Miscellanea | Useful Sites

Useful Sites

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1-General Sites

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1-General Sites

Indian Sites -
For Indian songs, Gazals etc.
For Indian mothers. A very useful site to know many things and solve many problems. -
For buying CDs, music, groceries etc. -
This site is very versatile. All kinds of news, medical Information,  plus consultation including Homeopathy and Aayurvedik doctors, with a very nominal charge, astrological predictions etc are its main features.

WebDuniya -
This site is in Hindi language and is also very versatile in its ontents. All kinds of information may be found here. You should love it.

It is also very versatile site. Its special feature is "Ask NDTV Doctor". You may ask any health problem here.

Income Tax Sites

IRS Site - This site is good for the USA tax information, IRS publications, tax forms etc. - Read here before submitting your income tax papers.

Want to send electronic greetings? Try these sites.
Yahoo! Greetings

Looking For Time and Date?
Looking For Time and Date Anywhere in the World, go to these sites

Time and Date Worlswide
World Time Zone
World Time
Local Time around the World

Sun Rise and Sun Set, or Moon Rise and Moon Set Timings
Looking for time of  Sun rise, Sun set or Moon rise and Moon set? Try the following site. This is the US Naval Astronomical Observatory site where you can find these times for every city in the world. Just fill the year under "Year", Sun rise or Moon rise under "Type of Table", and longitude and latitude under "Time Zone" and click on "Compute Table" at the bottom. Longitude and latitude table and time zone links are also given, in case you don't know them.

Sun Rise and Moon Rise

Online Calendar Looking for a calendar site? Try this site, you can see it as well as print it.

Print Your Calendar -
Now you can print your calendar month by month. This site provides this facility but you must have Microsoft Word on your computer.

Interesting Clocks

The University of Dublin science students have finally finished the digital clock they have been working on for 4 years.
This is a real clock, and it's pretty cool.

Currency Exhange Rates
Looking for currency exchange rates?

Currency Converter -
Converts the currency amount you fill in whichever currency you want.

Currency Exchange Rates -
This site gives the currency exchange rates

Where to Exchange Currency? -
This page gives you the list of places where you can exchange your currency. This is for USA only, because it asks you to enter Zip Code of the area where you want to know about them. Click on "Currency Exchange"

Foreign Currency Exchange Rates - Find out the current currency rates here.

USA Zip Codes

USA Zip Codes -
It is free and includes city, county, state, zip code, zip class, longitude and latitude. It is in two formats, MS Word and MS Access. You have to download the files.

Zip Addresses -
This is a paid database and it works with MS Access too.

Interesting Sites

Compare US With Other Countries -
Compare USA with other countries, just interesting site.

Consumer Book -
Site for consumer action handbook where one can file his complaint for any thing



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Created by Sushma Gupta On May 27, 2001
Modified on 06/11/13