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Somewhere I read in Parashar Hora Shastra that if Jupiter is in 7th and Venus is in 12th, married life is 32 years only. This position is in my chart and my marriage-life is completing 32 years on 12.12.08.
My DOB - 19.08.50. TOB-7.30am.
My POB - Srinagar Kashmir
Can any learned guruji throw some light on this?
I see some bad planets positions in my grandson's chart.
Sat and Ketu are in 1st House.
Sun and Ven are in Neech.
Sun and Mercury are being aspected by Saturn.
I read in Jaatak-Paarijaat that if Saturn is in Leo Lagna then Sun-Saturn Dashaa is bad for the Jaatak.
Also if Sun is in 3rd and is aspected by Saturn then the age of Jaatak is only 11 years.
Is it true for Leo lagan?
This is my particular approach: I always take the Mool Trikon Raashi as the main Bhaav of a Graha. This is in accordance with Phal Deepika but very uncommon in astrologer's work. In my experience taking Moon as Taurus' Lord, Raahu as Gemini's Lord and Ketu as Sagittarius Co-Lord leads to good and correct results.

You see, some houses are empty: Those houses with the second Lordship of a Graha - House 5/Scorpio, House 7/Capricorn, House  9/Pisces, House 11/Taurus and House 12/Gemini. Now let us look if a Graha is fully aspecting his own 2nd Raashi in order to see if he is full Lord of his 2nd Raashi as well: --

House 5/Scorpio, 2nd Raashi of Mars: Mars in Leo is giving 4th House aspect to Scorpio, which is full aspect of Mars. Therefore Mars is Lord of 5th Bhaav as well. (Mars is Leo, House 5 Scorpio -> Scorpio is 4 Raashi further from Leo, counting from Leo as the first Raashi),
House 7/Capricorn, 2nd Raashi of Saturn: Saturn in Cancer is giving 7th House aspect to Capricorn, 7th house aspect is always full aspect, for full Graha. Therefore Saturn is Lord of 7th House as well.
House 9/Pisces, 2nd Raashi of Jupiter: Jupiter is in Taurus, Pisces is 11th House from Taurus. Full Graha aspect is 7th, 5th and 9th aspect. Therefore no aspect at all (even not a minor one) of Jupiter to Pisces - Jupiter is not main lord of Pisces.
House 11/Taurus, 2nd Raashi of Venus: Venus is in Cancer, Taurus is 11th House from Cancer. Full aspect for Venus is only 7th aspect, therefore no aspect of all - Venus is not main lord of Taurus/House 11 - but Moon.
House 12/Gemini, 2nd Raashi of Mercury: Mercury is in Gemini itself, therefore Mercury has full Lordship of his second Rashi, which is 12th house. As Mercury is in Gemini, his 2nd Raashi becomes even more important than his MT Raashi.

Now we can extend above given table (and I extend it with the ten significant Upgraha):
1. Moon is Lord of Lagna (because Cancer Raashi in Lagna is Moon's main Raashi) and Dispositor of Venus and Saturn (Mrityu)
2. Sun is Lord of 2nd house (Leo is main Raashi/MT of Sun) and Dispositor of Mars (Vyatipaat, Arth Prahar, Yam Ghantak)
3. Mercury is Lord of 3rd house (Virgo is main Raashi/MT of Mercury) and Dispositor of Pluto
4. Venus is Lord of 4th house (Libra is main Raashi/MT of Venus) and Dispositor of Rahu and Uranus (Gulikaa)
5. Mars is Lord of 5th house (because of his full aspect on it) and Dispositor of Neptune (Dhoom, Kaala)
6. Jupiter is Lord of 6th house (Sagittarius is main Raashi/MT of Jupiter)
7. Ketu is Co-Lord of 6th house (Sagittarius is main Raashi/MT of Ketu*)
8. Saturn is Lord of 7th house (because of his full aspect on it) and Dispositor of Moon
9. Saturn is Lord of 8th house (Aquarius is main Raashi/MT of Saturn)
10. (Parivesh) 9th House: Bhaav Kaarak is more important - Jupiter
11. Mars is Lord of 10th house (Aries is main Raashi/MT of Mars) and Dispositor of Ketu
12. Moon is Lord of 11th house (Taurus is MT of Moon*) and Dispositor of Jupiter (Indra Chaap, Upaketu)
13. Mercury is Lord of 12th house (because of his placement in his 2nd house) and Dispositor of Sun.
14. Raahu is Lord of 12th house (Gemini is MT of Raahu) and Dispositor of Sun and Mercury

