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The first known zero in the Indian tradition: Sambor (on Mekong) inscription Denoting Shak era 605.
Until 1930, many scholars in the West believed that the zero was either a European or an Arab invention. A highly polemical academic argument was raging at the time, where British scholars, among them G. R. Kaye, who published much about it, mounted strong attacks against the hypothesis that the zero was an Indian invention. The oldest known zero at that time was indeed in India, at the Chatur-bhuj Temple in the city of Gwaalior. But it was dated to the mid-9th century, an era that coincided with the Arab Caliphate. Thus Kaye's claim that zero was invented in the West and came to India through Arab traders could not be defeated using the Gwaalior zero.

But then in 1931, the French archaeologist Georges Coedes published an article (see reference below) that demolished the Kaye's theory. In it, he proved definitively that the zero was an Eastern (and perhaps Cambodian, although he viewed Cambodia an "Indianized civilization) invention. Coedes based his argument on an amazing discovery. Early in the 20th century, an inscription was discovered on a stone slab in the ruins of a seventh-century temple in a place called Sambor on Mekong, in Cambodia. Coedes gave this inscription the identifier K-127. He was an expert philologist and translated the inscription from Old Khmer. It begins: Chaka parigraha 605 panchamee roc... [Translated as : The Shak era has reached 605 on the 5th day of the waning Moon...]

:The zero in the number 605 is the earliest zero we have ever found. We know that the Shak era began in 78 AD, so the year of this inscription in our calendar is 605 + 78 = 683 AD. Since this time predates the Arab empire, as well as the Gwaalior zero, by two centuries, Coedes was able to prove that the zero is, in fact, an Eastern invention. It is believed to have come to the West via Arab traders and was popularized in Europe through the work of Fibonacci (of the famous sequence of numbers), published in 1202.

"For a time, inscription K-127 was kept in the Cambodian National Museum in Phnom Penh, but during the Khmer Rouge reign of terror, while killing more than 1.7 million of their own people, Pol Pot and his henchmen also stole or destroyed close to 10,000 artifacts -- and this priceless inscription's whereabouts were unknown." []

Not the Earliest Zero, rediscovered
Posted by schrisomalis on June 2, 2013
A rather unfortunate effort in Discover by Amir Aczel - "How I Rediscovered the Oldest Zero in History" more or less effaces his solid legwork with shoddy theorizing and a historical claims. Supported by the Sloan Foundation, Aczel (a popular science writer) went to Cambodia and tracked down the location of the Old Khmer inscription from Sambor, which is dated 605 in the Shak era (equivalent to 683 CE), which obviously contains a zero. While the Hindu-Arabic-Western numerical tradition is seen to emanate from India, all of our earliest unquestioned examples (the late 7th century ones) of the zero are from Southeast Asia, and Sambor is the earliest one. Because things have been rough in Cambodia for a long time, his work tracking it down and ensuring that it would be protected deserves a lot of credit.

If he had stopped there it would have been fine, but unfortunately, in an effort to bolster the importance of his claim, Aczel spends quite a lot of time justifying this as the first zero anywhere, ever, neglecting Babylonian and Maya zeroes from many centuries earlier. To do that he needs to whip out all sorts of after-the-fact justifications of why those zeroes don’t really count, because Babylonians didn’t use their zero as a pure placeholder, or because Maya zeroes, well actually he just ignores those until the comments. Just for kicks, and regardless of the fact that it has nothing to do with zero, he starts off with a lengthy diatribe about how the Roman numerals are "clunky" and "cumbersome" and "inefficient", and is an utterly ridiculous, a historical claim that is divorced from how such numerals were being actually used over two millennia.

Sambor inscription really is the first known zero in the Indian tradition (to which our own Western numerals owe their origin) and it’s great that he’s been able to reconfirm its location in a politically perilous part of the world.

How I Rediscovered the Oldest Zero in History
By Amir Aczel | May 20, 2013 1:31 pm
Mathematically, the Greco-Roman-Etruscan number system is an endlessly repetitive number system that is inefficient and cumbersome. To write 3333, which we do by repeating the sign 3 four times, a Roman would have had to scribble down MMMCCCXXXIII—three times as many characters. And I challenge anyone to multiply this number by MMDCCCLXXIX—using only the Roman system (meaning without translating these numbers into what they would be in our base-10 number system and then back into Roman numerals). Surprisingly, this clunky old Roman number system, with its ancient Greek and Etruscan roots, remained in use in Europe until the 13th century.

