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Contact Param Pujya Raajguru Shree Dhruv Dutt ji [ k.vya]
www.shreevishvakalyanparivartrust  Baroda - 390005 India.   for any kind of Havan

About naming a child as "Rishi"
1. Ra Akshar belongs to Moon Varg so Moon is badly placed which can give some depressions.
2. Ri is the fourth Pad of Chitraa which is Libra - this is not Kendra to Moon so the health is not protected.
3. First vowel is 'I' so planets from 6-12 deg. (for odd) will work in first twelve years. So its Shani giving bad health.
By the way who was choosing the name? Some astrologer or...?

The 2nd House is ruled by the Sun, or the right eye and is connected to the left side of the brain, which has the ability to reason. And
The 12th House is ruled by the Moon, or the left eye and is connected to the right side of the brain, which has the ability of intuition.

Astrology is philosophical as Evolutionary Astrology is used by philosophers and seers.
To discern the evolutionary status of the native, Evolutionary Astrology is used.

The four functions of Mind are Manas, Buddhi, Chitta and Ahankaar.
Manas is the processing Mind
Chitta is the storage of impressions in the Sub-conscience
Buddhi is the intellect
Ahankaar is the Ego

In Astrology,
Manas is ruled by the Moon
Chitta is ruled by Venus
Budhhi is ruled by Mercury and Jupiter
Ahankaar is ruled by Mars, Sun and Saturn

The ten heads of Ego (Raavan) symbolically are
Kaam- Lust
Krodh - Anger
Mad - Pride
Moh - Avarice
Matsarya - Jealousy
Raag- Attachment
Manas - Processing Mind
Buddhi - Intellect
Chitta - Sub-conscious Mind
Ahankaar - Ego

We have to remove the ten heads of the Ego to attain to Self Actualization.
The Self is Bliss (Aanand), Absolute and Infinite (Poorn) and Non-dual (A-Dwaya)

If Saturn is afflicted, praying Paarvatee is also good.
Saturn's lower frequency is Moon?
Saturn takes 28 + yrs and the Moon takes 28+ days.
When Mars Dashaa is on, then Manas (Moon) is down?
A native's Guru and Chandra is in the 2nd House Dhanu - during the Moon Dashaa he was getting thumbing salary.
Moon needs the help/support of Jupiter? (Sumerians too said it)
Shanivat Raahu --> Kujaavat Ketu.
A native's Raahu Dashaa gives good results. (His Saturn is exalted)
The Earth revolves around the Sun, at the same time, Sun also slowly moving towards a point named Dhruv.
BTW the Chinese YIN YANG (01) is the God of Tao. This is the copy of Shiv / Shakti Tattwa. Ardh Naaareeshwar.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 10/31/2012