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5-About Karn-2

When Karn Learnt Brahm Astra?
At one place, I read that Karn was sent to Parashuraam by Duryodhan to get the knowledge of the Brahm Astra, so that he could counter Arjun's prowess in the impending war.

Is it true that after the Gau Haran incident (at Viraat Nagar), when he returned, he was apparently quite miffed at Duryodhan for not asking his welfare at all, but solely inquiring about his learning and abilities acquired under Bhaargav. When Karn pointed this out to Duryodhan, he allegedly said that as a King, he was more interested in what was important to the war effort. This hurt Karn so much that he left Hastinaapur with his widowed mother, his wife/wives and children. Later, it was supposedly Bhaanumatee, Duryodhan's wife and Karn's friend (She was also supposedly close to Karn's wife) reportedly helped in patching the rift.

In another place, it was mentioned that he went to Parashuraam AFTER having donated the Kavach and Kundal to Indra, so that he had a weapon to fight in the Kurukshetra war, having lost his invincibility. But this does not seem logical because till then he had already been cursed by Parashuraam for not being able to use his weapons, so how could he teach him Brahm Astra?

Where are These Statements?
(1) Once I read the following statement - "Six crucial speeches of Karn may be identified - to Soorya, Indra, Krishn, Kuntee, Kripaachaarya and Shalya, which set off the epic's movement towards the battlefield." Can somebody point them out as what are they and where are they located at?

(2) When Karn went to Heaven he could not get any food there to eat, so he was always hungry. On asking why was it so, he was told that he had donated many things (in fact without giving something he did not take even food, this he used to do after worshipping Soorya at about noon), but he never any food to anybody. What was its solution? That he should go back on Prithvi and donate food, so he requested Brahmaa Jee to go back to Earth to feed people. He was granted the request, he came and fed as many people as he could and went back to Heaven. In fact this story comes in the context of feeding people in Pitri Paksh. he came, in fact, in Pitri Paksh and fed people.

About the Curse of Bhoo Devee
There are two stories of curses of Bhoo Devee to Karn.
(1) One of which is about the child. While this story focuses on the might and generosity of Karn, it shows us how the intent of the deed, we always sing its praise, was immaterial. The intent was good - it was to help a young boy, yet, Karn suffered.

(2) At another instance, when Bheeshm asked for water to drink, Arjun shot an arrow into the ground (Bhoomi Devee) and water gushed out to quench Bheeshm's thirst. It is said that Gangaa changed her course to quench the thirst of her son. But here, the Earth found no fault with Arjun. It was fine if Arjuna quenched the thirst of Gangaa-Putra Bheeshm, but when Karn does it, it becomes a point to curse. Is it justified?

Karn Could Never Win Arjun
Karn always compared himself with Arjun in archery that he was better than Arjun and always repented that if he was given a chance he could show better skills in archery than Arjun. He always had a desire to fight with Arjun and he always sought an opportunity to fight with him. Fortunately or unfortunately he got several opportunities to fight with him, but he could never win him --

(1) First time he found this opportunity in Draupadee's Swayamvar. There Arjun broke his bow. When Duryodhan asked him why didn't he defeat him there, he told that he was not ready for that fight.

(2) Second time he got the opportunity when Duryodhan went for Ghosh Yaatraa, and Gandharv Raaj made him prisoner. He was nowhere to be found. Yudhishthir sent Arjun and Bheeem to rescue him.

(3) Third time he got the opportunity when Duryodhan went to attack Viraat Nagar. Arjun pushed Karn back twice.

(4) Fourth time he got the opportunity to fight with him in the Kuru Kshetra war, although there is an excuse for his defeat that he did not have his Kavach and Kundal, but still he ran away from Arjun several times. It also is true that he did not fight for 10 days while Bheeshm was the Chief Commander of Army, still he had 7 days - 5 days when Drone was Chief Commander of Army and 2 days when he himself was the Chief Commander of Kaurav Army

Why did it happen this with him when he always boasted to defeat Arjun.

Karn Never Forgot to Call Divine Astra..
According to Parashuraam's Shaap, Karn, at the time of he needs, should have forgotten all his knowledge gained from his Guru. But from Mahaabhaarat's description, it seems that only Braahman's Shaap came true, the wheel of his chariot sank in the ground; but not of Parashuraam's. (35-battle-17-4) Because, even in his last moments, he successfully invoked Brahm Astra that showered arrows on Arjun.

Vrishketu (Karn's son)
Vrishketu was Karn's son. Did he survive the MBH war? If yes, then why only two people are counted from Kaurav's side - Kripaachaarya and Ashwatthaamaa? Why Vrishketu was not counted as the survivor from Paandav army?



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Created by Sushma Gupta On 03/09/02
Modified on 04/17/13