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Conditional Dashaa

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Conditional Dashaa

Shodashottaree Dashaaa
[BPHS, CH. 46]
23. It will be advisable to adopt the Shodashottaree, if the birth is in the day in Krishn Paksha (dark half of the month), or at night in Shukla Paksha (bright half).

24-26. The Dashaaa may be adopted, when the Lagna is in the Horaa of Chandra with birth in the Krishna Paksha, or, when Lagna is in the Hora of Soorya with birth in the Shukla Paksh.

Count the number of Nakshatra from Pushya to the Janma Nakshatra.
Divide this number by 8. The remainder will indicate the Dashaa of Soorya, Mangal, Guru, Shani, Ketu, Chandra, Budh and Shukra. The Dashaa of the above Graha are of 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years.

Shat-trinshat Sama Dashaa
42-43. Count from Shravan to the Janma Nakshatra and divide the number by 8. The remainder 1 etc. will indicate the Dashaa Lords, whose order will be, as follows: Chandra, Soorya, Guru, Mangal, Budh, Shani, Shukra and Raahu. Their Dashaa will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 years. If the birth is during the day and Lagna is in the Hora of Soorya and, if the birth is at night and Lagna is in the Horaa of Chandra, adoption of this system would be preferable.

Ashtottaree Dashaa
17-20. Maharishi Parashara said. O Brahmin, the sages have recommended the adoption of Ashtottaree, when Raahu not being in Lagna, in any other Kendra, or Trikon to the Lord of the Lagna. From 4 Nakshatra from Ardra commences the Dashaa of Soorya, from 3 after that begins the Dashaa of Chandra, 4 after that will bring the Dashaa of Mangal, 3 after that the Lord of Dashaa will be Budh, 4 therefrom will have Shani, as the Dashaa Lord, 3 thereafter the Lord will be Guru, Raahu will be the Lord of the Dashaa 4 Nakshatra after that and then Shukra will take over the lordship of the Dashaa 3 Nakshatra from the last one mentioned above. The Lord of the Dashaa at birth will be determined by counting in this order up to the Janma Nakshatra. The duration of Ashtottaree Dashaa for Soorya, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Shani, Guru, Raahu and Shukra are 6, 15, 8, 17, 10, 19, 12 and 21 years in that order. Thus in this Dashaa system only 8 Graha play the role of Dashaa Lords, Ketu having been denied this privilege.

21-22. The Dashaa of the various Graha have been specified above. In the case of malefic Graha the Dashaa span of one Nakshatra is 1/4 of the Dashaa of the Graha. It is 1/3 in the case of Benefic. Thus the expired portion of the Dashaa is calculated, according to the method, followed for Vinshottari Dashaa, by multiplying the Bhayat, i.e. the expired period of the stay of Chandra in the Janma Nakshatra, by the Dashaa portion of the Janma Nakshatra and dividing it by Bhabhog, i.e. the total period of the stay of Chandra in the Janma Nakshatra. Then the balance of Dashaa at birth can also be ascertained. If U-Aashaadhaa happens to be the Janma Nakshatra, the duration of its first three Pad is taken, as Bhabhog and the Dashaa calculations should be done accordingly. The Dashaa and calculations for Abhijeet Nakshatra are done by taking the 4th Pada of U-Aashaadhaa plus the 15th part of the beginning of Shravan Nakshatra. For Shravan the Bhabhog would be the total of its duration in Ghatikaa minus the 1/15th part of the beginning of Shravan.

Conditional Dashaa : Shodashottaree Dashaa, Shat-Trinsha-Sama Dashaa, Ashtottaree Dashaa

Conditional Dashaa are highly sub-estimated in astrological interpretations. Like Vinshottaree Dashaa they are based on Nakshatra positions, therefore these must be the key to correct interpretation of these Dashaa systems. If they were not important - why Parashara would have mentioned them?

Conditional Dashaa are to be interpreted the same way as Vinshottaree Dashaa - but it is important to understand that under which condition a Dashaa is applicable - this is the key to understanding a Dashaa cycle. And the origin of it - each Conditional Dashaa is based on a specific Nakshatra - may be a key of understanding as well.

If you cannot track an event in your life with Vinshottaree Dashaa, you surely will find it in a Conditional Dashaa. It is wrong to neglect them - as they are based on very special conditions, *these conditions are the key for real Dashaa period comprehension*.

At least one Conditional Dashaa is always applicable: Shat-Trinsh Sama Dashaa or Shodashottaree Dashaa.