Now become aware of the "Type of Bhaav" your Graha and Upagraha are occupying: 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th: Kendra - the fundaments of your life, giving strengths to planets Malefics are inauspicious here (except when in good Avasthaa), Benefics are auspicious here (limited when in bad Avasthaa)
(note: the fundaments are Self, Family/Prosperity, Marriage/Relationships with Environment, Important Activities/Profession)
1st, 5th, 9th: Trikon - supporting and fortune factors - Malefics are inauspicious here (except when in good Avasthaa), Benefics are auspicious here (limited when in bad Avasthaa)
3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th: Upachaya - houses of efforts, struggles, activities and development - Malefics are auspicious here (except when in bad Avasthaa), Benefics are more inauspicious here (limited when in good avasthas).
Exception: 10th Bhaav because it is mainly a Kendra,
11th Bhaav is good for malefics and benefics as well
6th, 8th, 12th: Dusthan - houses of problems and obstacles - Malefics are more inauspicious here, except in 6th (except when in bad Avasthaa), Benefics are generally more inauspicious here, except
Venus in 8th and 12th (limited when in good Avasthaa). Malefics here are harming especially persons related to these Bhavas, Saturn in 8th in good Avasthaa is very good for longevity
2nd, 7th: Maarak - houses of endings (going up to death) Effects depending on the nature of planets.

You have to differentiate between natural and functional Benefics/Malefics:
1. Natural Benefics are Increasing and Full Moon, Mercury (if not Yuti with a Malefic or receiving more malefic Drishti than Benefic ones), Jupiter and Venus
2. Natural Malefics are Decreasing Moon (especially if in 240° - 359° distance from Sun), Mars, Mercury Yuti malefic, Saturn, Raahu, Ketu
3. A Natural Benefic Yuti a Natural Malefic turns into a (slight) Malefic and reversely.
4. Functional Benefics are the Lords of the Trikon and the Lords of the Kendra if Natural Malefics.
5. Functional Malefics are primarily the Lords of the Upachaya and secondarily the Lords of the Dusthan. Maaraka Lords have two natures and can be seen as Malefics as well. Lords of the Kendra if Natural Benefics are Functional Malefics as well.

Now you can progress in the following way: --
1. Take my Daily Planetary Transit list and elaborate which Upagraha placement in your natal chart is auspicious and which one is inauspicious.
2. Take Moon as Lagna and count houses from Moon - in the same way you did with positions from Lagna. Moon is the mind which unconsciously and consciously creates and manifest events in your life - therefore the importance of Vinshottaree Dashaa.
3. Take your Dashaa list from JHora (you can copy/paste it simply) and try to gain a overview of them. I take Moola Dashaa, Saturn Maha Dashaa as example:

*Moola Dashaa (Dashaa showing the root of events - past Karm):*
Maha Dashaa: Saturn: 1976-07-13 (7:55:00) - 1988-07-13 (9:42:02)
Kaarak: longevity, death, fear, downfall, disgrace, sickness, unhappiness and misery, poverty, humiliation, sins, labor, filth, censure, misfortune, impurity of mind, observance of certain formalities after death in the family, stability, taking shelter from menials, buffalo, drowsiness, debts, articles of iron, service, slavery, confinement, getting arrested, agricultural implements
Natural Malefic
Functional Malefic Lord of Dusthana 8th (MT)/Lagna and
Functional Malefic due to Khal Avasthaa (very inimical sign)
Functional Benefic Lord of Kendra 7th, in Lagna
Functional Benefic due to Mudit Avasthaa (Yuti with natural benefic Venus) Yuti Venus and Mrityu, Raashi Drishti (always full Drishti!)
from Scorpio/5th, Aquarius/8th and Taurus/11th/ Jupiter, full Graha Dristhi from Moon in 7th (let us keep minor Dristhi aside at this stage)

Avasthaa: Vriddh (mature, 50-70 yrs, Sun state, very mature, less active than in former states, very experienced and able to let his light shine)
Mudit (yuti Benefic) (self-confident, satisfied, happy, healthy, pleased),
Khal (very inimical Raashi) (evil, malicious, wicked, corrupt, sick)
mixed Avasthaa - both will manifest in Saturn's Dashaa
(note: do not think that there will be medium effects - effects of Saturn's Dashaa will be very good and very bad! Extreme Avasthaa leads to extreme effects.)

