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Sudarshan Chakra Dashaaa

Pt Devachandra Jha's and Santanam's commentaries on Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa chapter are worth reading. They give some helpful explanations but in a crude manner. For instance, adding the Shubh and A-Shubh Vargaank of Divisional should take into account Vinshopak Bal also which they forgot. D1 and D10, for instance, do not have equal strengths.

Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa is a very obscure topic and no commentator has treated it properly. Nor anyone uses it. Saptarshi Astrology writes that Varsh Phal is a non-Vaidik technique. They do not know that Soorya Siddhaant gives formula for computing Varshesh, Maasesh, etc. Moreover, even Taajak Neelakanthee uses Soorya Siddhaantik Year but the error is that 'mean' year is used instead of true year. It proves Soorya Saiddhaantik method was already in vogue when the eclectic text Taajak Neelakanthee was created. Sudarshan Chakra Varsh or Maas Pravesh needs same thing. It was from Sudarshan Chakra chapter in Brihat Paraashar Horaa Shaastra the idea of Five levels of Varsh Pravesh Chakra (VPC) which work wonderfully well provided Soorya Saiddhaantik method is used. Nowhere else in any ancient or modern text one will find the mention of five levels of Varsh Pravesh Chakra. This is the first major benefit of Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa. Hence, we may say that Varsh Pravesh Chakra of five levels is a part of Sudarshan Chakra Dashaaa.

But Sudarshan Chakra Dashaaa has two peculiarities :
(1) Solar and Lunar charts are also used in conjunction with Lagna chart, and
(2) Each year or month has its own importance attached to a particular Bhaav.

This second peculiarity brings Sudarshan Chakra Dashaaa closer to the method of predictions based on annual patterns mentioned in Naadee/Sanhitaa texts like Bhrigu Sanhitaa, Dev Keralam, etc. Research is still needed mainly because most of the Naadee/Sanhitaa manuscripts are unpublished. The first published version of Brihat Paraashar Horaa Shaastra (Khemraj Edition) contained a list of Yog which remind us of the 150 Naadee Ansh Yog.

Other Things to Know About Sudarshan Dashaa
By V Jha
Exactly the same technique should be used to make Divisional Chart's Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa (it is not given in any text but works well). Judicious use of Divisional Charts is needed for better predictions. For instance, D-1 and D-9 Charts should be used always (and D-60 too if birth time is accurate), but relevant Divisional Chart should also be used for given topics, e.g., D-10 for career or achievements.

Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa repeats after each 12 year, hence Vinshottaree / Transits / Varsh Phal should be used to pinpoint the exact time of the events. This problem is not faced in the month or Pratyanatar Dashaa charts of Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa.

In the simplest form of Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa, forget about the month or Pratyanatara Dashaa and see only Annual Dashaa, forget Divisional, forget Chandra or Soorya Kundalee, and use only D-1. It is so simple that one can make predictions without using any machine, paper and pen, but the results will be crude, which may be further refined with adding Chandra + Soorya Kundalee, Divisional Charts, Aspect Tables, relations, other Dashaa, etc. This is the best and easiest method of Vaidik Jyotish. Vinshottaree Dashaa needs Dashaa Onset Chart which is very very difficult because the precise birth time is needed for that. Varsh Phal is easier but it is less powerful and less reliable (but it is highly reliable when Vinshottaree Dashaa is used and reinforces it).

Soorya Siddhaant is the earliest proof of use of Varsh Phal, Maas Phal, etc (it gives formulas for computing Varshesh, Maasesh, etc, and Taajak Neelakanthi also uses Soorya Saiddhaantik year-length), while the five levels of Varsh Phal - Maas Phal, Pratyantar (2.5 days), Sookshma (5 hours) and Praan (25 minutes) using simple Varsh and D-1 charts give astonishingly accurate results. For any year, Chandra or Soorya Charts will be made from the Lagna chart (D-1) of that year / month / Pratyantar, and there is no relation with speed of the Sun or the Moon.

An article entitled "Sudarshana Chakra : Primary Method of Bhrigu Samhitaa and Naadee Granthas" can be read on - this article is growing with passage of time, it is not complete.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 11/15/2012