The Luminaries: The Sun and The Moon
- Mool Trikon and own Raashi Leo, Nakshatra : Krittikaa, U-Phaalgunee, U-Aashaadhaa
- the central (all other planets/topics evolving around it), strong sense of own individuality
- the eternal Soul (on a higher level), the ego (on a lower level)
- leadership, dominance, power, authority
- aristocratic, proud, vain, pride, demand respect, egocentrism and egoism, high standards
- active, energetic, working (but prefers to let others work for himself)
- father
- Raashi are solar based

- Mool Trikon Taurus, own Raashi Cancer, Nakshatra: Rohinee, Hast, Shravan
- mind, mentality, consciousness, attitude
- manifestations (of our mind and Soul)
- feelings, emotions, inner peace, dependent on changing moods
- powerful inner world, strong imaginations, intuitive
- appreciation of contacts and relationships, social nature, service oriented
- receptive, passive
- material wealth (Taurus is Mool Trikon)
- home, own country, nearest surroundings
- beauty, popularity, masses
- mother, caring, nurturing, devoted
- Nakshatra are lunar based

TITHI are based on the distance of Moon from the Sun, therefore they integrate both significations.
SHUKLA PAKSHA - the bright half of the month, between New and Full Moon - is generally lorded by the Sun and Benefic are strong,
KRISHN PAKSHA - the dark half of the month, between Full and New Moon - is generally lorded by Moon and Malefic are strong (Moon itself becomes Malefic). Timings are generally better for Shukla Paksha period because Benefic are strengthened during this time span, best timing are 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Tithi in Shukla Paksha.
HORAA are based on the division of a Raashi by 2. In odd signs the first half of the Raashi belongs to the Sun and the second half to the Moon; in even signs this sequence is reverse (first half is Moon's Hora, second half is Sun's Hora).

Shat Trinsh Sama Dashaa
- birth during day and Lagna in Horaa of The Sun (day is Sun's time) and
- birth during night and Lagna in Horaa of Moon (night is Moon's time)
- highlighting the importance of Sun or Moon in chart

Significant Nakshatra:
- Shravan (counting from Shravan to Janma Nakshatra)
- thus highlighting the importance of Shravan Nakshatra

Condition 1: Shukla Paksha/Lagna in Sun's Horaa:
- related to daytime
- daytime is ruled by the Sun
- planets related to the Sun: Mars, Jupiter, Pluto
- strong during Shukla Paksha: Benefic (waxing Moon*, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury*, Neptune)
- strong during day: Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury
- strong in odd Raashi: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, planets in Sun's Horaa
- strong in Sun's Horaa: Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Mercury
- solar half of the Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
- day signs: Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo

> solar energy (planets and Raashi) is emphasized
> counting from Sun (and from MD/AD Lord) most important

Condition 2: Krishna Paksha/Lagna in Moon's Hora:
- related to nighttime
- nighttime is ruled by the Moon
- planets related to Moon: Venus, Saturn, Neptune
- strong during Krishna Paksha: Malefics (Sun, waning Moon*, Mars, Mercury*, Saturn, Pluto)
- strong during night: Moon, Mars, Saturn, Mercury
- strong in even Raashi: Moon, Venus, planets in Moon's Horaa
- strong in Moon's Horaa: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Mercury
- lunar half of the Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
- night signs: Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius

> lunar energy (planets and Raashi) is emphasized
> counting from Moon (and from MD/AD Lord) most important

(*) Moon and Mercury become malefic when yuti with a malefic or receiving more malefic Drishtis than beneficial ones. Waning Moon become benefic when yuti with a benefic or receiving more beneficial Drishti than Maleficial ones.

SHRAVAN NAKSHATRA (Lorded by Moon, in Capricorn Raashi)
- star of learning
- solar energy of Saturn and lunar energy of Moon are emerging (and Navaansh Raashi)
- learning, obtaining extensive knowledge, teaching
- status and fame through knowledge
- connecting themes, factors, issues with each other


1. Shat Trinsh Sama Dashaa combines solar energy of Saturn and lunar energy of Moon
2. Reversely, Shodashottaree Dashaa combines solar energy of Moon and lunar energy of Saturn

Final Note: When a native is born during Sandhya I use Shat Trinsh Sama Dashaa very cautiously (when Sun is close to Lagna or 7th Bhaav cusp (within 12°) I do not use this conditional Dasa). 'Sandhyaa' is the time span when Sun is ascending (we can track this verifying if Sun is posited in the first Bhaav in Chalit Chakra) or descending (Sun in 7th Bhaav in Chalit Chakra). The time span of Sandhyaa is 5 Ghatikaa or two hours.

Shodashottaree Dashaa
- birth in the day of Krishna Paksha (decreasing Moon) and
- birth in the day with Lagna in Hora of Sun (D-2)

- birth in the night of Shukla Paksha (increasing Moon) and
- birth in the night with Lagna in Hora of Moon (D-2)

- thus highlighting the importance of Tithi (Moon phase) and Horaa placement of Graha
- thus highlighting importance of Sun's or Moon's placement

Significant Nakshatra:
-> Pushya (counting from Pushya to Janma Nakshatra)
-> thus highlighting the importance of Pushya for this Dashaa (Saturn Nakshatra)

