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[BPHS, Ch. 3, Sl. 6]
The Rashi rising is known, as "Lagna". Based on Lagna and the Graha, joining and departing from each other, the native's good and bad effects are deducted.

[BPHS, Ch. 5, Sl. 1-9]
1. Oh excellent of the Braahman, I explain below again some special Lagna, viz. Bhaav Lagna, Horaa Lagna and Ghatee Lagna.

2-3. Bhaav Lagna - From sunrise to the time of birth every 5 Ghatis (or 120 minutes) constitute one Bhaav Lagna. Divide the time of birth (in Ghatee, Vighatee etc) from sunrise to the time of birth by 5 and add the quotient etc to Soorya's longitude, as he was at sunrise. This is called Bhaav Lagna.

4-5. Horaa Lagna - Again from sunrise, till the time of birth Horaa Lagna repeats itself every 2 1/2 Ghatees (ie 60 minutes). Divide the time past up to birth from sunrise by 2 1/2 (2.5) and add the quotient etc in Raashi, degrees and so on to the longitude of Soorya, as at the sunrise. This will yield Horaa Lagna in Raashi, degrees etc.

6-8. Ghatee Lagna (Ghatikaa Lagna) - Now listen to the method of working out Ghatee Lagna. This Lagna changes along with every Ghatee (24 minutes) from the sunrise. Note birth time in Ghatee and Vighatee. Consider the number of Ghatee past, as number of Raashi, or Ghatee Lagna. The Vighatee be divided by 2 to arrive at degrees and minutes of arc, past in the said Ghatee Lagna. The product so arrived in Raashi, degrees and minutes be added to Soorya's longitude, as at sunrise, to get the exact location of Ghatee Lagna. So say Maharshi like Naarad.

9. Use of Special Lagna - Keeping the Graha at birth, as it is, prepare various Bhaav Kundalee (charts) with respect to each special Lagna and analyze, as done for the natal Lagna.

[BPHS, Ch. 3, Sl. 71-74]
u71-74. Praan-pad Lagna : Calculation - Convert the given time into Vighatee and divide the same by 15. The resultant Raashi, degrees etc be added to Soorya, if he is in a Movable Raashi, which will yield Praan-pad. If Soorya is in a Fixed Raashi, add 240 degrees additionally and, if in a Dual Rashi, add 120 degrees in furtherance to get Praan-pad. The birth will be auspicious, if Praan-pad falls in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 4th, 10th, or 11th from the natal Lagna. In other Bhaav Praan-pad indicates an inauspicious birth.

[BPHS Ch. 4, Sl. 25-30]
25-30. Nishek Lagna - O excellent of Braahman, now is a step explained to arrive at the Nishek Lagna, when the natal Lagna is known. Note the angular distance between Shani and Mandee (Gulikaa). Add this to the difference between the Lagna Bhaav (Madhya, or cusp) and the 9th Bhaav (cusp). The resultant product in Raashi, degrees etc. will represent the months, days etc., that elapsed between Nishek and birth. At birth, if Lagna Lord is in the invisible half (i.e. from Lagna cusp to descendental cusp), add the degrees etc., Chandra moved in the particular Raashi, occupied by her, to the above-mentioned product. Then Lagna at Nisheka can be worked out and the good and bad, experienced by the native in the womb, can be guessed. One can also guess with the help of Nishek Lagna effects, like longevity, death etc. of the parents.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 09/04/2012