83% Shadbal (very weak)
9.6 Vinshopak Bal (very weak)

Lagna (placement counted from Lagna):
- All Themes
- Self, Core Personality, Character, Power of Self/Personality
- Body, Health, Physical Constitution, Strength, Vitality
- beginnings (e.g. of own life)
- Natural Significator: The Sun
- Related Varg: D-1 (main chart), D-12 and D-60 (former life(s))
Lord of Lagna shows center of interest actively lived and activities related to these matters 8th Bhaav (first lordship):
- transformations to be done, big changes in life
- big problems and obstacles to cope, inner weaknesses, permanent sorrows, fears
- spirituality, hidden and secret knowledge, Taantrik and deep sexuality
- accidents, diseases, extreme experiences
- inheritances, heritages, testaments, money from other people generally
- sustenance of partnerships, money of partner
- longevity (if Saturn in 8th)

Natural Significator: Saturn (problems, longevity), Pluto (transformations)
Related Varg: D-30, D-27, D-9, D-10
Lord of 8th Bhaav shows activities related to these Kaarak
7th Bhaav (second Lordship):
- activities to fulfill one's desires and wishes
- relating oneself to environment, outer world, surroundings
- marriage, spouse, partners of all kings (also business partners)
- passions, sexuality
- journeys to foreign lands

Natural Significator: Venus (relationships, marriage), Jupiter (husband)
Related Varg: D-7
Lord of 7th Bhaav shows activities related to these karakas
Placement counted from Moon:
... First Lordship, counted from Moon:
... Second Lordship, counted from Moon:
...  ...and so on with the next Mahaa-dashaa and Antar-dashaa.
--Ven: 1988-07-13 (9:42:02) - 2005-07-13 (18:20:15)
--Rah: 2005-07-13 (18:20:15) - 2019-07-14 (8:18:25)
--Moon: 2019-07-14 (8:18:25) - 2025-07-13 (21:18:18)

Most important Dashaa are: Moola, Naaraayan, Vinshottaree, Kaal Chakra, Conditional and Kaal. Try to decide which Conditional Dashaa is applicable for you!
Try to obtain a very first understanding of your Dashaa periods and their possible effects. Would be recommendable to start with all your current Dashaa (MD and AD), I think. Next step will be learning about Dashaa Rules, integrating Transits and counting from Arudhaa Lagna, Horaa and Ghatee Lagna, Bhaava Arudhaa as well.
Neptune is the only planet who really can dissolve Saturn's rigid energy...

Pluto in close or exact Yuti or in opposition with Mars or Sun is often seen in extreme criminal charts (mass murderers e.g.).

Or Pluto Yuti or opposition (7th) from Venus - when exact, often resulting in raping women.

Uranus is progressive - and Uranus exact Yuti Lagna in Hitler's chart hints at the fact that he wanted to improve the whole world due to his (perverse) ideas (which were progressive in his subjective mind).

The outer planets perfectly integrate into the 7 energies scheme - Uranus is linked to Mercury, Neptune to Venus and Pluto to Mars.
Checking for Wealth
If you are waiting for 'big gains' I recommend analyzing
1. your 2nd Lord
2. your 4th Lord
3. your 11th Lord
4. your 5th Lord

(a) from Lagna
(b) from Moon
(c) from Arudhaa Lagna
(d) from Horaa Lagna

I. in Natal Chart
II. in current valid Entry Charts

(aa) in Horaa, Chaturthaansh and Kaalaansh of their respective Raashi
(bb) in Drekkaan and Navaansh of their respective Raashi
(cc) in Trinshaansh
(dd) in Saptamaansh, Dwaadashaansh and Shashthiyaansh

Then you can take a look into your planetary periods:
A. Mool Dashaa
B. Vinshottaree Dashaa
C. Kaal Chakra Dashaa
D. Kaal Dashaa
E. Naaraayan Dashaa
F. Dwi-Saptati Sama Dashaa (your Lagna Lord is in 7th)
G. Shadottaree Dashaa (Krishna Paksha, Lagna in Moon's Horaa)
H. Ashtottaree Dashaa (Raahu in Kendra from Lagna Lord)

This is an overview how to judge wealth and prosperity.
additionally you should take 2nd house as Lagna and analyze Bhavat Bhavam:
click on the ascendant triangle with the right mouse button and select 'show chart from this house'.
Planets in Kon from 2nd are supporting your 2nd house, Planets in Kendra are providing strength to it, Planets in Dusthaan are causing problems and obstacles. Of course you should do this for 4th, 11th and 5th house as well.

According to Bhavat Bhavam principle you can take each Raashi/Bhaav as Lagna. By Doing this you can thereafter take BPHS overview of auspicious and inauspicious planets *for this particular Raashi* - which planets are supporting the particular matters of this particular Raashi/Bhaav, which planets are unfavorable.
If there were any Planet in Kaalaagn, the native would have died after marriage
A Planet in the 84th Pad from Saturn's position and the 97th Pad from the Moon's position gives Baal Arisht



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 07/02/2012