Condition 1: Day/ Krishn Paksha/ Lagna in Sun's Hora
- the reverse condition as for Shat Trinsh Sama Dashaa
- lunar energy is directed to solar themes
- related to daytime
- daytime is ruled by the Sun
- strong during day: Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury
- strong during Krishna Paksha: Malefics (Sun, waning Moon*, Mars, Mercury*, Saturn, Pluto)
- strong in Sun's Horaa: Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Mercury
- solar half of the Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
- day signs: Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo

> planets and Raashi with these strengths are of utmost importance in this Dashaa

Condition 2: Night/Shukla Paksha/Lagna in Moon's Hora - the reverse condition as for Shat Trinsh Sama Dashaa
- solar energy is directed to lunar themes
- related to nighttime
- nighttime is ruled by the Moon
- strong during night: Moon, Mars, Saturn, Mercury
- strong during Shukla Paksha: Benefics (waxing Moon*, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury*, Neptune)
- strong in Moon's Horaa: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Mercury
- lunar half of the Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
- night signs: Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius

> planets and Raashi with these strengths are of utmost importance in this Dashaa

(*) Moon and Mercury become malefic when Yuti with a malefic or receiving more malefic Drishti than beneficial ones. Waning Moon becomes benefic when Yuti with a benefic or receiving more beneficial Drishti Sthaan Maleficial ones.

PUSHYA NAKSHATRA (Lorded by Saturn, in Cancer Raashi)
- star of prosperity
- solar energy of Moon and lunar energy of Saturn are emerging (and NavAnsh Raashi)
- material and mental prosperity in harmony with nature and the wholeness
- fortunes, good luck, harmony
- getting to know the law of nature, need for discipline and efficiency

MOON (For Krishn Paksha Birth): See above
SUN (For Shukla Paksha Birth): See above

1. Shat Trimsa Sama Dasa combines solar energy of Saturn and lunar energy of Moon
2. Reversely, Shodshottari Dasa combines solar energy of Moon and lunar energy of Saturn

Note: When a native is born during Sandhyaa I use Shodashottaree Dashaa very cautiously (when Sun is close to Lagna or 7th Bhaav cusp (within 12°) I do not use this conditional Dashaa). 'Sandhyaa' is the time span when Sun is ascending (we can track this verifying if Sun is posited in the first Bhaav in Chalit Chakra) or descending (Sun in 7th Bhaav in Chalit Chakra). The time span of Sandhyaa is 5 Ghatikaa or two hours.

Ashtottaree Dashaa
- If Raahu is in Kendra or in Trikon from Lagna Lord, but not in Lagna
- Highlighting the significance of Raahu and Lagna Lord for this Dashaa
- Raahu: life goals, difficult tasks to archive, integration of qualities

Significant Nakshatra :
- starting from Aardra, therefore increased significance of Aardraa Nakshatra
- Sun Dashaa (starting '4 Nakshatra from Aardra'): Maghaa (Su Nak)
- Moon Dashaa (starting '3 Nakshatra from that': Hast (Mo Nak)
- Mars Dashaa (starting '4 Nakshatra from that': Anuraadhaa (Ma Nak)
- Mercury Dashaa (starting '3 Nakshatra from that'): P-Aashaadhaa (Ve Nak)
- Saturn Dashaa (starting '4 Nakshatra from that'): Shatabhishaa (Ra Nak)
- Jupiter Dashaa (starting '3 Nakshatra from that'): U-Bhaadrapadaa (Sa Nak)
- Rahu Dashaa (starting '4 Nakshatra from that'): Krittikaa (Su Nak)
- Venus Dashaa (starting '3 Nakshatra from that'): Aardraa (Ra Nak)
- Highlighting the importance of given Nakshatra during Dashaa of particular Graha (e.g. during Sun's Dashaa in Ashtottaree, Nakshatra of Maghaa becomes relevant)

- Lagna Lord: carries activities related to our self to a particular Bhaav
- Raahu: development and life goals, aims, purifying our self

> (mutual) placement of Lagna Lord and Raahu in natal chart and their transits are significant

AARDRA NAKSHATRA (Lorded by Raahu, in Gemini Raashi)
- Mool Trikon of Raahu (the root of Raahu's energy)
- mutual placement of Raahu and Lagna Lord in natal chart and transits significant
- star of purity
- solar energy of Mercury and lunar energy of Rahu are emerging (and Navaansh Raashi)
- correction of false ideals, idols, mental ideas and activities
- purification through particular life experiences
- difficult tasks to solve in life, no fear to do so

- All Themes
- Self, Core Personality, Character, Power of Self/Personality
- Body, Health, Physical Constitution, Strength, Vitality
- beginnings (e.g. of own life)

[Bhrigu Sutras, Ch. 1]
Physical stature, color, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigor, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honor, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.

