but a Sadaashiv Moorti like the Shiv Ling. Per Shaivite theology, Shiv realized in the five faces is revealed as the Lord and Master of all the categories of existence (Tattwa), which have classically been described and divided into groups of fives. The sum totality of all groups of five categories is the manifest universe (Prapanch). Revealed in the five faces, Shiv is realized as the essence of all Prapanch (Prapanch-saar).

Each of the five faces of Shiv has a proper name, and an associated Shakti with it, which collectively describe the Panch Kritya (five divine acts) of Shiv, ie creation, sustenance, dissolution, concealment and revealing.

Names of Faces                              Associated Shakti
Eeshaan (Sadaashiv)........................Anugraha Shakti (Power of Revealing)
Tatpurush (Maheshwar)................Tirodhan Shakti (Power of Concealment)
Aghor (Rudra)....................................Sanhaar Shakti (Power of Dissolution)
Vaamdev (Vishnu)..............................Stithi Shakti (Power of Sustenance)
Sadyojaat (Brahmaa).......................Sristhi Shakti (Power of Creation)

The basic idea is that the Supreme Lord (Parameshwar) ever creates the world, sustains it, and dissolves it when the time is ripe. Moreover, He has concealed Himself within the fabric of manifestation, existence, and becomes revealed to us as such when we have matured enough.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on March 15, 2003 and Updated on February 12, 2013