Mahaabhaarat | Incarnations


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Index to Incarnations



Index to Incarnations in MBH Times

Only very few known names are given here, to see a long list see " Incarnations"
And for more detailed list read Ganguli's MBH translation

Name Incarnation of
Balaraam Aadi Shesh Naag
Cows Many Rishi
Devak (Devakee's father) Gandharv Raaj
Devakee Aditi
Gwaalaa boys Subordinate Deities
Jaraasandh Viprachitti Daitya
Kaasheeraj Deergjivhaa Daitya
Kans Kaalnemi Daitya
Keshee Hayagreev
Krishn Vishnu
Krishn's 16,000 wives Apsaraa
Kubjaa Mantharaa
Nagnjit (father of Naagnjitee) Ishupaa
Pradyumn Kaam Dev
Raadhaa (never mentioned anywhere) Indra's wife Shachee
Rukminee Aadi Maayaa
Shishupaal Hiranyakashyap Daitya
Ugrasen Swarbhaanu Daitya
Vasudev Kashyap Jee

In the Context of Kaurav and Paandav

Abhimanyu Chandramaa
Arjun Sage Nar
Ashwatthaamaa Mahaadev, Yam, Kaam and Krodh
Bhagadatt Baashkal (Daitya Raaj Bali)
Bheeshm One of the eight Vasu
Brihadrath Sookshm named Asur
Dhrishtdyumn Agni Dev
Dhrishtketu Hiranyakashyap's son Anuhlaad
Draupadee Paarvatee
Dronaachaarya Brihaspati (A-Yonij)
Drum Diti's son Shivi
Drupad Marut Gan
Duryodhan Kali Yug (that is why he was able to kill all)
Duryodhan's brothers Pulastya's Raakshas sons*
Gaandhaaree Mati
Hanumaan 11th Rudra - Shiv
Karn G-4-Van/46 says - Narakaasur
Kripaachaarya Tribe of Rudra (Immortal)
Kritvarmaa Marut Gan
Kuntee Siddhi
Maadree Dhriti
Prativindhya (Draupadee's son) Ekchakra
Saatyaki Marut Gan
Sansaptak G-4-Van/46 says - Thousands of Daitya
Shaalv Vrishparvaa's (Daitya Raaj) younger brother Ajak
Shakuni Dwaapar Yug (that is why he was helping Duryodhan)
Shalya (Maadree's brother) Hiranyakashyap's (Daitya) son Sanhlaad
Viraat Marut Gan
Yuyutsu Pulastya's Raakshas son*

* Who were Pulastya's Raakshas sons? Raavan, Kumbhkarn were the only 2 Raakshas sons of Pulastya and those were also of Vishravaa, not of Pulastya. Maybe MBH means the descendents by saying them as his children, but Pulastya's children were not 100. How come that 100 Kaurav were the incarnation of children of Pulastya Jee.



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Created by Sushma Gupta On 05/27/04
Modified on 01/24/12