> Lagna Lord transports all these themes into a particular Bhaav, the main center of interest of the Self.
> Relationship of Rahu to Lagna Lord is of utmost importance

- Co-Lord of Aquarius and Taurus, Mool Trikon Gemini, Nakshatra Aardraa, Swaati, Shatabshishaa
- intensifying and highly increasing/exaggerating all he touches; gives or take away
- integrating new experiences, learning tasks in life striving for goals in and for society or other persons
- extremes, extreme experiences
- pressure, force, greed, too ambitious
- harmony with collective/mass trends
- intensifying and highly increasing/exaggerating all he touches
- worldly oriented, extremely materialistic; gives or take away
- striving for material and worldly goals: fame, status, richness
- extremes, extreme experiences, extreme sensuality and sexuality (Kundalini energy)
- pressure, force, greed, too ambitious
- technical capabilities

[BPHS, Ch. 46]
Dwadashottari Dashaa
(27-28) This Dashaa system will be appropriate for one, whose Lagna is in the NavAnsh of Shukra. Count from Janma Nakshatra to Revatee. Divide this number by 8. The remainder will indicate the Dashaa of the Graha concerned. The Dashaa order is Soorya, Guru, Ketu, Budh, Raahu, Mangal, Shani, Chandra. The Dashaa will be of 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 21 years of the Graha.

Panchottaree Dashaa
(29-30) This Dashaa is considered suitable for those, whose Lagna is Karka and also in the Karka DvaDashaAnsh. Count from Anuradha up to the Janma Nakshatra and divide the number by 7. The remainder will indicate the Dashaa. The order of the Dashaa Lords is Soorya, Budh, Shani, Mangal, Shukra, Chandra and Guru. The Dashaa of the Graha are 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years.

Shataabdikaa Dashaa
(31-32) This Dashaa system has been considered appropriate, if Lagna is Vargottam. This happens, when Lagna in the Raashi Kundalee and the Navaansh Lagna are in the same Raashi.

(33-34) Count from Revatee Nakshatra to the Janma Nakshatra and divide this number by seven. The remainder will indicate the Lords of Dashaa in this order: Soorya, Chandra, Shukra, Budh, Guru, Mangal and Shani. Their Dashaa will be of 5, 5, 10, 10, 20, 20 and 30 years.

Chatu-Raashiti-Sama Dashaa

35-36. Chatu-Raashiti-Sama Dashaa is considered appropriate in cases, where the Karm's Lord is placed in Karm. Count from Swaati to the Janma Nakshatra and divide this number by 7. The remainder will indicate the Dashaa Lords in the following order: Soorya, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shukra and Shani. The Dashaa period of each Graha is 12 years.

Dwisaptati-Sama Dashaa
37-39. This Dashaa system is considered suitable in cases, where the Lord of Lagna is in Lagna, or in Yuvatee Bhaav. Count from Mool to the Janma Nakshatra and divide the number by 8. The remainder will determine the Dashaa Lord in the following order: Soorya, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shukra, Shani and Raahu. In this Dashaa system all the eight Graha have Dashaa of 9 years each.

Shastihayaanee Dashaa
40-41. This Dashaa may be adopted in cases, where Soorya is posited in Lagna. The order of Dashaa Lords in this system is, as follows:
Guru, Soorya, Mangal, Chandra, Budh, Shukra, Shani and Raahu.
The following shows the Nakshatra, falling under the various Dashaa Lords.
The Dashaaa of Guru, Soorya and Mangal are of 10 years. The remaining Graha have Dashaa of 6 years each:
Guru Dashaa - (Ashwinee, Bharanee, Krittikaa, Punarvasu),
Soorya Dashaa - (Rohinee, Mrigashiraa, Aardraa, U-Aashaadhaa),
Mangal Dashaa - (Pushya, Aashleshaa, Maghaa, Revatee),
Chandra Dashaa - (P-Phaalgunee, U-Phaalgunee, Hast),
Budh Dashaa - (Swaati, Vishaakhaa, Anuraadhaa),
Shukra Dashaa - (Jyeshthaa, Mool, P-Aashaadhaa),
Shani Dashaa - (Abhijeet, Shravan, Dhanishthaa),
Raahu Dashaa - (Shatabhishaa, P-Bhadraa, U-Bhadraa).

Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa
[BPHS, Ch. 47]
1-3. Maharishi Paraashar said to Maitreya. O Brahmin! Now I will impart to you the knowledge of a great secrecy and superior importance, which was communicated to me by Brahmaa himself for the benefit of the world. This is a Chakra by the name of Sudarshan, through which Devagya will be able to predict the favorable and unfavorable results for every year, every month and every day from the time of birth to the time of death of a person. Listen to this very intently.

4. O Brahmin! Take a point and from it draw three circles. Within the circles draw 12 lines, so as to provide 12 Bhaav within each circle. This is how Sudarshan Chakra is drawn.

5-6. In the first circle (innermost) place the 12 Bhaav from Lagna with Graha, posited there. In the circle next to the innermost circle place the 12 Bhaavs from the Raashi of Chandra with the Graha in them. In the third circle place the 12 Bhaav from the Raashi of Soorya with Graha in them. Thus there will be 3 Raashi in each Bhaav of the Chakra.

