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Interpreting Transits
Many people will have Jup transiting "Moon in the 4th House" from coming May 2013. It is not said to be good. Any remedies? in my exp it was not always bad. Paryaaya and the running Dashaa, Bhukti also affects the bad transits. How then a Meen Raash Natives who are going through bad transits of Jupter, Saturn and Raahu, now. how will Moon Dashaa and Jupiter Dashaa modify the bad effects. What will be the result of for those who are undergoing Moon or Jupiter in Moon Sign? Will the results be better or worse?

Results of transits from the Moon - that does not happen in reality. Can we think that 1/12th of the population in the world is doomed because they have the transit of Saturn going through a particular Raashi? Look at the transits from Natal Lagna. Also check the Nakshatra Quarters in transit. For example - Leo Lagna. Saturn is transiting through 14 degrees of Libra in the Nakshatra of Swati Nakshatra owned by Raahu.

In one horoscope, for example, if Raahu is good for the Native, therefore Saturn will give him good results now. Jupiter is transiting through 14 degrees Taurus in Nakshatra of Rohinee owned by the Moon. The Moon is a functional malefic in his chart, owns an evil house (12th house) and is placed in a neutral House, so he will not get good results through Jupiter presently. That is the way to check transits - not only of Jupiter or Saturn, but of all the planets in the Zodiac.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 12/25/2012