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Black Magic

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Black Magic
by Kishore Patnaik:

The astrological charts can be divided into 4 types, though it is not a strict division but still....

(1) Charts which are extremely good - these charts would be having fruitful Raaj Yog or other lucky combinations.
(2) Charts which are normal or average - most of the charts which we come across They are average charts with normal fortune and of course, normal set of problems in one or two areas. Some times, these problems could be heavy in these areas depending upon the planetary combinations.
(3) Weak charts Planetary combination wise, they may not be very abnormal but the problem here would be the fortune giving Yog or the Benefics/Yog Kaarak will be extremely weak. These people would be extremely vulnerable to black magic.
(4) Bad charts - these charts are heavily inflicted and indicate heavy misfortune to the native. The traditional astrologers sometimes even show heavy reluctance to read such charts, for example, some astrologers do not read charts which have Pisaca Bandhakee Yog accentuated by some other afflictions. Needless to say, these people are the most vulnerable to black magic.

Now, I have used the black magic in an extremely wide sense, probably for knowledge of better words - it need not be extensive Taantrik rites. Giving some charity to transfer my bad luck to you, or even casting an evil eye upon your general well being or some good luck (Drishti) can also be taken as black magic.

Now, I have noticed following black magic to work:

(1) Nar Ghosh : People are generally jealous of you and you can encounter backstabbing for nothing. The people talk ill of you for no reason what so ever. This general bad talk can adversely effect thanks to the evil vibrations they produce.

(2) Drishti : People are jealous for a certain aspect of your life- say you wore an extremely good dress or jewelry. This can cause bad luck.

(3) Cheeda : People can transfer their bad luck to you by a simple act of say, just by presenting oily cereals to you at a moment when you are found at your weakest.

(4) Black tongue : Some people are bestowed with a black tongue. If they say anything bad, it will come to pass.

So, I request the group to discuss these and other effects in general and from an astro point of view along with possible remedies.

Looking superfluously at subjects and trying to derive conclusions can cause wrong results. The same goes true for 'Black Magic'. As you have pointed out in your mail, the correct approach is to -

(1) Discuss and understand the subject of 'Black Magic'
(2) Discuss their effects with case studies and examples
(3) Look at this whole issue from an astrological point of view
(4) Discuss the possible remedies.

Yes, all the above steps comes in order. If the point (1) is not implemented then (2), (3) and (4) do not hold any value. If only (1) and (2) are done we can look into point (3) or (4). So it goes on like this ...

Let us start with the basics first. :) -----

I think for the understanding of everybody it is better to use the original word 'Dur-Mantravaad' it self. 'Dur' means 'Bad' or 'Malicious' (Something done with bad intention). 'Mantravaad' means 'the kind of Taantrik ceremonial act or worship accompanied by the pronunciation of 'Mantra' (secret hymns). Thus in essence 'Dur-Mantravaad' means "A kind of Taantrik ceremonial act or worship accompanied by the pronunciation of secret hymns done with the bad intension of (usually) harming others."

A Taantrik act is generally classified into two -
(1) San-Mantravaad = Good Taantrik Worship,      and
(2) Dur-Mantravaad = Malicious Taantrik Worship

We will look into is the sub classification, fundamental conceptual foundation, constituents of this method (when done systematically, as per scripts) etc.
--Its relation with astrology or science or other subjects.
--It's value (Questions like - Does it makes sense? Is their any remedies mentioned? etc)  --  Can form the later part of the discussion.

Kishore Patnaik :
Let us forget the step no 1 in your 'correct way of doing things' we are not interested what constitutes black art since mostly we are all aware of it in general , with some variations here and there. The primary object of starting the discussion is to identify the combinations which may be prone to black art and find out the possible remedies for the same. I am presenting one combination that comes to my mind:
--LL in Leo and 8 L in Cancer can cause death due to black art.

Note: I will start discussing the subject of 'Dur-Mantravaad' (or Black Magic) in my next mail.
The following is a brief introduction to the system of Black Magic (or Black Art).

Quote - Introduction to the system of Black Magic (by Sreenadh)
We the children of cosmic divine destroy the incarnation of sin "Nirriti" (the god of death) and thus destroy the evilness and diseases that eat us up every day, every moment, by following the consciousness. Thus we destroy the evilness in us and remove the darkness that covers over understanding. Oh! God give us the power to do so! - Atharv Ved

Let it be the malicious path or the good path, to study Mantravaad (A deviant path of Tantra, which aims at fulfillment of intentions) a Guru (teacher) is necessary. Why? Atharv Ved says that - "Death, Water and Moon are my teachers. Rice, wheat and all other food materials I am getting due to the compassion of the teacher. Everything and every event in the world are my teachers' Ashtaang Hridaya (A book on Aayur Ved, which speaks about medicine and healing techniques, written by Charak) also speaks in the same line - "For an intelligent individual, in his every act, the world itself is the teacher. Because of this in worldly matters after understanding the ways methods and nature of nature and living beings one should follow the same'. These messages may give us the feeling that a separate guru is not necessary to learn even subjects like Mantravaad. Ultimately, "Shiv, the god which is present in and with which the whole universe is made up of, is the first Guru and he himself lightens himself in everybody as consciousness thus says the knowledgeable ones' (Quote from Soot Sanhitaa) The ultimate or the only real possible Guru is within ourselves which is nothing but consciousness.