7-9. The significant aspect of this Chakra is, that Lagna, Chandra and Surya represent the first Bhaav. The 2nd, 3rd etc. up to 12th from Chandra and Soorya ill deal with the same subject, as they do, when reckoned from Lagna. Then the results should be assessed, according to the Grahas in each Bhaav. In this form of Raashi Kundalee, Soorya is considered auspicious in the first Bhaav and inauspicious, or Malefic in other Bhaav. The Malefic do not produce evil effects, if they are in their exaltation Raashi. In this manner predictions should be made, after considering the Benefic and Malefic natures of the Graha, their disposition and aspects from and on them.

10. A Bhaav gets advancement, if it is occupied, or aspected by the Lord, or a benefic. The Bhaav, which is occupied, or aspected by a Malefic, is harmed.

11-13. The effects of a Bhaav will be in accordance with the Graha occupying it, or in accordance with the Graha aspected, if no Grah is in occupation of the Bhaav. The effects of a Bhaav, occupied by a benefic, will be auspicious and the Bhaav, occupied by a malefic, will be inauspicious. Effects of the aspects will be the same. If a Bhaav is influenced both by Benefics and Malefics, the results will depend on the majority amongst the benefic and malefic. If the number of benefic is larger than the number of malefics, the results will be auspicious. If reverse is the case, inauspicious, or evil effects may be expected. If there are equal number of Malefics and Benefics, those with greater strength will influence the results of that Bhaav. Mixed results should be declared, if there be no difference in the strength of Malefics and Benefics. The same would apply to aspects.

14. The effects should be declared, according to its Lord, if the Bhaav is neither occupied, nor aspected by a Graha.

15-16. A natural Benefic loses his benevolence, if he is in more Malefic Varg. Similarly a natural Malefic loses his malevolence, if he is in more Benefic Varg (Sapt Varg). A Graha's own Raashi, his exaltation Raashi and benefic Varg are considered auspicious. And malefic and the Varg of an enemy and debilitated Raashi are considered inauspicious.

17. The sage said, that the results should be declared only after assessing the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of all the Bhaavs.

18. Maitreya asked. O Venerable sage! Kindly enlighten me on one point. If all the Bhaav are judged in accordance with the Sudarshan Chakra, why many learned sages have advocated declaration of effects from the Bhaav, reckoned from Lagna in Raashi Kundalee?

19-20. The sage replied. The results should be declared in accordance with the Sudarshan Chakra, only when Soorya and Chandra being in separate Raashi different from the Raashi of Lagna. If amongst Lagna, Soorya and Chandra, all the three, or two of them are in the same Raashi, the judgment of effects should be made from the Raashi Kundalee only.

(21-23) The sage said. O Braahman! Now I will tell you about the effects, produced every year and every month by the twelve Bhaav in their Dashaa and Antar-Dashaa, according to Sudarshan Chakra. Under this system every one of the twelve Bhaav, beginning from the 1st, is allotted a Dashaa period of one year. Thus every year in 12 years a Bhaav becomes Lagna of the year and the remaining become 2nd, 3rd and so on. Every year every Bhaav will have Antar-Dashaa of one month. By following the method of Lagna of the year here also, there will be a Lagna of the month. The first Antar-Dashaa will be of the first Bhaav and then will follow for 12 months the Antar-Dashaa of the other Bhaav, every Bhaav assuming the role of Lagna by turn. Every Bhaav gets Pratyantar Dashaa of 2 1/2 days and Vi-Dashaa of 12 1/2 Ghatikaa. The same method is to be adopted for judging the effects of Bhaav in Pratyantar Dashaa and Vi-Dashaa.

24-26. At the time of commencement of a Dashaa, if there be benefic in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th, 99th and 8th Houses, favorable effects will be experienced in the concerned year, month etc. The Bhaav, which is occupied by only Raahu, or Ketu, becomes harmful. The same will be the fate of the Bhaav, which is occupied by a larger number of Malefics. If there be Benefics in Bhaav other than the 12th, or 6th, the Bhaav concerned will produce favorable effects. In other words, if the Benefics be in the 12th, or 6th Houses from the Bhaav concerned, unfavorable effects will be derived in the related year, month etc. If there be Malefics in the 3rd, 6th and 11th from the Bhaav, assuming the role of Lagna, then these three Bhaav will produce auspicious results. The effects can be ascertained for every year, month etc. in this manner. The total number of years in Vinshottaree Dashaa are 120 years. After every 12 years the same method of determining the Dashaa, Antar-Dashaa etc. has to be repeated for Lagna and other Bhaav.

Note from Revati: "At the time of commencement of a Dashaa" refers to the entry chart of the period (Dashaa Pravesh Chart), which exactly means the annual Taajak chart. Narasimha Rao writes: "In short, Taajak annual, monthly and sixty-hour charts are nothing but the entry charts of Dashaa, Antar-Dashaa and Pratyantar Dashaa as per Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa."