Our base-10 system derives its power and efficiency from the fact that we use a zero. The zero here is not just a concept of nothingness (and something every schoolchild learns you are forbidden to divide by), but also a place holder. The zero is a sign we place in a location in a number when there is nothing there - to tell us, for example, that 40 means four tens and no units, or that 405 is four hundreds, no tens, and five units.

Numbers on a dial
The zero thus turns the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 into what algebraists call the ring Z (10). When you stack such rings one on top of the other, and you let them represent, in turn, the units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, and so on, based on each ring’s location, you get the highly efficient number system we have today. Think of each ring as a dial - when it goes around full circle, you get 0 and you add a 1 to the ring above it. As an example, start with the number 5, this means only the lowest ring, that of the units, is non-empty, and has the number 5. Now add to this the number 7. Five units from the 7 will bring the units ring to 0 and make the tens ring jump up to 1. The remaining 2 from the 7 will make the lowest ring (the lowest dial) now show 2. Thus we have that the sum of 5 and 7 is 12. Without the place-holding zero, which makes each "dial” start repeating itself after going through zero, we couldn’t do this.

The ancient Babylonians (preceded by the Akkadians and Sumerians) had a base-60 number system, without a zero. So already 4,000 years ago, people in ancient Babylon understood that it is efficient to make numbers become “circular” or dial-like, in the sense that 60 was like our 10, and 3600 (60 squared) was like our 100, and so on. But the Babylonians didn’t use a place-holding zero, so there were serious ambiguities in their system.

Our number system is far superior to the old Babylonian base-60 system, because our base is much smaller and because we use a zero, and it is also superior to the 3,000-year-old Greco-Roman-Etruscan letter-based system. Zero is the incredible invention that made our number system so efficient. This system was popularized in Europe after the publication, in 1202, of the book Liber Abaci (The Book of the Abacus), by Fibonacci (of the famous Fibonacci sequence). Presumably, Fibonacci learned the use of the 10 numerals with zero from Arab traders, with whom he dealt on behalf of his merchant father, and that is why we often call them the Arabic numerals. But Fibonacci himself refers to them in his book as the “nine Indian numerals” with zero, which he calls zephirum, perhaps originating from the Arab sefir.

The Original Zero
But who invented the zero, which gives so much power to our number system? We don’t know who invented it, but we are pretty sure that the zero is an Eastern invention. The oldest zero in India with a confirmed date is from the mid-9th century, and found in the Chatur-bhuj Temple in the city of Gwaalior.

At one point, an older zero was also known. In the 1930s a zero from the year 683 AD was found in Cambodia, and its great antiquity allowed a French researcher by the name of Georges Coedes to prove that the zero is of Eastern provenance. This is because, while the Gwaalior zero is concurrent with the Arab empire based in Baghdaad (the Caliphate), the zero from 683 predates extensively Arab trading. It also comes from a location that is much farther east than India. Its existence thus makes it highly unlikely that the zero was invented in Europe or Arabia and traveled east through Arab traders, as some had believed in the early 20th century. The Cambodian zero proved that zero was an Eastern invention. But this zero disappeared during the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, and no one knew if it still existed.

The location where the oldest zero in the world, on a 7th century stone inscription, was kept was plundered by the Khmer Rouge as late as 1990, not far from the famous Angkor Wat temple, and after weeks of searching among thousands of artifacts, many of them damaged or discarded, it was able to be discovered from the inscription.

It is the only picture (with a few others my wife took) that exists of this priceless find. Coedes had used only a pencil-rubbing, and never had a photograph. The dot in the center, to the right of the inverted-9-looking sign (which is 6 in Old Khmer) is the oldest zero ever discovered. His Excellency Hab Touch has promised me to bring K-127 back to the Cambodian National Museum in Phnom Penh, where it belongs, and where, hopefully, everyone would soon be able to see it."

Cœdès, Georges, "A propos de l'origine des chiffres arabes," Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1931, pp. 323-328. Diller, Anthony, "New Zeros and Old Khmer," The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, Vol. 25, 1996, pp. 125-132.

