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14-Do You Know-Meaning

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14-Do You Know (Meaning)

What is the meaning of NEWS?
News means 'a report of recent events', or previously unknown information. There is one more characteristic of this news, can you tell what? This can come from any or all of them - N = North, E = East; W = West; and S = South. That is why it is a news.

What is the meaning of GOD?
People say God means the Almighty, but how? How this word name was assigned to Him? Have you ever thought about it? I tell you how. God does three jobs - He creates this world, sustains it and then destroys it. So according to these three jobs he has been given this three-letter word. G = Generator;  O = Operator;  and D = Destroyer.

What is the meaning of DISEASE?
Disease means illness or sickness. Can you tell why this meaning was assigned to it? Let us break this word like this - Dis + ease which means where ease or comfort is not there, it means disease.

What does ETC represent?
E = End of,  T = Thinking,    C = Capacity  =  End of thinking Capacity

What is PRESENT?
Present means gift. How? Past is gone, future is unknown, only PRESENT is known and that is our gift.

Some Other Words' Meanings
CHESS = Chariot, Horse, Elephant, Soldiers.
COLD = chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.
JOKE = Joy of Kids Entertainment.
AIM = Ambition in Mind.
DATE = Day and Time Evolution.
EAT = Energy And Taste.
TEA = Taste And Energy Admitted.
PEN = Power Enriched in Nib.
SMILE = Sweet Memories In Lips Expression.
BYE = Be with You Everytime.



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Created by Sushma Gupta on January 15, 2002
Modified on 05/26/13