27-28. After ascertaining the effects of the years, months etc in accordance with the Sudarshan Chakra, assessment of effects for the years, months etc. should be made on the basis of Ashtak Varg. The benefic, or malefic effects will be full, if the assessment from both produces the same results. If they are different, the comparative strength of both should be taken into account to declare the final results.

Conditional Dashaa: Dwaadashottaree, Panchottaree, Shataabdikaa, Chaturaseeti Sama, Dwisaptati Sama, Shastihayani and Sudarshan Chakra
(c) 2008 by Revati

Dwaadashottaree Dashaa
- Lagna is in a NavAnsh of Venus (Taurus or Libra NavAnsh)
- thus highlighting the importance of Venus/Taurus/ Libra in chart

Significant Nakshatra:
- Revati (counting from Janma Nakshatra to Revatee)
- thus highlighting the importance of Revatee (Mercury Nakshatra, Venus is exalted in Revatee)

NavAnshs are identical with Nakshatra Padas, which divide a lunar mansion (Nakshatra) into four equal parts. Therefore they have a particular relationship with the Nakshatra they divide and are generally related to the Bhaav Karaka of the 9th Bhaav, Jupiter.

All indications from 9th Bhaav can be derived from Graha's placements in NavAnshs:  Dharma (life goals, life purpose), fortunes, growth in life, success, potential, hidden forces and strengths (of Grahas), unconscious disposition and direction of the mind (with regard to one's own Dharma, potential, which normally is more unconscious than conscious), spirituality and religiosity, philosophy of life.

Note: 'spouse' as described in BPHS is part of Dharma - it is no coincidence to whom we get married. A marriage with another individuality always indicates the need of integrating new sides and developing new character traits, therefore developing one's one potential.

Navaansh certainly is the most important Varga to be used - it is absolutely necessary looking into the D-9 Anshs of grahas. It has almost the same importance as the main chart, D-1, Raashi Chakra.

A planet posited in a particular Ansh of D-9 (Navaansh) hints at our future and points at the direction of the planet in which he wants to go. It is a traffic sign indicating us the direction where to go - and this for each single planet, regarding his natural and functional significations.

A planet placed in the same Raashi in D-1 and D-9 is called 'Vargottam' and is comparable with a Graha in Svasth Avasthaa - very strong, confident and happy. Extending this rule, all planets in same Raashi (or even exalted) in D-1 and a particular Varg are endowed with strengths and quality with regard to the topic of this Varg.

REVATEE NAKSHATRA (Lorded by Mercury, in Pisces Raashi)
- star of accomplishing, completion, fulfillment and finishing
- solar energy of Jupiter/Neptune and lunar energy of Mercury are emerging (and energy of NavAnsh Raashi)
- detachedness and wisdom, distance to all worldly matters
- sustaining, nourishing others, being nourished by contact to transcendence
- finishing a great cycle, preparing a new one

- Venus Nakshatra : Bharanee, P-Phaalgunee, P-Aashaadhaa
- relationships generally, contacts in society, marriage
- communication of feelings, seeking for balance, harmony and justice
- activities related to wish fulfillment in outer world and society, charisma
- strong sense for forms, poetry, soft-spokenness
- liking for taste, refinement and grace, devotional to their beloved
- 'cruel or insensitive to those outside of their circle of association' (DF)
- holy deeds, celebrations
- material wealth and prosperity
- acquiring accumulating luxury and comforts, possessive
- sensuality, sexuality
- beauty, harmony, music
- cars, vehicles, conveyances
- young women

the energetic impulse: relating to surroundings/ environment, socially oriented, reforming, leadership; gained new ideas and insights in analytical and discriminating Virgo period are now to be spread in outer world, therefore relating to outer world actively

resulting in: wish for balance, harmony and justice, activities directed fulfilling these ideals, reforming and ameliorating the reality, humanitarian, social, pushing ideas in society, charisma, liking for friendships, idealistic, fanatic, losing contact to reality, living in their own mind

Venus spreads this energy in zodiac.
It is exaltation of Saturn and Mool Trikon of Venus.

Nakshatra posited in Libra: Chitraa (1/2), Swaati, Vishaakhaa (3/4)
Their lords - specifying Libra's energies - are: Mars, Raahu, Jupiter

Spica at 0° Libra defines the 7th Raashi of the zodiac, in opposition
to the first Raashi Aries.

the energetic impulse: conserving, maintaining, securing; fixing and securing the achievements of Aries' pioneering activities

resulting in: love for harmony, balancing, relationships, communication of feelings, stable, persevering, traditional,
conservative, liking for beauty and form, comfort and luxury, inflexible, obstinate, opinionated, worldly and materially oriented, establishing family or own social group, deep belonging to this

Primarily Moon spreads this energy in zodiac, secondarily Venus (if posited in Taurus or fully aspecting it).
Moon is exalted in Taurus and his Mool Trikon is here as well. Raahu is exalted in Taurus.

