Astrology and Aayur Ved
See also
Eternally fascinated by the uncertainty of the future, man has been
equally engrossed in various studies that allow a peek into the same.
Amongst the more significant ones is Astrology, a significant branch of
Aayur Ved, that scientifically studies planetary movements and their effect
on human constitutions and lives. Astrology is based on the concept that
each planet is intrinsically related to a specific body tissue and that
the various planetary movements and their positions in relation to time
exert powerful influences on your mind, body and consciousness, directly
affecting your physical and mental health. It is to be noted that Sun,
Raahu and Ketu are nodal points exactly opposite each other and are given
the status of planets according to the Indian system of Astrology. They
are important indicators of spiritual and / or materialistic tendencies.
Planets -Corresponding Ailments
-Circulatory deficiencies, Anemia Indigestion
Moon -Circulatory disorder, Lunacy
-Constipation, Flatulence, Liver trouble, Blind piles, Skin Trouble
Mercury -Nervous Disease, Ulcers, Acidity, Blood Pressure, Restlessness, Irritation
Jupiter -Jaundice, Biliousness, Colic Problems Palpitation, Toothache, Insomnia
-Bronchial disorder, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Sexual ailments, Delirium, Obsessions
Saturn -Neurosis, Neuralgia ,Sciatica, Rheumatism, Excretory disorders
-Hyperacidity ,Burning Sensations, Brain Disorders, Sexual Excesses , Drinking Problems
Ketu -Skin Disorders, Nervous Debility,
Small Pox, Urinary Tract Infections
Herbs that Rescue
To counter these negative planetary influences, Aayurved suggests the use
of multi-faceted herbs that not only provide curative relief to various
physical afflictions but are also endowed with the preventive power to
combat planetary interference.
Planets -Herbs
Sun -Aegle Marmelus
Moon -Cueumis Satirus, Cucumber (Khirika, or Kheeraa)
Mars -Hemidesmus indicum (Anantmool)
Mercury -Bacopa monierri (Braahmee)
Jupiter -Swertia Chiraayataa (Chirata)
Venus -Hydrocotyleasiatica (Mandukparni)
-Nyetanthes arbortristis (Shefaalee), Desmostachya bipinnata (Dhuva)
Raahu -Bacopa monierri (Braahmee)
Ketu -Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandhaa)
In exactly the same manner precious gemstones such as rubies, diamonds,
pearls, red corals, sapphires etc. can influence the effects of the
planets substantially. Although they can minimise the impact of planetary
afflictions, they should always be worn with care and on recommendation of
an experienced astrologer. For the wrong stone can aggravate the condition
and even cause fresh problems.
Mars, Mercury, Moon --Rheumatism, musculo-skeletal
--Red coral, emerald, dark blue pearl,
Saturn, Sun
--Problems and bone diseases
--Sapphire, ruby
Mars, Mercury
--Digestive diseases, diabetes
--Red coral, white coral, emerald
Saturn, Ketu
--Diseases of the nervous system
--Dark blue sapphire
Mercury, Mars, Ketu
--Psychol0ogical diseases, including hysteria
--Emerald in the night, red coral in the day
Mars, Saturn, Raahu
--Skin diseases
--White coral, yellow sapphire
Saturn, Mars, Moon,
--Urinary and gynecological problems
--Pearl, diamond, red coral, yellow sapphire, emerald, topaz
Venus, Mercury,
Saturn, Mars
--Dental problems
--Sapphire, red coral
Saturn, Mars
--Ear nose, and throat problems
--Yellow sapphire, white coral
Saturn, Mars
--Blood-related problems
--Dark blue sapphire, emerald, ruby