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Gochar (Transit)

Gochar is generally studied with reference to Raashi and not Lagna.

It is true that Gochar transits of Guru and Saturn do have impact on the life of a native, but you must know that Gochar transits whether in good or bad houses will not have an impact on a stand alone basis. You have to interpret the Gochar predictions and temper it with Dashaa and Antar-Dashaa effects. In other words, аn effect of good Gochar position can be nullified by adverse Dashaa/Antar-dashaa of a native. For example, Jupiter in 7th House, is a good position giving the native family happiness, children for those who are expecting and marriage for those who are expecting to get married. In case the person is having Dashaa of a malefic (as 6th, 8th, or 12th Lord), with an adverse Antar-Dashaa, then the above good things may not happen. During the period of an Antar-dashaa Lord who is inimical to the Dashaa Lord and also a malefic for the native , then Jupiter in 7th House may not yield any good result. This is true of other positions such as 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11the Houses , for Jupiter and 3rd, 6th, and 11th Houses for Saturn. It is therefore imperative that Gochar is read with Dashaa and Antar-Dashaa implications before any  conclusion can be arrived at. Similar is the case with bad transit under Gochar. A good Dashaa or Antar-Dashaa can bring good results in spite of bad Gochar position. Basing your predictions only on Gochar is like groping in the dark or missing the wood for the trees.

Kerala astrologers take only the Gochar (transit) of Jupiter, Saturn and Raahu for predictive astrology as the transit period of other planets is too short that analysis is not needed. Maximum impact is there only in respect of the Gochar transit of Jupiter, Saturn and Raahu.

Gochar of the Sun is used to shorten the window to a particular month and
that of the Moon to even a particular day.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 06/21/2012