Nakshatra posited in Taurus: Krittikaa (3/4), Rohinee, Mrigashiraa (1/2)
Their lords - specifying Taurus' energies - are: Sun, Moon, Mars

Panchottaree Dashaa
- Lagna is in Cancer Raashi, Navaansh in Cancer Raashi as well
- thus highlighting the importance of Cancer Raashi and Moon

Significant Nakshatra:
- Anuraadhaa (counting from Anuraadhaa to Janma Nakshatra)
- thus highlighting the importance of Anuraadhaa (Saturn Nakshatra)

ANURADHA NAKSHATRA (Lorded by Saturn, in Scorpio Raashi)
- star of sacrifice
- solar energy of Mars/Ketu and lunar energy of Saturn are emerging (and energy of Navaansh Raashi)
- success through sacrifice and self-abandonment
- serving a particular issue, theme, organization, person
- following duties and obligations, liking for organization (s)

- All Themes
- Self, Core Personality, Character, Power of Self/Personality
- Body, Health, Physical Constitution, Strength, Vitality
- beginnings (e.g. of own life)

[Bhrigu Sutras, Ch. 1]
Physical stature, color, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigor, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honor, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues,
longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.

the energetic impulse: caring, receptive, susceptible, nourishing, socially oriented, feeling and loving; first deep contact with the inner world of oneself and others (mind, feelings, emotions) after intellectual and superficial Gemini

resulting in: openness, plainness, friendly, dedicative, devoted, emotional, sensitive, intuitive, passive in outer relations (outside own home and family), striving for popularity, timid, insecure, open to mass trends

Moon spreads this energy in zodiac.
Probably Neptune is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter definitely is exalted in Cancer.

Nakshatra posited in Cancer: Punarvasu (1/4), Pushya, Aashleshaa Their lords - specifying Cancer's' energies - are: Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury

Upagraha Indrachapa and Upaketu are supposed to have their own Raashi in Cancer.

Shataabdik Dashaa
- Lagna is Vargottama - same Raashi in D-1 and in D-9
- thus highlighting the importance of the Raashi being Vargottama (very strong)

Significant Nakshatra:
- Revati (counting from Revati to Janma Nakshatra)
- thus highlighting the importance of Revati (Mercury Nakshatra)

REVATEE NAKSHATRA (Lorded by Mercury,  in Pisces Raashi)
- star of accomplishing, completion, fulfillment and finishing
- solar energy of Jupiter/Neptune and lunar energy of Mercury are emerging (and energy of NavAnsh Raashi)
- detachedness and wisdom, distance to all worldly matters
- sustaining, nourishing others, being nourished by contact to transcendence
- finishing a great cycle, preparing a new one

Navaansh are identical with Nakshatra Pad, which divide a lunar mansion (Nakshatra) into four equal parts. Therefore they have a particular relationship with the Nakshatra they divide and are generally related to the Bhaav Karaka of the 9th Bhaav, Jupiter.

All indications from 9th Bhaav can be derived from graha's placements in Navaansh:  Dharma (life goals, life purpose), fortunes, growth in life, success, potential, hidden forces and strengths (of grahas), unconscious disposition and direction of the mind (with regard to one's own Dharma, potential, which normally is more unconscious than conscious), spirituality and religiosity, philosophy of life

Note: 'spouse' as described in BPHS is part of Dharm - it is no coincidence to whom we get married. A marriage with another individuality always indicates the need of integrating new sides and developing new character traits, therefore developing one's one potential.

Navaansh certainly is the most important Varga to be used - it is absolutely necessary looking into the D-9 Anshs of grahas. It has almost the same importance as the main chart, D-1, Raashi Chakra.

A planet posited in a particular Ansh of D-9 (Nav-Ansh) hints at our future and points at the direction of the planet in which he wants to go. It is a traffic sign indicating us the direction where to go - and this for each single planet, regarding his natural and functional significations.

A planet placed in the same Raashi in D-1 and D-9 is called 'Vargottama' and is comparable with a Graha in Swasth Avasthaa - very strong, confident and happy. Extending this rule, all planets in same Raashi (or even exalted) in D-1 and a particular Varga are endowed with strengths and quality with regard to the topic of this Varg.

Chaturaseeti Sama Dashaa
- 10th Bhaav Lord in 10th Bhaav (Karma Bhaav)
- thus highlighting the importance of 10th Bhaav
- 10th Bhaav: important activities, professional life

Significant Nakshatra:
- Swaati (counting from Swaati to Janma Nakshatra)
- thus highlighting the importance of Swaati (Raahu Nakshatra)

SWAATI NAKSHATRA (Lorded by Raaahu, in Libra Raashi)
- star of independency
- solar energy of Venus and lunar energy of Rahu are emerging (and energy of NavAnsh Raashi)
- striving for personal freedom and independency
- always on the move, transformation of things, own archievements
- increased need for self-development

- our karma (necessary deeds), important activities to be done in life, activities in general
- results, indicating success or failure
- professional, vocational, working life
- power, status, authority to be reachable in life,
- authorities like government and father
- future karma build from current activities
- living permanently in foreign land (10th furthest from 4th, home)

> Natural Significator: Sun (fame, status, profession), Mercury (business)
> Related Varg : D-10
> Lord of 10th Bhaav shows activities related to these Kaarak

[Bhrigu Sutras, Ch. 1]
Thighs, honor, dignity, public esteem, name and fame, power prestige, credit (for good work and conduct), success and status, rank and renown, respect and reputation, ambition and authority, worldly activities, responsibilities, permanency (in service), promotion, advancement, appointment, profession, last rites to one's parents, religious functions. Government, high position such as President, Prime Minister or Minister, pilgrimage to holy places, honor from Government.

