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Taittireeya Upanishad

May Mitra Dev, our friend and protector, be propitious to us.
May Varun Dev, the inspirer of righteousness, be propitious to us.
May Aaryan Dev, calling for activity, be propitious to us.
May Indra Dev, calling for vator, be propitious to us.
May Brihaspati Dev, grantor of wisdom, be propitious to us.
May Lord Vishnu of long strides, who is our preserver, be propitious to us.
I salute you O Brahmaa, you are indeed God.
I will proclaim only what is right. I will speak only the truth.
Let peace be reign. Let peace be reign. Let peace be reign. (Om Shaantih, Shaantih, Shaantih)

God is manifested in the whole Universe.
In the immortal hymns sprung the name Indra and syllable "AUM" to represent the most excellent almighty.
May Indra grant the wisdom.
May I receive immortality.
May my body be fit and strong.
May my tongue be sweet as honey.
May my ears always hear God's praises.
You are the storehouse of intelligence, O Lord, Hear my prayer for protection.
I pray asking you to grant me bliss.

O God, May I become glorious among men.
May I become praiseworthy among men.
May I become prosperous.
May I enter you, O Lord, and you enter into me.
May I was my sins away.
May you become my resting place.
May you, O God, be revealed to me clearly.

He who recognizes God in his own soul, is able to obtain lordship over his mind and over his organs of speech, vision and hearing, he is able to obtain knowledge and above all, is able to identify himself with the Supreme soul. In this way he recognizes his body as the home of the Lord. He finds of bliss of mind in the worship of the Lord, the Immortal soul.

Learn, practice, and preach the following - righteousness, truth, abstention from license, self-control, and self-discipline, poise, service of the guest, service to mankind, raising a family, and taking good care of it.

Having taught the scriptures, the teacher made one final injunction to the disciple - "Always speak the truth, follow the righteous path and do not give up further studies. You will have paid adequate compensation to me if yoy enter life, start a family, do things to provide security to your family, be good to fellow human beings and do not open your mouth carelessly when you impart instructions to others.

Consider your mother like a goddess, treat you father like a god, and treat your spiritual teacher and guest like a god. Your actions should be worthy of being spoken about. Adopt those of our attributes which reflect worthy conduct, not others (weaknesses)
[Maatri Devo Bhava, Pitri Devo Bhava, Aachaarya Devo Bhava, Atithi Devo Bhava,
Yaani Anavadyaani Karmaani Taani,
Sevitavyaani no Itaraani Yaani Asmaa akam Sucharitaani Taani Twayo Paasyaani]

The teacher and the student - May God protect both of us, May He be pleased with both of us, May we work together gloriously, May our studies make us enlightened, May there never be an ill-feeling between us. Let Peace Reign.
[Sahanavavatu, Sahnaubhunaktu, Sahaveeryam Karavaavahai
Tejaswinaav Adheetamastu maa vid Vishaavahai.  Om Shaanti, Shaanti, Shaanti]

A person who denies the reality of God, himself becomes unreal. On the other hand he who knows the reality of God, affirms himself.

In the beginning, only the unmanifest God was there, nothing else existed. He then created the manifest Universe out of Himself. One who knows God as the invisible, the indestructible, the unembodied and the unbounded becomes fearless. The person who doubts the existence of Almighty is the one who is gripped by fear.

Bhrigu Jee asked his father Varun - "Sir, Instruct me about Brahm." Varun replied - "Matter (from which the gift of human body comes), the faculties of sight, hearing, speech and intelligence, the very life and soul, all come from Him. Know Him to be the One from whom the beings are born, in whom they like and to whom they return. Knowing Brahm is to reach absolute bliss.


There is a verse in Taittireeya Sanhitaa, Ch 7, verse 5.25  ----
"Dawn is the head of sacrificial horse. Heaven is his eye. The year is his soul. His form is Nakshtras and the stars are his bones."
The meaning - Dawn is the head - Sheershodaya; Dawn - the beginning of the day? Each day begins with each horse perhaps day is reckoned from Udaya to Udaya in India unlike the general practice of mid-night to mid-night. There could be some in-dept implication or meaning of this verse.



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Created by Sushma Gupta on 3/15/05
Updated on 07/26/12