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Children Yog

Combination for Male Progeny in Natal Chart:
1. If Mars is in former Houses and Jupiter in middle Houses and Mercury in later Houses.
2. If Mars is in former Houses and Mercury in middle Houses and Jupiter is in later Houses.
3. If Jupiter is in former Houses and Mars is in middle Houses and Mercury is in later Houses.

Combination for Daughters in Natal Chart:
1. Jupiter in former houses and Mercury in middle houses and Mars in later Houses.
2. Mercury in former houses and Jupiter in middle houses and Mars in later houses.
3. Mercury in former houses and Mars in middle houses and Jupiter in later houses.
4. If Mercury and Jupiter are in former houses and both are conjoined or confronted, at least one daughter.

How to know the Number of children?
How far the Jupiter is placed from Venus or Venus+Mercury together.
The number of houses in between the Venus or Jupiter is the general rule to count the number of children. The houses occupied by these planets should be excluded while counting.

Plenty of Children
If Saturn and constituent planets of Saturn (Jupiter conjoined with Venus) in Ketu temperament exists.
--Moon + Ketu in 5th House: 6 Sons.
--Rahu in 11th House: 6 Daughters if Saturn is not in 6th House or debilitated.
--7 Sons if Male planets are not Malefic, Raahu is not in 11th House and Saturn is in 7th House.

When father suffers?
When Jupiter is in former houses and Mercury is in later houses and Jupiter aspects Mercury then Father and child both would suffer beginning with the period of Mercury.

When father is destroyed?
When Mercury is in former houses and Jupiter is in later houses and Mercury aspects Jupiter, father will be destroyed with the beginning period of Mercury.

When father is Unhappy?
In the following conditions father remains unhappy:-
(1) Mars and Mercury in former houses and Jupiter in later houses.
(2) Jupiter is former houses and Mars + Mercury is in later houses.
(3) Mercury is in former houses and Mars + Jupiter is in later houses.

Father Unhappy but Children Happy?
When Mars is in former houses and Mercury + Jupiter is in later houses.

When the native will die without a Son?
Sun in 3,8 and Mars in 1, 5
Sun in 4 and Moon in 1, 5
Sun in 6 and Mars in 10 :--
Children will die. For their survival distribute Namkeen instead of sweet at their birth.
Sun in 6,7 and Mercury in 1, 5
Moon in 3,8 and Mars in 4
Moon in 4 and Mars in 3, 8
Mercury in 12 and Raahu in 6, 7
Mercury in 8,10 and Saturn in 6, 7
Jupiter is in 3rd, 8th and Mars is in 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 12th House
Jupiter is in 1st, 5th and Sun is in 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 12th House
Jupiter in 4 and Moon in 2, 5, 9, 12
Venus in 6,7 Mercury in 2, 7
Saturn in 12 and Raahu in 8, 10
Raahu in 6 without enemy planets and Ketu in 12

When native is superior to his parents?
When Sun conjoins friendly planets in natal chart but if the Sun conjoins the inferior planets the native’s Children will be inferior to him.

Which houses should be evaluated for comforts of children?
No 1st, 3rd, and 11th houses of Natal Chart.

When children will be the cause of father’s sufferings & death?
Under the following combinations:--
(i) If Mercury destroys Jupiter OR
(ii) Mercury is in fall OR
(iii) Mercury is in the house of Jupiter OR
(iv) Mercury conjoins the Jupiter.

When the Parents are not happy with children
When Saturn is in 3rd House and Sun is in 5th House, parents suffer due to children.

When native enjoys all kind of comforts?
If Jupiter and Ketu aspect the Saturn in the Natal Chart.

Prosperity of Next Generation
When Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn or Sun is Exalted and established in the natal chart, the next Generation shall prosper.

Who will Live Longer (Father or Mother)?
If Moon is in former house with respect to Jupiter, Mother will live longer else father will live longer.
Moon is the significator of Mother, Mother-in-law and Jupiter is significator of Father, Grandfather or Father-in-law. If any of these planets ie Moon or Sun is afflicted with enemy planets, the significator dies prior to the other.

Mars Mercury (Raahu tempering Saturn)
If the constituent planets of Saturn (Mars + Mercury) Raahu temper exists, the child dies in stomach of Mother.
In such a state, If Jupiter, Sun or Moon is benefic or exalted or well aspected the child born in the 36 years of age Shall survive and above rule is overruled. Ketu in the natal chart should also be examined with this, if Ketu is not benefic, the Venus should be examined.

Saturn in 5th House
One son till the age of Saturn ie 48 years if Native doesn’t construct a house.
However, if some Male planets like Sun, Jupiter or Mars is established the male child shall sustain.

Raahu in 9th House
One son will be born between 21 years and 42 years of age.
Thereafter 2 more sons will be born, at least 2 will flourish.

Information Collected By:-- Pradeep Mishra.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 07/01/2012