Astrology | Planets
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90-Experiment |
90-Experiment Try this experiment. Next time you feel any of the
negative signs of Saturn: tiredness, fatigue, stress, worry, anxiety,
imbalance, dis-ease, etc. If fatigue or aches and pains in the body; stop and give attention to your body! Lie down, take some rest. Do some Yog, have a massage, take a nice warm tub bath! Whatever, only give to that body for a change. And, see what happens! When you give into the needs of
the body, mind, emotions, etc and figure out what brings peace and release
to that body, mind or emotions then you will be doing GREAT ASTROLOGY with
Saturn! Each moment is an astrological moment! Which planets are speaking
to you, right now! Is your Moon speaking to you? Is your Sun, wondering
about the very purpose of your life, speaking to you? Are you feeling unclear spiritually? Do you wonder whether you are living the spiritual life that you were meant to live? This is a good Jupiter moment. Listen to that, figure out what Jupiter is trying to say to you. Look at the Jupiter in your chart. Listen to the present day Jupiter/Sagittarius to hear what Jupiter has to say to you! It will be profound and revealing! Or, are you in a Mars moment? Are you feeling angry, resentful, mad, betrayed, jealous or irritable? If you are in any of Mars - negative or malefic signs then heal these negatives as well. I find a good douse of
intellectual clarity gives me the ammunition. I need to dissipate any
negative Mars emotion or tribulation! Mars issues are very fascinating. I find there tends to be a lack of spiritual clarity whenever I am feeling angry or upset. I remind myself that everything is Kaarmik. That reminds me that I am the creator of my life. It has been said: that no one brings to us anything, that is not our good or poor Karma. In other words, Don't shoot the messenger! In other words, why be angry at ourselves! If we created this Karm, don't get angry, get even! Oops, or maybe getting even, means getting balanced! If we can create resentment,
anger, strife with spouse, family, friends or work, then we can create
harmony and lack of Mars commotion! Nature is trying to show us at every moment, the better ways! Every malefic moment is nature showing us where we are out of tune with some planet and in the middle of a negative or unhealthy side. Every malefic sign is a sign from nature or God, that we are the problem! Every malefic moment is nature showing us where we need to adjust or change our ways! The very moment we try this, adjust and surrender to the positive side of each planet we will be rewarded by the cessation or complete elimination of that and any negative malefic moment! If its our Sun's that are feeling Self grief, unworthiness, loathsome qualities, lack of self-confidence etc. the very moment that we identify this and give in, strengthen our Sun or bring Sun remedies to ourselves; immediately we will feel better! If it's our Moon that are feeling bad, sad, worrisome, upset, anxious, paranoid, or on and on; the very moment that we identify this as a Moon moment and give in to the positive side of the Moon; immediately we will feel better! This is a very satisfying aha! If we are even too tired to bounce back, then lie down and rest. Let yourself go, nap, snooze, have a blessed moment of retiring. You will feel better! If the emotional or mental stresses are deeper, and dis-stress or chronic stress is going on, then, allow yourself that it may take more time. It took us years of imbalance to get stressed out! So, give yourself some time to re-create balance. Every step in this direction will be rewarded by some relief and increasing inner happiness! The Moon teaches us how to be happy! The Moon shows us each day and each month how to evolve through alternating steps of rest and activity. The rest/activity cycle of the Moon, however, is monthly. Unlike the daily rest/activity cycle, the Moon is 4 weeks long. Watch the Moon and you will discover the Moons cycles! Once you know this truth you will never be the same! Forever, in the future you will find yourself in another Moon stage and you will know you are meant either to be active or inactive or this time. If you find yourself in a future waxing or activity cycle and still feeling tired or listless; remember, to get more rest, the next time, the Moon goes through its NEXT waxing cycle! Saturn is in my 12th house of loss I was at lost to the naturally positive or healthy aspects of Saturn! SATURN - We are in a Saturn moment of delay, frustration and disappointment. Why? Because we are not allowing for the natural time it is supposed to take to move from A to B. The very moment we let go of our mind-set as to how long it is supposed to take, all of a sudden the light turns green, and free sailing results! Saturn is the greatest of friends! He is here to teach us the greatest of lessons! He is a great soul, who gives us our crap and nuisance just so that we awaken! How many times have we gotten grief, loss or the rugs been pulled out from beneath us; only to awaken on the other side, appreciative and thankful for something! Saturn is that planet which helps us wake up through grief! JUPITER - Jupiter is that planet which helps us awaken through pure knowledge, wisdom and learning. The choice is ours whether we listen to Jupiter or Saturn or both! Funnily enough, Saturn and Jupiter together represent the two different stages of rest and activity. First we rest and then we move ahead. First we rest with Saturn and then we can expand with Jupiter! Identify the astrological
moment you are in. If it is a recent phenomenon then we can look to the present transits. But, if we have been feeling bad for a while, second look at the larger Dashaa periods or to our charts. Once we have found the time Dashaa or Transit reason then we will know what we have to do! If we are in this most recent New Moon stage and feeling bad again, this is nature saying to us: Adjust and get more rest next month! If we are upset or angry, this may be due to our Mars being out of balance. So, we look to strengthen or grow with Mars more healthy or positive side. First, we correct any Mars misblame! Mars loves to blame others for our anger and upsetness. The very moment when we accept everything, immediately we will feel Mars relief! Let us say we are in middle of some huge Saturn grief. Maybe we are sick or feeling strife or stress. These, of course, are more chronic signs of misuse. So, be patient with the time that it will take to re-correct balance. It is not surprising then, that surrender is one of the positive adjectives or techniques of Saturn! Since, surrender is a way of getting us out of our way, we are encouraged to let go, to give in, to surrender, to life, to God, to Nature, to our Stars; whatever. Doing great astrology is the purpose of life! The very purpose of life is to progress and find more and more success and happiness! The flow of life; the path of life is a path of astrology. Once we identify each and every stage of that path; and then learn how to be more in-tune with each stage; immediately we will feel better! Immediately we will feel more balance, and immediately any and all of the negatives signs will disappear! As your planetary malefic signs dissipate and disappear this then, nature will be showing you that you have done it and you have achieved more health and balance with your so-called malefic planets! Maleficness is just nature's way of showing us where we need attention, growth and more knowledge and wisdom! The very moment that we achieve more planetary balance, immediately all negatives will give way to positive joy, success and happiness! How much more fun to live, when we are flowing through our benefices!
Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on