Dwisaptati Sama Dashaa
- Lagna Lord in Lagna or in 7th from Lagna (NOT 7th Lord in Lagna, as stated in JHora!)
- thus highlighting the importance of Lagna Lord/Lagna
- Lagna: self, body, core personality

Significant Nakshatra:
> Moola (counting from Mool to Janma Nakshatra)
> thus highlighting the importance of Moola (Ketu Nakshatra)

MOOL NAKSHATRA (Lorded by Ketu in Sagittarius Raashi)
- star of roots
- solar energy of Jupiter and lunar energy of Ketu are emerging (and energy of NavAnsh Raashi)
- interest for roots, origins, sources, traditions
- looking behind the scenes, coming to the essential principles and values of life
- sacrifice of material and personal wealth and prosperity, destructive

- All Themes
- Self, Core Personality, Character, Power of Self/Personality
- Body, Health, Physical Constitution, Strength, Vitality
- beginnings (eg of own life)

[Bhrigu Sutras, Ch. 1]
Physical stature, color, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigor, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honor, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.

--Lagna Lord in Lagna is related to own self, personality, body
--Lagna Lord in 7th is related to outer environment, contacts of all kinds, activities

--activities in outer world with other people to fulfill one's desires and wishes
--relating oneself to environment, outer world, surroundings
--marriage, spouse, partners of all kings (also business partners)
--passions, sexuality
--journeys to foreign lands

--Natural Significator: Venus (relationships, marriage), Jupiter (husband)
--Related Varg : D-7
--Lord of 7th Bhaav shows activities related to these Kaarak

[Bhrigu Sutras, Ch. 1]
House of union or earthly ties, legal bondage, partner in life (wife or husband), partner in business, conjugal life, influence in foreign countries and reputation achieved there, sexual life, marital relations, danger to life, Maarak Sthaan (house of death).

Shashti-hayanee Dashaa
- The Sun is placed in in Lagna
- thus highlighting the importance of The Sun and Lagna

Significant Nakshatra:
- During Jupiter Dashaa: Ashwinee, Bharanee, Krittikaa, Punarvasu
- During Sun Dashaa: Rohinee, Mrigashiraa, Aardraa, U-Aashaadhaa
- During Mars Dashaa: Pushya, Aashleshaa, Maghaa, Revatee
- During Moon Dashaa: P-Phaalgunee, U-Phaalgunee, Hast
- During Mercury Dashaa: Swaati, Vishaakhaa, Anuraadhaa
- During Venus Dashaa: Jyesthaa, Mool, P-Aashaadhaa
- During Saturn Dashaa: Abhijeet, Shravan, Dhanisthaa
- During Rahu Dashaa: Shatabshisaa, P-Bhaadrapad and U-Bhaadrapad
- thus highlighting the importance of the mentioned Nakshatra during particular Graha's Dashaa

- Mool Trikon and own Raashi Leo, Nakshatra: Krittikaa, U-Phaalgunee, U-Aashadhaa - the central (all other planets/topics evolving around it), strong sense of own individuality
- the eternal Soul (on a higher level), the ego (on a lower level)
- leadership, dominance, power, authority
- aristocratic, proud, vain, pride, demand respect, egocentrism and egoism, high standards
- active, energetic, working (but prefers to let others work for himself)
- father

- All Themes
- Self, Core Personality, Character, Power of Self/Personality
- Body, Health, Physical Constitution, Strength, Vitality
- beginnings (e.g. of own life)

[Bhrigu Sutras, Ch. 1]
Physical stature, color, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigor, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honor, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.

Sudarshan Chakra Dashaaa
- Sun and Moon in separate Raashi, different from Lagna Raashi
- therefore: Sun, Moon, Lagna - all in (three) different Raashi

Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa shows the annual progression of Lagna, Moon, Sun at the rate of one sign/ year - each year Lagna, Moon, Sun are stepping one sign forward in zodiac. It is only applicable when all three fundamental factors (Lagna, Moon, Sun) are in three different Raashi; when applicable, normal Dashaa interpretation rules are to be applied (Mahaa-Dashaaa Raashi as Lagna, Antar Dashaa Raashi counted there from, use of entry charts). BPHS provides all necessary information (see above).



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 06/22/2012