The teachers can only show the way, actual teaching and learning happens from within us ourselves are the real Gurus for ourselves. This being the real situation, we may feel that the stress on having another individual as Guru to teach Mantravaad (or any other similar subject) is something overstated. But it is not so. Kulaarnav Tantra tells us that- Shiv (or the enlightened consciousness), the ultimate Guru is divine. It may not be possible for common people to see or decipher it. They always live in confusion, and darkness encompasses their consciousness always. Due to this the students of subjects like Taantrik worships should take someone who is truly spiritual (who wish and act for the well being of the universe and himself, by following his own nature) as Guru, and follow his teachings (till he himself lightens up, and becomes a Guru who could see his own path or true nature such as Dharm). [By the way Dharm orTao all mean almost the same and could be translated as "the path"; But even this definition does not clarify full depth of the word "Dharm". An example may clarify further. "Burning is the true Dharm of Fire. Or in other words Dharm could also be translated as the True Nature (of something)] Thus it becomes clear that to study Mantravaad in the right way, a teacher is a must. This stays true for both Dur-Mantravaad (Malicious Mantravaad or Black Magic and Good Mantravaad or White Magic). If not we will end up having an erroneous understanding of this subject as truly visible from the words Black Magic, which itself can cause confusion regarding the depth and nature of this subject itself.

The Fundamental Constituents of the System of Black Magic
Having said that, I think now we have the minimum ground necessary to embark on this subject. But before going into this study, we should have at least a minimum understanding of the constants and of this subject i.e. Dur Mantravaad. It should be clearly noted that I am speaking about Dur-Mantravaad only (Black Magic) which is a deviation happened in the path of Tantra and not about Tantra itself. The fundamental constituents differ a lot in both. [If you want to know more about Tantra read the book Bhirav Tantra by Osho] Here I am speaking about the constituents of the system of Black Magic and not about Tantra.

Tantra' means Technique and it is more about attaining enlightenment by the union of the opposites тАУ Man and Women, Shiv and Shakti. Dur-Mantravaad (Black Magic) is more concerned with various beliefs, and techniques to fulfill intentions, anchoring on those beliefs. Black Magic is more or less based on the following beliefs -
(1) The belief in the power of secret hymns.
(2) The belief in the principles of similarity and transition
(3) The belief in Aayur Ved system of medicine
(4) The belief in astrology
(5) The belief in para-normal and para-psychic powers (of ours and non-human)
(6) The belief in the words of our ancestors (the belief in traditional beliefs)
(7) The belief in ceremonial act or worship techniques used
(8) The belief in the theory of Karma (Karm Siddhaant): such as. What you do, the result of that you are sure to get, in this life or the other.
(9) The belief in re-birth.
(10) The belief in multiple gods
(11) The belief in the ability of dreams to foretell future
(12) The belief in time
a. The knowledge of Time and its nature (Time is the ultimate counter part of the universe, providing the extra dimension)
b. Knowledge of the effects of time (Calendar and Muhoort systems)
c. The belief that we can defy time and thus death (through meditation and breath control)
d. The worship of the destroyer of Time (Kaal Kaal  Shiv who can cause the death of Time itself)
(13) The ultimate state (enlightenment)
a. Duality (Shiv - Shakti) = Dwait
b. Single God (There are several systems which consider Tripur Sundaree or Aghor as this single god) = Ek Daiv
c. Unity (The realization that the creator, creation and the rules are one and the same) = A-Dwait

Except the last one, all the others are beliefs but the last one is rather a realization than a belief. If somebody gross from the preliminaries of Black Magic (ceremonial worships for intension fulfillment) to considering this as a path for enlightenment, then he is in the path of Tantra rather than Black Magic.

Now I will try to elaborate on some of these beliefs. The aim of that effort would be to make us understand a method to differentiate the pearls and waste material and literature that is present in the system of Black Magic.

Once the above steps is covered, we will look into the classification (Shad Karm = Maaran, Mohan, Uchchaatan etc) and functional constituents (Mantramsaka = Mantra Deekshaa, Snaan, Dhyaan, Praanaayaam etc), and technical constituents (Mantra recitation, Hom, Use of flowers, gems and garlands, Prasaad, Daan, use of medicines and chemicals etc)

Only such an elaboration can give us the ground to have a minimum understanding of point one.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 06/21/2012