Ifrah, Georges. The Universal History of Numbers. New York: Wiley, 2000.
The zero is the dot in the middle, to the right of the spiral-looking character, which is a 6 in Old Khmer. The numeral to the right of the dot is a 5, making the full number 605. The inscription says: “The Shak era reached year 605 on the 5th day of the waning moon…” We know that in Cambodia the Shak era began in the year 78 AD. Thus the date of this zero is 605 + 78 = 683 AD.

Some Other Views-Read them, They Might Help
Aaryabhat, who while never used the symbol for zero because he did not use the Indian numerals, had already used a placeholder (a dot) for powers of 10. Thus, he was aware of the concept of zero. And this is between 476-550 AD, clearly predating the Cambodian zero.

The use of zero is basic to the Maayaa Base-20 system of positional numeration. Amit Acad should have done more research. This is a misleading article and I'm amazed that Discovery magazine published such a claim. The Khmer of Cambodia were pretty amazing, but the Maayaa mathematicians have priority.

The Maayan zero is a place-holder as well, as a simple search of "maya and zero" quickly shows.

The Maayaa zero was used in calendar works to denote zero days or years, etc. It was different from our versatile, multi-purpose, base-10 "Hindu-Arabic" system of calculation. For the Maayaa zero and its purposes, see Georges Ifrah, "The Universal History of Numbers", NY: Wiley, 2000, pp. 316-322.

The earliest known use of zero in Meso-America is in 37 BC. Zero is used not only in the long count calendar but also as a placeholder in their modified vigesimal counting system. The Olmec and Maayans had advanced mathematics for calculating astronomical events and positions of which could not have been calculated without a value assigned to their zero. - Haughton, p. 153. The earliest recovered Long Count dated is from Monument 1 in the Maayaa site El Baúl, Guatemala, bearing a date of 37 BC.

The Maayan 10 is a =, not one and zero next to it; and after 19 you get to powers of 20 -- zero is not used in that notation; the zero glyph is very different. The Cambodian zero is a place-holder, just as in our "Hindu- Arabic" numerals.

Why call the Hindu numerals as "Arabic"? Algebra too was invented by the Hindu, but that is not being called the Arabic term - Al Gebra, enough?

The earliest known use of zero in Meso-America is in 37 BC. Zero is used not only in the long count calendar but also as a placeholder in their modified vigesimal counting system. The Olmec and Maayans had advanced mathematics for calculating astronomical events and positions of which could not have been calculated without a value assigned to their zero. As an example, the decimal value of 361 is represented by three Maayan glyphs the first and third being single dot like our period "." and the second or middle glyph would be a modified "turtle shell" representing zero (0) - such as --
.0 . = 1 x 360
0 = 0 x 20 . = 1 x 1
For a sum of 361.

I don't know what a "modified" ; base 20 system looks like, but if extend hexadecimal (base 16) with g=16, h=17, i=18, j=19, 361 ((18*20 +1) is represented as i1, no need for a "zero", 401 (1*20^2 + 1), on the other hand is 101 in base 20. Why otherwise in base 20 any number less than 400 base 10, needs 3 digits?

There are two number systems the Mayan use. Both are placeholder value systems using base-20 or a modified base-20.
For arithmetic, they used a straight base-20 system throughout with a zero placeholder. This was done through a series of horizontal bars and dots stacked upon one another for values greater than zero and a "shell" of sorts for a placeholder of zero. Their second counting system was for the long-count calendar. This was a modified base-20 system whereas the third digit was base-18 and all the others were base-20.

Maayan civilization peaked between 300 - 800 AD. The first three centuries of this period corresponded to the Gupta age in India (300- 600). It's pretty amazing that 2 civilizations on opposite sides of the world both invented the symbol for zero at roughly the same time. The predictable part is that once it was invented in India, the zero symbol spread east and west quite rapidly. In contrast, in the Americas, Maayan hieroglyphs (and the zero) remained confined to Meso-America - due in large part to the north-south axis of these continents.

Well, we all might argue the origin of the universal 0, but what's important is how the 0, the nothing became everything in modern communications. It is because the 0 is the intangible that creates the tangible through Baby Bangs occurring at the instantaneous speed of Time, where the past collides with the future, manifesting The Eternal Now (T.E.N. 010) that just past, gone into the unknown oblivion, not to be repeated (exactly) ever again. Go Baby Bangs vs. the elusive Big Bang. The universe is dualistic in term of 010, as the concise equation for the unified field theory, or, the Theory Of Everything, for the next billion years.



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Created by Sushma Gupta on January 15, 2002
Modified on 01/29/14