Shishu Sansaar | Riddles


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Riddles-6 (39-46)

Riddle 39 - How Many Books?

How many books can you put in an empty school bag?
[See the answer on Riddles Answers-6]

Riddle 40 - How Many Stamps?

It takes 12 1-cent stamps to make a dozen stamps, How many 6-cent stamps does it take to make a dozen?
[See the answer on Riddles Answers-6]

Riddle 41 - Dividing 5 Potatoes

How would you divide 5 potatoes among three children?
[See the answer on Riddles Answers-6]

Riddle 42 - How Many Crows?

Six crows are sitting on a branch of a tree. One hunter shot one of them, how many crows would be left there?
[See the answer on Riddles Answers-6]

Riddle 43 - Which Birthday

A girl was 9 years old on her last birthday; and she will be 11 years old on her next birthday. How is it possible?
[See the answer on Riddles Answers-6]

Riddle 44 - How Many Horses?

You are going to town. There is a stable on your right side along the way. You counted the horse therein, they were 20. When you were coming back, you counted horses on your left side stable. They were also 20. How many horses did you count?
[See the answer on Riddles Answers-6]

Riddle 45 - Seven Even

How do you make seven even?
[See the answer on Riddles Answers-6]

Riddle 46 - What Did He Weigh?

A man who worked in a butcher shop was 6 feet tall and wore size 11 shoes. What did he weigh?
[See the answer on Riddles Answers-6]



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Created by Sushma Gupta on January 15, 2002
Modified on 05/02/13